• 𝕻𝖗𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖌𝖚𝖊 •

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Usually, during the full moon, the Red Moon Pack gathered for a grand celebration. The forest came alive with sounds of joy and the sight of wolves dancing under the moonlight. Wolves shifted effortlessly between their human and wolf forms, embracing the freedom that the night offered.

Bonfires blazed high, casting flickering shadows on the trees as the pack feasted on the finest meats hunted just hours before. The air was filled with the scent of roasted game, mingled with the earthiness of the forest floor.

Children darted between the adults, playing games of chase, while the elders sat by the fire, sharing stories of battles fought and victories won. Music played on handmade instruments, echoed through the night, and the wolves raised their voices in song, howling in harmony with the night sky.

But that night, the usual festivities were nowhere to be found. The celebration had been halted, the pack's joy overshadowed by a far more pressing concern. Inside the pack's hospital, Luna Aveline was in labor, struggling to bring their second child into the world. The air was thick with tension, each breath heavy with the weight of anticipation.

Alpha Roderick, a towering figure with dark hair and piercing eyes, stood beside his mate, his usually confident demeanor shattered by the pain he felt through their bond. His large hands, rough from years of battle, trembled slightly as he held hers, trying to mask the fear that gnawed at him.

"It's okay, you can do this, honey," Roderick whispered, his voice thick with emotion as he leaned close to Aveline.

Her usually bright eyes, the color of a clear summer sky, were now clouded with pain and exhaustion. Sweat beaded on her forehead, and her once lustrous blonde hair clung damply to her face.

She tried to smile at him, but it faltered as another wave of agony crashed through her.Her fingers dug into his hand, nails scraping against his skin until they drew blood. Roderick barely noticed, his focus entirely on his mate. His wolf, usually a fierce and dominant presence, was silent now, overwhelmed by their shared fear and helplessness.

Another anguished cry echoed from Aveline's lips, reverberating through the room and beyond, carried on the night air to the ears of the pack waiting outside. The sound reached Cedric, their young son, who was huddled close to one of the old pack ladies in the hospital's small waiting area.

The boy's wide blue eyes, so much like his mother's, were filled with worry as he clutched a small, worn toy wolf in his hands, a gift from his father when he was born. His golden hair, tousled and messy, fell into his face as he leaned forward, listening intently for any sound that might indicate the arrival of his baby sister.

"Do you want to go to sleep first, Cedric? It may take a while," the old lady suggested gently, her voice soft and soothing. Her wrinkled hands, worn from years of working in the pack's kitchen, rested on Cedric's small shoulders. Her grey hair, tied back in a neat bun, gave her a stern appearance, but her eyes were kind. Cedric shook his head stubbornly, his young face set with determination.

"No, I want to wait for them. I want to see my sister," he replied, his voice a mixture of fear and hope. He didn't understand all that was happening, but he knew his mother was in pain, and he couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to her.

Outside, the pack waited in anxious silence, every ear attuned to the sounds from within the hospital. The usual songs of celebration were replaced by hushed prayers, and the wolves, both in human and wolf form, glanced toward the hospital with worried eyes. They knew their Luna was strong, but childbirth was a dangerous ordeal, especially for Aveline.

Her previous pregnancy with Cedric had been fraught with complications, and the healers had warned that another birth might be even more difficult. The strain on her body had been severe, and there had been whispers that she might not survive another labor. But Aveline had been determined, her love for her family outweighing her fears. As the minutes stretched into hours, the tension grew unbearable.

Inside the hospital, the atmosphere was charged with a sense of impending doom. Aveline fought with every ounce of strength she had, her body wracked with pain as she struggled to bring her daughter into the world. But something was wrong—terribly wrong. The healers exchanged worried glances, their hands moving frantically as they tried to ease the delivery, but Aveline's pain only intensified.

Alpha Roderick felt her agony through the bond, a sharp, searing pain that tore at his heart. His hands, still held tightly by Aveline, began to shake uncontrollably. He could see the fear in her eyes, a fear that mirrored his own.

"Stay with me, Aveline," he pleaded, his voice trembling. "We can get through this."

But as another excruciating cry escaped her lips, Roderick knew deep down that something was terribly wrong. The room was filled with the sounds of frantic movement and whispered prayers, but nothing could be done.

The baby's heartbeat, once strong and steady, began to falter, growing weaker with each passing moment. The air grew thick with despair as the healers realized they were losing the battle.

Aveline's face was pale, her strength waning as the reality of the situation dawned on her. "Roderick," she gasped, her voice barely above a whisper. "I can't... I can't feel her anymore."

The world seemed to stop in that moment. Roderick's heart shattered as he looked into Aveline's eyes, seeing the pain and loss reflected in them. The tiny heartbeat that had been a beacon of hope just moments ago was gone, leaving a void that nothing could fill.

Outside, the pack felt the shift in the air. The collective gasp that echoed through the hospital walls told them everything they needed to know. The celebration that was supposed to welcome a new life into the world had turned into a night of mourning.

When the lifeless body of their daughter was finally delivered, a silence fell over the room. Roderick cradled the tiny form in his arms, his powerful frame shaking with silent sobs. Aveline, too weak to sit up, reached out with trembling hands to touch the baby, tears streaming down her face.

"She's beautiful," she whispered, her voice broken. "Our little girl..."

Roderick could barely speak, his throat choked with grief. "She was... she is," he managed, his voice rough with sorrow. He placed a gentle kiss on the baby's forehead, the warmth of his breath, a stark contrast to the coldness of her skin.

The news spread quickly through the pack, and by the time Alpha Roderick stepped outside the hospital, holding the lifeless bundle wrapped in a soft blanket, the pack was already gathered, their heads bowed in sorrow. The usual full moon celebration was forgotten, replaced by the somber reality of loss. The pack had lost a future member, and their Luna had lost her child.

The next day, under the pale light of the early morning, Alpha Roderick gathered everyone at the gravestones where they buried their fallen warriors. The stones, worn and weathered by time, stood as silent sentinels, marking the resting place of those who had given their lives for the pack. It was a place of honor, and now it would be the final resting place for their daughter.

Aveline, despite the healers' protests, insisted on attending the burial. She was pale and weak, her steps unsteady as she walked beside Roderick, supported by his strong arm.

Her heart ached with a pain that went beyond the physical, a deep, soul-crushing grief that threatened to consume her. But she refused to hide from it. She needed to face this, to say goodbye to the daughter she would never get to know.

Cedric, their young son, walked silently beside them, his small hand gripping his mother's tightly. His usually bright blue eyes were dull with sadness, and his lips trembled as he tried to be strong for his parents.

He didn't fully understand why his sister was gone, only that she wouldn't be coming home with them. The toy wolf he had clutched the night before was now tucked under his arm, a silent companion in his grief.

As the pack gathered around the freshly dug grave, a profound silence fell over the clearing. The only sound was the soft rustling of leaves in the wind and the quiet sobs of those who mourned with their Alpha and Luna.

Roderick knelt by the grave, his hands trembling as he placed the tiny bundle into the earth. His heart felt as though it was being torn apart, but he knew he had to be strong—for Aveline, for Cedric, and for the pack.

Aveline knelt beside him, her hands covering her face as she wept openly. The pain of her loss was unbearable, a heavy weight that pressed down on her chest, making it hard to breathe.

She had carried this child within her, had dreamed of the life she would have, and now all of that was gone, reduced to a grave in the cold ground. Cedric, too, knelt by the grave, tears streaming down his face as he reached out to touch the earth that covered his sister.

"Goodbye, baby sister," he whispered, his voice shaking. "I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you."

The pack watched in silence, their hearts breaking for their Alpha and Luna. This was not the ending anyone had wanted, and the weight of their loss was felt by all. The full moon, which should have been a symbol of life and renewal, now hung in the sky as a reminder of what they had lost.

As the last of the earth was placed over the grave, Roderick stood, his face etched with grief. He took a deep breath, his voice thick with emotion as he spoke to the pack.

"Today, we mourn the loss of our daughter, a life that was taken too soon. But let us also remember that she was loved, even in her short time with us. She will always be a part of us, a reminder of the love that binds us together as a pack."

Aveline, her voice raw from crying, added, "She may be gone, but she will never be forgotten. She was a gift, and we will carry her memory in our hearts forever."

With those words, the pack began to howl, a mournful sound that echoed through the forest, a tribute to the life that had been lost. It was a howl of grief, of loss, but also of unity, a reminder that they were all connected, even in their sorrow.

However, as the howling subsided, Roderick and Aveline stood together, their hands clasped tightly, drawing strength from each other and their pack. Yet, the weight of the loss was too much to bear, and soon after, Luna Aveline began to sink into a deep depression. The night was long, and the road ahead would be difficult, but even with Roderick by her side, Aveline's heart grew heavy with sorrow.

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