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HANA'S STOMACH RUMBLED. Her body had now spoken. She was hungry. Hana continued walking until her eyes halted at a Korean traditional barbecue restaurant.

She clutched onto the strap of her side bag, and entered. She sniffed in the addictive smell and let out a small chuckle. She couldn't wait to eat.

She looked around the room to find a vacant table, until her eyes locked with anothers. He began to wave at her, calling her to him.


Hana thought that she could just pretend she didn't see him, but the fact that she just stood there not moving, would probably make him suspicious. So she just sighed, and walked closer to him.

'Hana-shi. Come eat with us. We were just about to order.'


And thats when she realised the figure who sat across  from Taehyung. She instantly regretted ever coming into the shop.

Jungkook kept his gaze down as he moved uncomfortably in his seat. His face held a tint of pink.

'Jungkook-ah. Budge up so she can sit down.' Taehyung said with a chuckle.

Jungkook moved down to give her some space. He let out a cough. Both of them were still flustered about the scene that had happened earlier that day. Ironicly, they had promised themselves they would stay out of each others way to avoid the awkwardness, but like I said before, fate was never on their side.

The waiter arrived with a thick notebook and pen. Taehyung gave their order of 3 large portion of korean grilled steak, with a side portion of chips and salad. He also ordered two pepsi bottles and one bottle of water for Hana.

Taehyung told the both of them not to worry as he would pay for their meal and even treat them to desert. If anyone knew him, they would call him a sweet-heart for his angel-like actions.

'The foods going to be about 10 minutes, so i'm ganna go to the washroom.'

And thats how Hana and Jungkook were left alone in the awkward silence. Jungkook pulled out his phone from his pocket, pretending to be checking something.

After a few moments, he slipped his phone back into the pocket of his jeans. Jungkook was never someone who could manage  silence.

'So....' he said. 'About earlier-'

'Its fine. Its not like you did it on purpose.' Hana said as she turned her head towards his. 'Everyone makes mistakes.' She continued hoping for him to just forget about it.

Jungkook gave her brief smile, and Hana swore that her heart didn't just do a hundred leaps.

'Thank goodness, I didn't want you to think I was a pervert.'

Taehyung then returned just as the waiter came to place their food on the table.

'Oh, god. I'm so hungry.' He said as he began to dig in. Hana let out a small chuckle as she watched how carefree he was. How she wished she was the same.

However, it amazed her how opposite they were. More like bitter amusement. She found herself feeling how unfair her life had been. Taehyung was older then her, but it seemed that his life was going so smooth whereas her own; like a rocky rollercoaster.

'Hana, aren't you going to eat?' Taehyung said, snapping her out of her daze.

Hana grabbed her chopstickes and  gave a sheepish smile that would fool everyone. Everyone except Jungkook. He was eyeing her from her side as he chewed down on the meat.

He couldn't help but feel suspicious. Suspicious and maybe bad for her? He regretted the way he acted to her when she first started. He never thought of her as  such  self consious person, maybe like another person he didn't want to get attached to.

But now he understood. He would never judge someone again, because he wouldn't want anyone to judge him. To think he was a cold-hearted jerk. Because he had been through so much as a kid and couldn't help but be affected by it.

He now understood, that Hana had been through something as well, due to the scars that painted her upper body mirroring his younger self. He wanted to help her forget the pain, he wanted to help her recover, he wanted to be there for her.

He wanted to become friends with her.

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