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Ravi's POV
I looked at the clock, and it was 11:37am. I can go and visit Taekwoon now, so I put my shoes on, grabbed an umbrella and my keys, and headed down to the parking garage. Even though I always ride with Taekwoon in his car, I do have my own car.

It's been a while since I've driven in my own car, but I remember how. It's also not the cleanest it should be, but I can always clean it later.

Once I hopped in my car, I put my keys in and started driving to the hospital. When I got there, I paid for parking, parked and went inside. I hadn't had breakfast yet, so I went to the coffee shop in the hospital and got myself a small bagel. I ate the bagel while walking to Taekwoon's room.

"Hello?" I said softly, while slightly opening the door.

There was no answer. So I quietly went inside the room and found Taekwoon, asleep on his bed.

Oh.... He's not awake yet. Should I stay or should I go? (Comment if you get this😂😂😂)
I'll just sit in the chair beside his bed and wait for him to wake up.

I pulled out my phone and started looking at all the pictures and selcas Taekwoon and I took. He looked so happy, and less worried. If only I hadn't made the mistake.

"Hmm? Wonshik?" He quietly said.

"Morning my hamster, did you have a good sleep?"

"Umm... Kind of." He sat up on the bed and started fiddling with his thumbs, while looking down.

"Something wrong? You know I'm always here for you..."

"It's just, I had this dream... It's nothing, just forget it." He forces a small chuckle out.

"Taekwoon, please. Whatever is troubling you, talk to me about it. You can trust me."

"A-Alright. Well, I went into someone's place and opened a bedroom door..."

Oh no. I know what his dream was about, the time before the accident, between Hakyeon and I.

"Mmhmm, go on."

"And well, there were two people on a bed, although I couldn't recognize their voices or their faces, but all I could see is they were um... How do I put this?"

"Having a special time?" I asked him.

"Actually, yeah. So anyways, they were having a special time and for some reason my heart ached. I started crying and then I ran out of the place and went to the street. Someone yelled at me and I accidentally went on the road and was hit by a truck. Then I woke up..."

"O-Oh... I wonder why that happened..."

"I'm just guessing, but do you know if that's how I got into an accident?" I stayed silent, my mouth was shut. I just couldn't tell him the truth, just not now. "It's alright, I'll figure it out eventually. Even if you do know anything, don't tell me, please. I want to figure all out myself."

"Whatever you say Taekwoon, but if you ever want the truth, I'll tell you. Oh! Do you want me to tell the others not to tell you as well or no?"

"Yes please!" He smiled at me.

Gawd... I love his smile.

"Alright." I smiled back.

"How was your sleep last night? Did you have a dream or can't remember?"

My dream? More like a nightmare... I can't tell Taekwoon I'm having nightmares about the accident. No...

"Hehe... Actually, I don't really remember." I lied. I hate lying to him like this, but I can't tell him.

"Alright... Well do you want to go and get some breakfast with me? Unless you already ate..."

"No no!! I'd be honoured to have breakfast with you."

"Great, thanks!!!" I got up and made my way to the door, expecting him to be following behind me, but he was struggling in his bed.

"Taekwoon? Are you alright?" His face scrunched up and he could hardly move his legs.

"Y-Yeah... Well, not really. The doctors told me I wouldn't really be able to walk properly yet, until about a month maybe. They gave me some crutches and a wheelchair..."

"Let me guess, you want the wheelchair?"

"You know me so well!!! Haha!! If you wouldn't mind helping me out of bed and pushing me, please?"

"Anything for you Hamster." I walked back over to his bed and gently took the blankets off of him. Then I grabbed the wheelchair by his bedside and pushed it so that he could hop on it easier. I took his hand and helped him off his bed and onto the wheelchair. "All strapped in Taekwoon?"

"I suppose so... Can you put my slippers on my feet too??? Please Wonshikkie!?!!" He did some aegyo and of course I laughed! He was being too cute right now.

"Yes your highness..." I gave him a bow and put his slippers on his feet, ever so delicately.

"Thank you my loyal citizen, now... Onto the food place!!!!" He started laughing and smiling in his wheelchair.

Oh I just can't forget you Taekwoon... I keep saying it, I love you.
Hongbin's POV
"So......" I started saying.

It was just Jaehwan, Sanghyuk and I. We were sitting around in my place, being awkward. None of us knew what to say, or what to talk about. It was just so, weird.

"Guys." Jaehwan began saying. "We shouldn't be like this. LETS LOOSEN UP!!!" He jumped up on the couch and practically fell, trying to do some stupid dance. Of course I laughed, and normally, so would Sanghyuk. He's just been so bummed out lately.

"Sanghyuk, you okay?" I asked.

"I-I... Yes, no, yes, no. No. I'm not okay." He managed to say.

"Want to talk about it?"

"Yes.... Please."
Hi there guys!!! Hope you are enjoying the story so far!!!! If you enjoy reading my stories, check out; Together?, The Mysterious One, and my most recent one... My Soul. Hope you'll enjoy those stories, like you're enjoying this one! Although, I'm not forcing you to read them, only if you want to!!! (Ik Ik.... Silly promotion eh?)

Well, that's all for now!!!


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