I'm Jaehwan.

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Leo's POV
I woke up this morning, on my own side of the bed. I turned over to see my lover's beautiful face, but turns out, he was already awake and gone. "Wonshik?" I threw the blankets off of me and walked into the washroom to do all that 'interesting' stuff. After I changed into my clothes and went out of the bedroom. I heard laughing coming from the living room.

"So what are you doing today, Wonshik?"

"I don't know. I might just go out walking with Taekwoon or something." He had his arms folded and was sitting on one end of the couch. Hakyeon was sitting beside him, with a tiny bit of space between them.

"Oh! Good morning Wonshik! You're up early.." I said.

"Uh, yeah! I guess so, I couldn't sleep." He had his arm rubbing the back of his head as he was laughing forcefully.

"Morning Taekwoon! Did you sleep well?" Hakyeon asked me.

"Yes I did, thank you very much Hakyeon. And yourself?"

"I slept fabulously!!!"

"That's good... Did you guys have breakfast already or not?"

"Oh, we already did..." Hakyeon said to me.

"Oh... Okay then. I'll just have my coffee..." I went into the kitchen with my head down and they began laughing and talking again. He promised me, please don't be falling for Hakyeon... I love you Wonshik, I trust you.

After the coffee was done and I just poured some in my mug, then Wonshik walked in the kitchen. I tried to avoid him, especially eye-contact, but he came up to me and hugged me from behind. "Wonshik, leave me be, please." Again, tears were forming in my eyes. Ever since Hakyeon got here, I've been crying more often than usual.

"Taekwoon, tell me... What's wrong?"

"N-nothing! Just leave me alone!" I pushed him aside, as my anger and jealously got the best of me. He fell to the ground with a shocked expression on his face. "I-I'm so sorry Wonshik. I-I just..."

He quickly stood up and smashed his lips against mine. The kiss was a long and powerful one, not to mention relieving. "Better?" He pulled away from my lips and gave me a tight hug.

"Mmhmm..." I nodded as I smiled. His kisses always make everything better.

"Where do you want to go today? I have the whole month off, including the week Hakyeon is here. You are okay with him staying here, right?"

I actually wasn't okay. I hated seeing Wonshik with any other man. It makes me too jealous and worried, but for him to be happy, is alright for me. If making Hakyeon stay makes him happy, then it'll make me happy, sort of. "Y-yeah. It's alright. But can we walk around the park, ALONE, every night?"

"Anything for you." He gave me a small kiss, then clasped my hand. "Done your coffee?"

"I just got it!" I chuckled. Then I went into the living room, where Hakyeon was sitting on the couch, doing something on his phone. Wonshik was behind me, but went in front of me to sit on the other couch. I sat beside him and began drinking my coffee. It was so warm and tasty...

"So you like coffee Taekwoon?" Hakyeon asked me.

"Yeah? Don't you?"

"Yeah yeah... From time to time. So if you guys aren't busy today, want to come with me to meet a friend and then go out somewhere?"

"Uhhh...." Wonshik started saying, but looked over to me with his pleading eyes.

"Yeah sure..." I said. Wonshik stopped looking at me with those eyes and then looked relieved sort of... "But who are we meeting?"

"Oh! It's one of my friends, Jaehwan. Wonshik? Have you met Jaehwan?"

"I-I think I did.... But I'm not sure about it though."

"Oh... Okay! Well you'll love him! He's great!" Love him? I know he meant that 'as a friend', but for some reason it was pissing me off. Everything that came out of his mouth, just made my anger bottle up even more, and I have no idea when it would explode.

"Where are we exactly meeting him?" I asked, sipping my delicious coffee.

"Near the park actually."

"Kay!" Wonshik gave two thumbs up and smiled. I know I was always looking annoyed now, but who cares? I finished my coffee, and put the mug in the dishwasher.

"Let's go now!" I exclaimed.

"O-okay?" Wonshik looked confused. He looked like he was in shock too. I was smiling, AT HAKYEON. But really, I just wanted to get out OUR condo as soon as possible. I needed some fresh air.

We got outside and walked to the crosswalk. I wanted to ask Wonshik something, but not with HIM (Hakyeon) around. "Ummm.... Wonshik? Could I talk to you, PRIVATELY?"

"Uh... Let me just cross the road myself, then you can catch up when you're ready..." Hakyeon said somewhat softly.

He ran across the road and sat on a bench, near a bus stop. "What's happening Taekwoon? Tell me... Please."

"I-I just wanted to know... Did you and Hakyeon ever...... Become.... A couple?" I shyly asked.

"Ummm...." He looked around an rubbed the back of his neck. "... We did, once. BUT THAT WAS LONG AGO. You're the love of my life, okay?"

"Alright? But you have to tell me everything about your relationship, okay?"

"Mmhmm..." His head was looking down, like he was ashamed or embarrassed of something. Damnnn.... He better not be hiding something from me.

We crossed the road, just in time too. The bus arrived and stopped so we could get on. Hakyeon went in first, then Wonshik, then I. We each put our fare in and looked for a seat on the bus. There were 3 seats beside each other, and that's where we sat. After about 15 mins of the bus ride, it was our stop and we got off to get to the park. Luckily, the bus stop was directly in front of the park, so we didn't have to walk that far. As we stepped into the park, Hakyeon approached a guy who was on his phone. The guy looked up and have Hakyeon a hug. Hakyeon and the guy came closer and closer to us, smiling.

"Hi guys!" Hakyeon cheerfully said. "This is my friend Jaehwan."

"Hello I'm Wonshik."

"And I'm Taekwoon."

"Nice to meet you." He said. This Jaehwan-person seems pretty nice and he doesn't seem like his friend, Hakyeon. At least I know Wonshik and him don't have history together, since this is the first time they're meeting.

"Shall we go have some fun now?" Hakyeon asked. Wonshik and Jaehwan gladly approved of it, but I just went with the flow. It's like, I don't approve, but I don't disagree...

Oh my lawd... I'm so confusing, even to myself.

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