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Taekwoon's POV
Today was the last day I'd spend with Wonshik, until he had to go back to work. I don't want him to go, but he has to...

We were still in bed, but the only difference was, I was awake and he wasn't. He was just laying down, facing the ceiling, but he was snoring. Oh jeez... How did I not hear that last night? HE SNORES SO LOUD!

I'm going to wake him up, I can't take this loudness anymore.

"Morning Wonshik." I said, poking his face. "Wanna stop snoring and get up?"

"5... More... Minutes..." He said, half-asleep. However, he was still snoring.

Gawd Wonshik! You're snoring will be the end of me one day!

"Please jagi..." I kissed him on his cheek.

"Hmm? A-Alright..." He finally said, opening his eyes. At first he stretched, then rubbed his eyes, and then he gave me a small kiss.

"Morning Wonshikkie."

"Morning my hamster." We both stared into each other's eyes, just smiling at one another.

"So, what's for breakfast?" I asked him. "I'm hungry."

"Nothing, you'll have to starve." He said, tickling me.

"No!!!!" I laughed. "What must I do to get some food?"

"You must spend the WHOLE day with me, and no one else. Otherwise, you will be punished. Understand?"

"Yes sir!"

He got out of bed first, then went to the washroom. After I also got out of the bed, but it was still painful. I managed to walk all the way to the door of our bedroom, before I almost fell. My legs are weak...

"Gah! Taekwoon!" He rushed to my side. "What did I tell you? Please be more careful!"

"I know, I know... I'm sorry."

"It's alright... Come on. I'll make you, bread."

"Oh jeez Wonshik, I'll have to teach you how to cook, don't I?" He nodded his head, then helped me sit down on a chair. Minutes later, he came out with some bread, coffee and was wearing a shirt now.

"Breakfast, is served."

"Thank you, my snoring monster." I laughed.

"S-snoring monster? Is it really that bad?" He laughed as well.

"Yes Wonshik, that's why I woke you up. YOU WERE TOO LOUD!"

"Ah... I think I'll see someone about that..." He said, somewhat embarrassed.

"Whatever you say my monster."

"GRRR....." He growled, just like a monster.

After we ate breakfast, we showered, got changed, and all that good stuff. Then we sat down on the couch and switched the tv on. It was boring yes, but at least we were together.

"So Wonshik, what do you want to do today?"

"Umm... I have no idea actually. Do you have any ideas?"

"Hmm... Want to watch a movie? Not at home..."

"Alright! Let's do that!" He exclaimed.

Then he stood up, and stretched himself. Afterwards, he held his hand out, so he could help me walk to our room, where we change into our clothes and do our 'business' in the washroom. (Separately, not at the same time.) When we were both ready to go, I managed to put my shoes on myself and sit down in my chair. He finished putting his shoes on and grabbed his wallet and keys.

"Wow Taekwoon, you didn't need my help on that! Guess I'm not needed any longer..."

"Haha Wonshik, I'll always need you." I smiled, then he started to push me towards the elevator.
Wonshik's POV
When we got to the cinema, Taekwoon and I had a hard time choosing what to watch. A cartoon, or action? A sci-fi, or comedy? Then, we saw Jaehwan and Hongbin.

"Wonshik! Taekwoon!" Jaehwan called me.

"Hey Jaehwan! Hi Hongbin! What movie are you guys seeing?" I asked them.

"Some comedic one..." Hongbin answered.

"Mind if we join you?" Taekwoon asked them.

"Not at all! The more the merrier!!! We'll be in the theatre, and don't worry. We will save you guys seats." Hongbin told us.

"Thanks guys! We'll see you in a few minutes!"

"So Taekwoon, do you want any snacks and whatnot? Or a drink?" I asked him.

"Nah... I'm okay. If you want anything though, go for it." He told me. So I bought the tickets, and no snacks, then we went to the theatre the movie would be showing in.

We went over to where Jaehwan and Hongbin had saved us seats, and sat down.

"Thanks so much guys." Taekwoon whispered. We'd had got in the theatre just after it had started.

"Anytime." Jaehwan whispered back. Then we stopped talking and watched the movie.
Sanghyuk's POV
Well, it's just me at home. It always is. Everytime the guys and I hang out, I'm always the fifth-wheel or something. It is lonely, but I just pretend I'm not. I hate lying to my friends, but honesty, I am sad. Sometimes, I wish I'd had just told Hakyeon how I felt about him sooner, but you can't undo the past.


My phone vibrated. Who was texting me?
Hakyeon: hey Sanghyuk

Me: Hakyeon? How'd u get my number???😳😳😳

Hakyeon: it's a long story I guess, but do u wanna meet up? 😅😅😅😅

Me: wat 4?🤔

Hakyeon: just bc. I wanna start anew with everyone & well...

Me: alright. But Hakyeon?

Hakyeon: yea?

Me: ive got 2 tell u something important 😰

Hakyeon: 😮😮😮wait till we meet up

Me: sure. Where r we meeting

Hakyeon: the park? idk...🤗

Me: sounds great! Cya there
I'll tell him, I'm going to confess to him. Hopefully we can still be friends though... I don't want to make anything awkward between us.
Hakyeon's POV
When I got to the park, Sanghyuk was just sitting down on a bench. Wow, he got here fast!

"Hey Sanghyuk!" I called.

He turned his head and waved. "Hi Hakyeon! Haven't seen you in a while! How are you?"

"I've been better. So what do you want to do?" I asked him.

"Actually, can we talk? It's about that important thing I have to tell you."

"S-sure? Go for it."

"There's no easy way to say this, so I'll get straight to the point; I like you Hakyeon."


"Y-you like m-me?"

"Yeah... I'm sorry, I just had to tell you."

"It's-, don't worry about it! Um... Sanghyuk, not to be mean or anything, but I don't really-"

"It's okay. I understand. I just had to get it out, so anyways... Do you still want to hang out or nah?"

"Yeah! Let's do that!"

"Just saying Hakyeon, someday you'll be mine."

"Alright Sanghyuk, someday." I winked at him and we began walking around.

Sanghyuk is nice and all, but I just don't see him that way. I still have some feelings for Wonshik, so I'm fully over him yet. When I get over him maybe I can... I don't know...
Hongbin's POV
After the movie, Jaehwan and I were going to just go back to my place, but Wonshik and Taekwoon had asked us to hang out with them and to have a late-ish lunch with them.

Sanghyuk: BEAN


Sanghyuk: WANNA MEET UP?


Sanghyuk: idk... Bring them along!!! I'm w/Hakyeon tho...

Hongbin: lemme ask them. Brb
"Guys!" I said aloud.

"Yeah Hongbin?" Wonshik responded.

"Do you guys want to meet up with Sanghyuk and Hakyeon?" I was mainly looking at Taekwoon, because I don't know how things went between the two.

"Yeah! Let's go!!!" Taekwoon exclaimed.

"Alright, I'll ask them where to meet and all that good stuff."
Me: so Sanghyuk?

Sanghyuk: yea

Me: we r comin. Where do we meet?

Sanghyuk: by the docks

Me: k. Baiii

Sanghyuk: baiiiiiii
"He said we're going to meet at the docks." I informed them.

"The docks? Oh..." Wonshik said.

"What's wrong with the docks Wonshik?" Jaehwan asked him.

"It's just, Taekwoon. Are you okay with going there?"

"Wonshik, I'll be fine. Besides, who knows? I may gain a memory or two."

Ah Taekwoon... I hope you regain your memories soon.
Jaehwan's POV
Once we all arrived at the docks, the four of us spotted Sanghyuk and Hakyeon.

"Hi guys!" Sanghyuk greeted us.

"Hey!!!" I replied back. It's so great to see Hakyeon hanging out with us again. He's been so lonely and whatnot, for quite some time, but now it's like he becoming happy once more.

"So how's everyone doing?" Hakyeon asked.

"I'm alright, I guess.." Hongbin laughed.

"I've been better." Wonshik answered.

"I'm great!" I replied.

But there was no answer from Taekwoon. He was just staring at the water by the docks, and listening to the sounds the water made.

"Taekwoon? Jagi? Are you okay??" Wonshik asked him.

He rushed to his side and knelt down, holding Taekwoon's hand. Taekwoon's face was blank and he was breathing slowly.

"Taekwoon?!? TAEKWOON!!!" Wonshik yelled.

"Should we call Dr. Lee?" I asked.

"No don't..." Taekwoon said softly, turning away from the water.


"Wonshik, don't yell at him." Hongbin told him.

"I'm sorry Taekwoon, but you scared me to death! What happened? You zoned out and you were breathing slowly. I was so worried Taekwoon..." Wonshik said, as he hugged Taekwoon.

"Wonshik... I'm sorry I zoned out and everything, but.."

"What Taekwoon? Please, tell me."

"I think a miracle just happened." He said.

"What do you mean Taekwoon?" Hakyeon asked.

"I-I... I,

Heyo guys!!! Maybe you have guessed it already, but I'll tell you anyways; this was the last chapter of "remember."

And I'm sorry if I made Hakyeon seem like a mean person and all, but it was just the character and whatnot. I really love Hakyeon and he's an amazing leader. VIXX wouldn't be the same without him.


The journey of writing this book was exciting and fun! I met so many new people along the way... It just makes me so happy!! And just saying, this book is dedicated to benajan23 because they're the whole reason I started writing this book and well yeah. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 THANK YOU!

Hope you enjoyed reading this book!

Thanks for all the votes, comments, reads and support!


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