Drums In My Head (Part 2)

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"What do you mean, 'what the heck am I going to do with you,' don't murder me," I stated.

"No! Oh my goodness! You're like my brother!" Minho cried.

"You're my brother?" I asked.

"No! You're sister, is adopting my siblings and I, but we were friends before that mess. While I was still the foster kid in the house, we acted like brothers and it was like you were my brother, 'cause you were like a brother to me," Minho tried explaining.

"So...I'm your uncle," I said. Minho let out a breath in frustration.

"Well, it's not official yet, but we just had a conversation about this about how we're not gunna think about it that way," Minho said, "even Alice doesn't think of it that way."

"Who's Alice?" I asked. Minho looked blankly at me, like he couldn't believe that I had the nerve to even say those words.

"Alice...she's you're awesome sister. She's the kindest person on the face of earth, and she always thinks of others before herself. She ran away with you, so you wouldn't be in an abusive home with your first step father and your mom, I'm not explaining all of that, Melody can do that part. She took in Macy, who's my little sister, then she took me and all of my siblings in too. It's me, Minho, then it's the twins, Micheal and Mike, then comes little Macy. Macy loves you and Micheal and Mike look up to you like you're some superhero," Minho went on explaining. He looked like he was about to cry, like he was going down memory lane and didn't know which lane to take. "She's engaged too, to this amazing guy, Max Parker. He's always there for her, and you weren't so sure about him at first, but now you love him too. It was his idea to get a new foster kid, since y'all decided to adopt my siblings and I. The new foster kid is named Leah, and she was such a pain when she came. She was mean, rude and the most terrible person on the face of earth. The same day, you decided not to let her chill, but went and talked to her, and it changed her. It got her to believe that we actually don't want to hurt her, we want her to stay and feel like it's her home too. Kyle...you gotta remember us all...we're family..."

I didn't say anything. How could I say anything? This stranger was in front of me, telling me my life story. The sad thing was...I didn't know if he was lying or not. For all I knew, he could be a kidnapper and he drugged me to not remember things. The girl with pretty eyes could just be going to get the guy to kill me...or take pictures to send to my real family and ask for money. Minho must have realized that I wasn't going to say anything, because he turned away from me and started pacing the floor.

I glanced around me. We were in a cave, a larger one, but it was at least one that ended. There were rocks on one side of the cave, closer to me. We were behind those rocks, a few ugly looking bags were across from me. A warm fire had been started. I had been put on a thin blanket, near the fire. A rag of some sort was wrapped around my head, right where my head was pounding.

"Melody should have been back by now..." Minho mumbled to himself.

"Why do you care that much? Is she you're girlfriend or something?" I asked. Minho stopped pacing, his jaw dropped.

"HECK NO! Dude, that is you're best friend right there. She's the one that you have been through EVERYTHING with, before I even showed up. Y'all like each other, even though y'all act like you don't, but you do. Y'all better get married and have like eight kids when you're older," Minho ranted on. He ran his hands through his hair. "Oh, God, help me, I have no idea what I am going to do with this idiot next to me," he prayed.

"Hey!" I shouted.

"Amen," Minho finished. He glared at me. "Let me finish my prayer, at least."

"I'm not a complete idiot," I insisted, knowing at this point, I was wrong.

"Ummmm, yeah, you are. You don't remember your soul mate," Minho stated.

"I don't like her!" I insisted.

"Out of all the things to remember, you remember that," Minho mumbled.

"What do you mean!" I yelled.

"I mean, that this is the worst time for you to have memories lost!" Minho yelled back.

"Well, it's not my fault!" I yelled back.

"Well it was your step father's idea to send us on the dam plane!" Minho yelled.

"What dam plane!" I yelled right back.

"The plane that got us here!" Minho yelled.


"WE ARE STRANDED SOMEWHERE IN THE DAM MOUNTAINS OF WYOMING, BECAUSE THE PILOT DIED IN THE CRASH!" Minho said. We both stopped. Minho was breathing heavily. The tiredness came up on Minho's face, that pain he felt, the worry he had, it all surfaced on his face...just got a second. "We...we thought you were dead too. The pilot died at hit...something hit your head and you must have been knocked unconscious. Melody...Melody was crying. She kept trying to shake you awake, and it was cold. It was freezing. We had only jeans and sweatshirts on. We had to carry you out of the plane, and into the cave we had found. Melody tore up her shirt so we could wrap your head...she started the fire, while I got what was left of our stuff from the plane's ruins. It was terrible...and seeing you look so...dead...I didn't know what I would do if you did die. I'm not a doctor, Melody isn't ether, we didn't know what to do, we're clueless teenagers out on the middle of no where in the middle of winter!"

"We're gunna be ok though, right?" I asked him. I sounded like a little kid right then, but I didn't even care. If all that had happened in only one day, I didn't want to know what could happen in the next few days. Minho broke after my words, a few tears slipped down his face, he brushed them away quickly.

"We're going to be fine."

Both of us looked up, the girl with pretty eyes, Melody, had walked in. Her eyes were red and puffy, her hair was thrown all around, her skin was pale as paper, and she was shivering all around. Yet, somehow, she was smiling.


Author's Note

This chapter was longer than usual...by a little bit. I feel like this book will be shorter than the other three books, but then again...I always end up writing more than I mean to.

Thoughts on everything that's happening so far? Please give honest feedback, I want to grow as a writer.

Word Count: 1228

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