Skipping Stones (Part 3)

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I woke Melody up a few hours later when I couldn't hold my eyelids open anymore. She didn't say a word, but folded her blanket tighter around her shoulders. I laid down, took one last look at the stars, and fell into a deep sleep.

"Me. Do you remember me?"

I heard a voice but I couldn't open my eyes. I was staring at plain darkness. I put all my will into opening my eyes. It was like an impossible task though.


A voice of honey filled the air. It was the same voice as before. My heart slowed down and so did my breathing. It was as though she had lifted a giant boulder off of my shoulders.

"Do you remember me?"

I wanted to remember her. I wanted to put her voice to a face. I wanted to hug her and feel her arms wrap around me. I wanted her to pull my to her chest, run her fingers through my hair, and promise me that everything was going to be ok.

A face filled my mind. She more of an olive tone of skin than I did that made her long brown hair blend in with her skin. She had soft eyes and a pleasing smile on her face.

My eyes opened and the figure stood in front of me. She smiled wider and ran her fingers down my cheek.

"I miss you," she said. I couldn't say a word. Emotions ran in and out of me. I wanted to yell and cry out in pain. I wanted to wrap my arms around myself and stuff my head between my knees. I wanted to cry. I wanted to yelp in joy. Instead, I stayed frozen.

She pulled me in a hug, I breathed in her scent, trying to take it all in. I wanted to remember who who was. I NEEDED to remember who she was. It was eating me alive.

"Don't forget me," she said. And like a lightbulb had suddenly turned on in my head, I remembered.


Saying her name, just saying her name, felt like everything was going to be ok. I wrapped my arms around her tighter. Loved. I felt loved. I didn't know how good it could feel to know that someone loves you.

"You're just a dream," I said, pulling away from her. Her smile shrunk a little. "I'm laying down on dirt, away from the snow, sleeping by a fire. I'm somewhere in Wyoming and I don't remember anything about who I'm supposed to be."

"You don't remember anything?" she asked.

"Nothing," I responded. She clicked her tongue and shook her head back and forth.

"Kyle, I thought that you were smarter than this," she responded. Her statement hurt a bit. My eyebrows scrunched together.


"If you don't remember anything about who you are, then why am I here?" she asked.

"You're here 'cause Melody and Minho told me about you," I explained.

"Did they tell you about how I look? How you feel towards me? Our past?" she asked. I didn't respond. Minho and Melody hadn't said any details, just an overview, but it had been enough.

"No, but-"

"You see? You remember. I think that buried deep are still all your memories. They're deep, and Kyle, you'll probably have to work to get them back, but they're not gone. Why are you fooling yourself like that? Is there something that you don't want to remember?"

"No, I just-"

"Stop trying to remember and you'll remember."

"That doesn't make sense." She let out a laugh, her voice ringing into the dark silence.

"Life doesn't make sense."

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