❅ Chapter Twenty-Six: Bad Kisser

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Jaemin scrolls through his phone lazily as he listens to his peers bickering; apparently, Johnny called them for an emergency meeting, but only one of them can attend.

Problem? Well, it is an unfortunate timing that the Lee family had invited them for dinner at a nearby restaurant.

So instead of compromising who can go to where and cover up that one person's absence, they argued.

It is simply petty, honestly. While Yuta insists to attend the family dinner, Mark thinks otherwise. Mainly because they also have their little fight between themselves.

Jaemin could care less at this point, either way it isn't really his problem to deal with since his role is to just focus on Jeno majority of the time.

And it's going well, obviously.

"I'm telling you, we can cancel the dinner and be polite about it. It's simple as that, Yuta." Mark grits his teeth, sending a scowl to the elder man driving the car.

Rolling his eyes, he doesn't meet Mark's gaze and continues to focus on the road. "Why can't you just cover up for my absence, like you're supposed to do."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Mark retorts.

"What I'm saying is that you haven't been helpful lately."

"Excuse me?!" Jaemin sighs and thanks the heavens when he sees they are almost by the school gate. "Take that back! Do you even know what shit I've done?!"

"No, because you haven't done anything in this situation. You've been lazy and–"

Jaemin was quick to open his door and steps out of the vehicle, "if you guys are still arguing later, don't pick me up." He grumbles.

He doesn't know what is happening between those two men, why and when it started.

Usually he wouldn't care. But right now, his low-key concerned. Mainly because they could sabotage their own plan due to not cooperating with each other.

He knows Yuta teases Mark at times and can be quite harsh on not only him, but to anyone. And Mark tends to be competitive and takes things too... Seriously. In some ways.

Jaemin thinks for a moment and decides to let them be for now.

He has not been in the mood recently after meeting up with Donghyuck and the others in a bar, supposedly having fun but things went downhill for him in a blink of an eye.

Someone kissed him.

He didn't know that person and could care less who they were. All he knows is he didn't liked it and had the strength to push the guy off from his lap.

His friends asked why he did that when back then, he didn't mind. Donghyuck even teased him if he had finally fell in love with someone.

Renjun joked it could be Jeno, his main target.

Jaemin didn't laugh, instead took their words deep in his thoughts til today. He doesn't know why it felt weird and why he did what he did.

The guy was probably a bad kisser.

Convincing himself with that thought, he doesn't realize he was frowning until Jeno meets him in the boys bathroom.

"Hyung?" The sweet blond haired boy eyes him carefully, noticing Jaemin's frown, he takes him by the wrist and pulls him to an empty stall.

"Are you okay?" When Jaemin gets it together, he also then notices Jeno's own state.

The blond haired boy has dark circles under his eyes, making him wear glasses today as his hair is a little messed up, and overall looked tired.

But Jaemin can't help but think that despite his seemingly tired state, Jeno still manages to look so pretty.

"'m fine." He mumbles before reaching to frame Jeno's cheek, "what about you? You look like you haven't slept."

His words elicits a light chuckle from the younger male, "that's because I haven't." He softly responds.

"Well, same here." Jaemin doesn't know why he said that. Jeno doesn't need to know Yuta and Mark arguing with each other recently.

"Oh? Why is that, hyung?" Tilting his head to the side as he leans back against the wall, oddly Jaemin follows his steps, cornering him.

"Just... Stuff, you know?"

"Ahh, I see. I won't bother you with that then," Jeno flashes him a smile, somehow making him more cuter with those big glasses on his face.

"I didn't know you wear glasses." Jaemin clears his throat, subconsciously resting his hands on Jeno's waist.

Jeno shrugs his shoulders, "I don't wear them as much anymore," he answers.

"You look cute." His face turns red, eyes shying away from Jaemin's intense gaze.

"Thanks, Jaem." Jeno mumbles while the elder male comes closer, having his hands come up to his broad chest in instinct.

Breathing heavily for some reason, he listens to Jeno's next question. "I heard my dad invited you guys for dinner," voice soft but thankfully Jaemin still manages to understand him.


"Will you go?"

"I don't know."

"Oh." Jeno nods in understanding, not wanting to pry as his breath hitches in his throat when he feels Jaemin leaning closer to his neck.

He was too late to realize a sound had escaped his lips once Jaemin just simply plants a soft kiss on his bare skin.

"That tickles." He quietly giggles.

Jaemin bites his lower lip when he pulls away to face him again, "I have something to tell you."

Jeno nods, signaling him to continue as he has his full attention while his hands run up to Jaemin's broad shoulders.

"Someone kissed me," Jeno freezes for a moment as Jaemin frantically adds. "But I swear I didn't liked it whatsoever, I pushed him off and–"

"You didn't kiss back?"

"No, of course not. Why would I?" Either Jaemin wasn't thinking straight or he genuinely means that without himself noticing.

Jeno eyes him carefully as if trying to figure out if Jaemin is lying straight up to his face or not.

"I feel guilty, I feel like I cheated on you–" what the hell?

"You didn't though." Jeno raises a brow, "if you kissed that guy back, then you have cheated on me. You were basically assaulted, hyung."

"You could call the police for that." Jeno suggested as Jaemin takes a breath.

"You're not mad?"

"I'm mad someone kissed you. But I'm not mad at you, if that's what you're wondering." Smiling sweetly, he frames Jaemin's face ever so gently.

"If anything, I'm proud of you for telling me things like this."

Why did I tell him that in the first place? And why the fuck did it feel good that he wasn't mad at me and I didn't do anything wrong?

Jeno leans in to kiss his cheek, bravely so that it shocks both of them. But when Jaemin didn't seem uncomfortable, he smiles shyly.

"I wish you could attend the family dinner, hyung."

Jaemin pushes that screaming voice in his head as he kisses Jeno's forehead, a longer one than the last time.

"Me too."


What if I tell you– [redacted]

Nvm, can't spoil the fun rn :/

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