First Time

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A/N: Hey y'all. I have some explaining to do. I know I've been gone a while, but I promise I was still writing. I was working through a lot of edits in this story because I've really been trying to polish it up, fix any plot holes, and really plan for the coming chapters. I've recently been entering some contests and placed first in the ChickLit category for the Donut Awards. It was one of my first competitions and I had a lot of fun and learned a lot. It's all because of supportive readers like you that I am motivated to continue to write and live out my dreams. Thank you, thank you, thank you! It means a lot that you choose to spend your time reading my story.

No more long breaks! I promise. Expect regular updates. I'll make a schedule more clear soon, but like before, expect a couple of times a week. Thank you and much love-livindaybyday.

I was inches above the concrete, when a gasp escaped my lips...but not from the contact with the ground, but rather the hands that gently grasped my waist. My eyes were tightly closed as I was pulled upright, the hairs on the back of my neck still standing with vigilance.

Whoever had saved me, their hands were firmly planted on my waist even after I had been "rescued." I regained my senses, quickly opening my eyes, ready to push the creep's hands off of me when a far too familiar face appeared in front of me.

A grey hoodie covered most of his face, but the mischievous glint in his eyes and the dimple in his smirk were unmistakable. "Careful Rosie. Next time you might just really fall for me."

Ryder freaking Daniels. Of course it was him.

He grinned down at me as I glared at him. I quickly pushed his calloused hands off of me, careful not to get trapped by his gaze. "What are you doing here Ryder?"

"What? No thank you Rosie. I just saved your life!" He threw his hands up in mock outrage, yelling loudly.

"Get over yourself Ryder. I was fine!" I snapped as I tried to yank his ridiculous hoodie off of his face. Even though I was annoyed, I was relieved that Ryder wasn't bringing up our previous conversation. The tension seemed to have lifted a little bit.

He quickly smacked my hand away, whispering. "Hey! Watch the jacket- it's my disguise. I don't want another slip-up after the concert."

It made sense, but maybe it was just the carnival air, or maybe I was just trying to be annoying, but my inner child came out. "Hmhmhmhm mh hmhm I'm mister Ryder Daniels and I'm incredibly famous, blaha blaha," I began mocking, rather loudly just as a hand clamped down against my lips.

"Shut it will you Rosie!" Ryder chastised, but the glimmer in his eyes gave away the smile he was hiding. He continued to hold me close, his arms wrapped around my waist. His touch was quickly becoming intoxicating, but before it could, I got him back. "EWW! Rosie, that's nasty!"

Ryder immediately let me go, quickly wiping his hands against his jacket. "That's nasty!" He yelped.

"Wuss! It's just a little bit of saliva," I mocked, laughing at his discomfort. "What are you even doing here?"

"It's the carnival, wouldn't miss it for the world," he responded casually. "Plus, the food," he clutched his stomach euphorically, "to die for."

I giggled at his antics, feeling genuinely happy. Just then, I heard a heave thumping behind me and then a sudden breathlessness. "RO!!!!!!!!" Xander and Dylan had practically trampled me, running from behind me and tackling me in a hug. They excitedly cheered, clearly hopped up on all the sugar. "We missed you!!!" Xander yelled.

"" I tried to squeeze out the words as they continued to smother me.

"Xan, I think we overdid it. She can't breathe," Dylan mumbled, quickly loosening his grip.

"Oh! Shit!"

I laughed as I took them all in. Xander and Dylan were also wearing matching hoodies, subtly concealing their faces. "I was trying to say, I missed you guys too!!"

"When did y'all get so buddy-buddy?" Ryder asked, something precarious in his tone.

"What, we can't be friends with Ro?" Dylan countered, a little edge to his voice.

"No, that's not what I meant..." Ryder started, but Dylan cut him, a wide smile breaking on his face.

"I'm just joking Ry. Relax. Smile a little." He grabbed Ryder's head and gave a noogie.

"Get off me Dylan!" Ryder hollered, a smile plastered across his face. The two boys running around like five-year-olds left us all laughing.

"So that friend of she here tonight?" Xander timidly asked.

"You mean the fiery one that has you wrapped around her finger?" I teased, throwing him a wink for good measure.

"Yes that one," Xander admitted, shamelessly grinning.

"Yes, she's here with me. I'm actually just getting some food and then we can go find Cas." Xander's face lit up at hearing Cas's name, quickly ushering us all to the food stalls.

I was carrying nearly all the food that the fair offered, ready to feed hungry Jules, but just as we were about to head to girls, Ryder said, "Wait, I need to get one more thing!"

He frantically ran back to the food stalls, returning with his arms behind his back. He gave me a weird look, a big smile on his face. "What are you doing?" I nervously asked.

"Will you just trust me for once?" He teased. It was a loaded question, but for the moment, I let it go. "Just close your eyes and put your hand out."

Excitement bubbled inside me as I obeyed his command. "If this a tarantula, you are so dead." His rich laugh echoed in my ears as I felt him shaking his head.

"Just relax Rosie. Don't worry." He grabbed my hand, gently unraveling my fingers from the tight fists I had formed and wrapped them around a thing stick. "Now open."

And that moment was just a little perfect. Because what I held in my hand, was a caramel apple, and matching me, was Ryder, already gorging himself on the sweet treat. My heart lifted, knowing that he remembered.

"Thank you," I nervously whispered, fearful of all the emotions I was feeling and took a bite. And that was enough. We just stared enjoying the moment together, remembering...


"Here Jules," I yelled, wafting the sugary smell of funnel cake under her nose. She was sprawled across the bench as Lannie and Cas sneakily stacked stuffed animals across her back.

"Took you long enough," she teased "That smells so gooddddddd...." She quickly shot up.

Just then, Lannie screamed, "Ry-Ry!" jumping into Ryder's arms. Jules only then noticed all of Broken Windshields standing behind me and her expression was priceless. Her jaw nearly hit the floor as a mound of stuffed animals fell off her pack. Her eyes bugged out and I swear, she just stared for a full minute.

We were all silent, letting her take it all in, after all Broken Windshields was her favorite band. Xander and Cas were devouring the kettle corn while Ryder and Dylan played with Lannie, already a fan of them both.

"Jules, earth to Jules," I laughed waving in front of her face. "You good..."

"Broken Windshields..." she whispered. "Broken Windshields is here....Broken Windshields is holding my daughter." Her voice was growing louder and louder until she nearly screamed, "Broken Windshields is standing-" I quickly smacked my hand over her mount only for her to stick her tongue out.

"Ewww Jules!" I yelped wiping my hand off on her.

I heard a not-so-subtle cough from Ryder, "Karma."

I gave him a quick glare as I said to Jules, "They're trying not to be noticed, incognito. You know what I mean-"

Just as I was about to expose her crazy fan alter ego, Jules quickly sobered up, mock seriousness on her face. "Yep, I got it. Lowkey."

Dylan then said, "We got you some food." He handed her a funnel cake and a corn dog and I couldn't tell you if her heart melted from the food or if it was Dylan, but either way, I think she fell a little bit in love.

She gushed, "Thank you," as Cas and I snickered under our breaths.

"Okay grannies, let's get our butts up and get on these rides!" Cas impatiently yelled. "Let's get a move on it, we're not here to sit around. I want to feel the adrenaline!"

"I can make you feel adrenaline," Xander suggestively winked, Cas quickly smacking him.

"To be fair Cas, you walked into that one," Ryder said, laughing at the two. She threw them both a glare, before stomping off towards a nearby ride.

"I'm sorry Cas, I was just joking," Xander pleaded, chasing after her.

"What about y'all?" I asked. "Rides?"

Lannie jumped out of Ryder's arms, running to Jules as they at they finished their funnel cake. Jules giggled, "I think Lannie and I will sit the first few out. We just stuffed ourselves. She tickled Lannie's little belly as she wiped off the powdered sugar she had smeared across her face, Lannie laughing in her lap.

Dylan looked down at the two, a peaceful smile resting on his face. "Count me out, rides freak me out." He winked as Lannie looked up at him, "I came for the food. I'll just hang here with, what was it, Julie and Lannie?"

And as fangirly as it gets, Jules breathlessly responded, "You can call me Jules..." Damn she had it bad

"What about Ry-Ry? Are you going on the rides?" Lannie asked as I nervously waited for Ryder to decide.

"Of course, me and Bosie are gonna have a grand old time Lannie!" he cheered. And just like that, Ryder was pulling me towards the Little Teacup ride, pushing me into a carousel.

Xander and Cas were already strapped in the cup in front of us as the speaker began, "Please keep your feet in the ride at all times. Do not unclasp your seatbelt at any time. The ride is not responsible for any damage to hair, face, or body...."

Comforting. I heard Ryder's nervous tapping against the metal bottom floor echo loudly in my ear. His body was gently pressed against me, our arms gently grazing one another. Just his touch was making me uneasy. "You good," I asked trying to distract myself.

"The best," he cheesily grinned back.

And the ride began. The ride was probably only a couple minutes long, but it felt like forever. As soon as the tide began spinning, Ryder's nervousness slipped away and a sly smile appeared on his face. He grabbed the wheel in between us and spun it so hard and fast, my vision blurred and all I saw were the rainbow blobs of the neighboring cups.

Andrenaline coursed through my veins as I laughed, trying to slow him down and turn the wheel in the other direction. It was a tug of war that ultimately he won, ignoring my yells, "Ryder stop, stop, stopppp! Ryder!!"

He continued spinning, and eventually, I spun along with him, each of us trying to beat the other, our blurs grinning at one another.

"Okay Ryder, seriously stop," I gasped, my eyes tightly shut. It felt like were spinning at 100 miles per hour. "Ry! Stop," I giggled, slowly opening my eyes, and grasping the wheel.

But when I opened my eyes, the ride had already stopped and everyone was getting off. We must have really spun hard because my head was still spinning. I laugh at myself and the craziness as I looked up at Ryder. He had a small, easy smile as he stared back at me.

"What? Is it my hair? It probably looks crazy."

I quickly tried to readjust myself, a little confused by Ryder's weirdness, when he said, "No, your hair is fine. Well, it's a mess," he smirked, "But that's not it."

"Ha ha ha. Very funny," I mocked him, smiling at his stupid joke. "So what's up?"

This time he gave me a real smile, not a smirk, his eyes glimmering. "That was the first time you called me Ry..."

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