Laughing away the pain

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I knew Cas meant well, but right then, I was pissed. For the rest of my shift, I bustled around the diner, avoiding Mo and Cas like the plague. I picked up more tables, made extra-long small talk with the customers, and basically hid out in the kitchen. 

I just needed space. 

It just felt like there was too much holding me back from the stage. Maybe this was the push I needed, but I hated not being in control. I was floating and it seemed like someone else was steering my life, too much had been taken away from me in the same way, and I couldn't handle it happening again.

The bonfire was a big deal. The town's largest summer concert, musicians came in from all over to share their music with the masses. It was a beautiful celebration of all genres of music, bringing the community together for one night, telling stories with melodies and harmonies, that simply words alone couldn't tell. I used to love the bonfire but this hit especially close to home since it had been the last big stage I had performed on, almost two years ago...

I was currently hiding from Cas and Mo behind the diner. The cool breeze tickled my face and calmed my spirits. The sun had nearly set, the sky painted a beautiful blue and purple. It was that rare time of day when the sun was peaking through just as the rest of the stars slowly began to dot the sky.

Watching the town slowly light up for the night, my anger and frustration began to dissipate. I wanted to be in control, I couldn't just float by anymore. 

Regardless, I couldn't hide from Cas and Mo forever. 

 But more importantly, I needed to stop hiding from myself.

I wasn't sure what I was going to say or what I was going to do, but I let the cool breeze calm me down before I walked back into the diner. I saw Cas and Mo standing behind the counter, huddled around the coffee machine talking in hushed whispers. Subtle.

It was comical how obvious those two were. I feigned a cough and watched as their necks quickly spun to face me.

I began to laugh, seeing their wide-eyed faces and guilty smiles. Clearly confused by my cheery disposition, they uneasily approached me.

Mo spoke first, "Ro, honey, you good? I'm really sorry that we went behind your back, but will you please speak to us, sweetheart? It's okay if you yell, we can take it-well I can take it, Cas might cry-but please talk to us."

I giggled at the joke as Cas began to chaotically yell "Mo, we broke her. Look at her, she's smiling! Why is she calm? It's really scaring me. Ro, we are sorry, please forgive us. We love you and if you don't want to perform at the bonfire, I'll perform, I mean it'll be terrible and everyone's ears will bleed. I'll practice, I'll be fine. Maybe I'll do a classic like Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, can't really mess that up right...?"

Now I just couldn't stop laughing. Wheezing to catch my breath, between the laughs I yelled "Cas stop...stop!"

I caught my breath and explained. "I love you both and I know you meant well. And I was mad-really mad," I emphasized. "But, I had some time to think, and I guess you both are right-it's been almost two years since I've been on a big stage and I miss it.  I miss the singing, the crowd, and the rush. I'll give the bonfire a shot."

"Whooooooooo!" Mo cheered as Cas shrieked "YASSSSS girl." Both of them jumped and smushed me in their arms.

"Plus Cas, I don't think anyone could handle your singing," I teased. She playfully smacked at me and smiled.

"I am so proud of you Ro. I know this is really hard, but no matter what happens on that stage, you are stronger for trying," Mo said.

I looked up at her and saw tears in her eyes as she continued to say, "Life handed you a pretty sh** deck of cards, but I know that you can still create the beautiful life you deserve."

"God Mo, why are you saying all this, you're gonna make me cry," I laughed as I pushed back the tears. Mo knew nearly everything about me, but we rarely ever talked about it, both of us living by moving forward. It meant so much to know that she thought my life was worth working for.

I heard a slight sniffling and turned to see Cas crying. She stumbled over her words saying "That was..**sniffle****sniffle**...beautiful."

Before I could even comfort her, I began to laugh. Cas instantly stopped crying and stared at me crazily just as Mo began to join me and started chuckling. It took Cas a few seconds, but she began to giggle, and soon enough, we all were a hysterical mess.


We soon sobered up, realizing that we still had a diner to run. A few hours later, we were all behind the counter, Cas counting the bills, Mo readjusting the stools, and me wiping down the counter.

It was beginning to hit me what I had agreed to. I wanted to take control of my life, but I was suddenly scared of what that meant. "I don't think I can do it," I whispered. Light jazz music filled the diner, masking the hum of the freezer in the back, but other than that, the diner was silent. I didn't think anyone heard me until Cas responded.

"Yes, you can. I know everything is different now, but you are still you. You are still the badass Ro that I became best friends with 12 years ago. You are still the girl who punched Stacey Degrassi for putting gum in my hair. You are still the girl who destroyed Matt Stefan for breaking my tween heart. You are still the girl who gave me a family when I had no one else. You have had my back since day one, now let me have yours."

"But-," I started, but she didn't let me finish.

Cas continued on and said "You can do this. I know you can do this. You still have the most incredible voice in the world, literally the greatest. So please don't doubt yourself. I miss hearing your voice on the big stage. It'll be good, and if you suck, which you won't, I'll be there. I can sing your back-up vocals if you freeze." She winked and shoved my shoulder.

I smiled. I had Cas. I had Mo. It would be fine.

A/N: I hope y'all love Cas and Mo! They're just two really badass friends that are always in Ro's corner. I won't keep the mystery of what happened to Ro a secret for too much longer. The wait is only a little bit more. Enjoy!!

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