Love Child

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Ryder looked like he had seen a ghost as he stared down at Lannie. "Ryder, you okay," I asked. "You look pale..."

"Who's this Bosie," Lannie asked again, messing with my hair.

He continued to stare, shifting his gaze between Lannie and me, lost, deep in thought. Lannie reached over me and gently grabbed Ryder's hand. Her fingers were so small compared to his. Lannie's touch seemed to break his silence as he gingerly held her hand, scared of her breaking. "My name is Ryder," he said introduced himself, shaking Lannie's hand.

I chuckled at him formally greeting the hyper three-year-old in my arms. Lannie was loving it, and teased, "It's nice to meet you. My name is Alanna, but Bosie calls me Lannie."

At the mention of my name, Ryder froze again and began to mumble out to me, "And Alanna is..."

Confused, I asked him, "What do you mean?"

"Is she your daughter Rosie?"

My jaw dropped, and I was momentarily speechless. Ryder looked disappointed at the possibility like he lost something. 

I was so confused, but before I could respond he jumped in.

"I swear if that douche Matt Langer got you pregnant and then left, I will beat the living crap out of him." He growled out, fuming beginning to pace back and forth. "God Rosie, how could you not tell me you have a daughter. I would have helped you. You didn't have to be alone," he said staring at me know. 

Even without him touching, my skin was burning as I felt the fire of his glowering gaze. I lost focus for a moment, lost in his eyes, before Lannie's cooing interrupted my thoughts.

"Ryder, calm down. Lannie's not my daughter," I clarified. A look of confusion spilled across his face. "She's my neighbor's daughter. I'm just babysitting tonight." His shock quickly turned to relief and I saw him begin to smile.

We both began to laugh at his confusion. "Oh thank god!" he yelled into the night sky. 

Lannie giggled at his dramatics. "You're silly," she cheered.

"And Matt Langer, seriously? You thought that he was my baby daddy?" I asked incredulously. "We literally went on one date freshman year. One," I emphasized. "And suddenly somehow from one date, we made a love child," I chuckled making Ryder feel extra stupid. His cheeks tinged red, he said looking away from me.

"Bosie, Bosie," Lannie yelled. "He turned red! Do it again, do it again," she echoed exposing him.

"I always hated him. He was a sleaze. Didn't deserve you, even for one date, much less more," he seriously said. 

I took in his words, and I couldn't help myself for hoping he meant something more. He was tickling Lannie in my arms, causing me to squirm. She was breathlessly giggling, with him smiling down at her. 

"Yeah, I guess he was," I affirmed and let myself enjoy the scene in front of me. He held out his hands to Lannie, silently asking if he could hold her. I nodded my head as he reached towards her. Lannie was already small, but she was tiny in his arms. She looked so happy and he did too. 

He was smiling, not smirking, for the first time since he came back. He was still wearing the leather jacket from this morning but was now wearing an old Nirvana shirt. His hair was a bit disheveled from the motorcycle ride, but he still looked incredible.

I heard Lannie say "You have green eyes." She stared at him, reaching for his eyes "They're so pretty."

"You're so pretty, Lannie," he adoringly said back.

Damn, he even charmed Lannie. He seemed to have all the ladies wrapped around his finger, even adorable little three-year-olds. I laughed at the scene just as Lannie added, "But Bosie's the prettiest."

Aw, Lannie was the sweetest. I grabbed her from Ryder's arms and gave her the biggest hug. "And this is why you are my favorite!" I gave her another tight hug, followed by her joyous shouts.

I swear I heard Ryder whisper "She sure is," under his breath. 

But I was probably dreaming, still lost in some fantasy. 

Everything he said felt like a hidden message and I was getting lost. I wanted to ask what he meant when he said he would have helped me with my baby, that he would have come back. 

I didn't understand his sincerity because he walked away so easily in the past before. But I didn't have the courage to break open the past, afraid of having to relive it.

Just then, I heard Julie rush out of the apartment building yelling, "Lannie, Lannie, Lannie!! Where are you, sweetheart?"

"Mama, mama!!!" Lannie yelled back. Julie's eyes locked on her daughter as she rushed towards me and Lannie jumped into her arms.

"Oh thank god, my baby," she cooed. "How many times have I told you not to run out without Mama," she gently scolded.

"I'm sorry Mama, but I saw Bosie and I wanted to give her a hug," Bosie defended.

I guiltily smiled up at Julie who silently thanked me. "Okay but next time, take Mama with you." She was such a good mom. 

"Thanks so much for watching her Ro, here's her diaper bag, and if you need anything, you have my key," she said handing me the bag.

"Okay, bye sweetheart," she said to Lannie, smothering her in kisses and then handing her to me.

"Don't worry Jules, we'll be fine. Remember, I've done this before," winked at her.

"Yeah, your right. Okay, I think I'm all set." Julie suddenly jumped, noticing the silent Ryder by my side, whom she neglected to see in her stress. 

"Oh my God, your Ryder Blake!" she yelled.

She stunned both me and Ryder with her outburst. "Yeah, that's me," he said rather awkwardly.

"I love, love, love your music," she said fangirling a little bit. "Oh my god, Broken Windshields is incredible." I was beyond confused at the fangirl in front of me. I giggled at her, watching the composed mother, obsess over a boy band.

Ryder casually chuckled saying "Thank you! I'm glad you like the music."

"This is literally my dream. But, I gotta bounce before I actually lose my job. Rosie, please bring him over again. I really want to pick your brain later Ryder."

"I- uhhh-," I stuttered out as Ryder said, "Sure thing. I'll get Rosie to bring me over, I'd love to see Lannie again too, Julie- was it?"

"Yes," she said a little breathless. He winked at her and I swear, she nearly fainted. 

I not so subtly coughed, bringing her back to her senses. She gave me a look that indicated- 'EXPLAIN EVERYTHING' before skittering to her car, waving goodbye.

I rolled my eyes at his playboy smirk as he laughed "She seems fun."

I chuckled, "Julie always is." The air was getting a bit chilly, sharp against my shoulders. Lannie seemed to shiver a bit too.

"We should go," I said looking up at him.

"Yeah, I should head back to the guys too."

I should have been heading in and him towards his bike, but we just stood there for a moment longer, not wanting the night to end.

It was Lannie who finally got us moving. "I'm cold," she said her teeth chattering. I held her a bit tighter in arms, trying to keep her warm.

"Thank you, Ryder, for the ride," I said. "You seriously saved my ass."

"No problem. Anytime," he casually said as he mounted his bike waving goodbye to Lannie.

I turned my back and headed into the building. I was at the front door when I heard him yell back.

He was wearing his helmet, with the visor up, shouting over his engine. "One more thing!"

"What?" I yelled back.

"Sweet Dreams Bosie," he winked.

I couldn't help but smile as he zoomed off. 

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