Taking You Out

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A/N: Hey y'all! New chapter with a new character! Let me know what you think in the comments <3

I woke up to the trill of my cell phone. I let it ring for a few minutes, shoving a pillow over my ears, but whoever was on the other end, was incessant. I crawled out of bed searching for the source of my irritation, wading across the mess of random crap scattered across my room.

"Ah! I got you!" I yelped in declaration as I reached under my bed to find my cell phone hidden in the pant leg of some faded jeans.

I quickly accepted the call before reading the caller ID. "Whattttt?" I whined into the speaker.

"Good morning to you too sunshine," the person on the other end retorted.

"Ace-," I questioned, "Why are you calling me at," I paused checking the time, it felt goddamn early.

"It's 11 AM Rosalyn Epcot, get your ass out of bed!" hollered the voice.

That was Ace for you. Full name, Raven Acelynn Morain, truly a force to be reckoned with. Raven was a few years older than me, 22 to be exact, and always been like an older sister to me. We met when my family moved in next door to hers when we were kids. Our windows were across from each other so becoming fast friends was a given.

Ace lived alone with her dad. Her mom had skipped down a year after she was born, saying "I'm not cut out for this- to be a mom, to be domestic, to be small town."

Ace had been angry for a while, but never let it bother her- she used to say, "I'm not wasting my time hurting over someone who didn't care to stay." 

She was fiercely protective and when I met her, I was terrified. Ace had his air to her in the way that she carried herself, even when she was just 11, that if you crossed her, she would destroy you. 

For Ace, it had always been her and her Dad, against the world.

It took a little while, but Evalyn and I, well really my entire family, broke her, and she became family.

"UGHHH, whyyyy?!!!" I said plopping myself back under the covers. "It's so much better in bed!"

Ace laughed through the phone, though I could practically see her rolling her eyes. "Seriously Ro, get up, and get on the next train to the city, I'm taking you out tonight, gotta culture your ass," she teased.

"Hey! You've been living in the city for two years, and already think you're better than my little suburbia," I countered.

"Yeah, yeah, suburbia's great, yada yada," she went on. "You know you wanna come to the city, it's been too long, it misses you..."

"Touching," I giggled, giving her a hard time. "I did just see you a few weeks ago, but I guess I miss you too," I teased.

"So you'll come?" she asked eagerly.

"Of course," I said smiling.

"Now get your ass up!!!!! I know your back in bed!" She yelled extra loud leaving my ears ringing.

"Ace!!!" I whined as she giggled through the phone and hung up.

I was debating whether to get up or not, I still had some time before I had to catch the train, but a rapid knocking on my door quickly made the choice for me.

I attempted to gracefully make my way to the door when, but the door had already clicked open, Jules making her way through my living room.

"RO! I need your help" she yelled a bit hysterically. I couldn't help but laugh when I got a good look at her. She was dressed in strawberry shortcake pajama shorts and a Lucky Charms shirt that said 'pinch me' in green and gold letters. She was holding a few hangers of clothes in one hand and shoes in another, while a scrunchy was haphazardly keeping her hair up.

I gave her a quick hug, laughing as I followed the command of her shirt.

"Ow!" she squealed, slapping me away. "Ro!" she whined. "I seriously need your help, I have a date in 30 minutes and I'm freaking out!"

This quickly got my attention. Jules didn't go out very often, she used to say "no one wants to play house with a teenage mom," and as Lannie got older, I think she got used to being it just her and her little girl, that it became a crutch, meeting someone was scarier than being alone.

"OMGGGG!" I yelled excitedly "Tell me, tell me, tell me who it is!!!" I said jumping up and down happily.

"Okay don't make a big deal," she warned warily trying to contain my jitteriness before grinning, "It's Dylan!"

"AHHH! I knew it!" I grabbed Jules spinning her around as she easily laughed, a permanent smile resting on her face. "He's so sweet, this is so perfect Jules! How'd this happen?"

"Short story, after meeting him at the fair I was kinda dazed since you know Broken Windshields is the best," I laughed as she continued. "But, we just got to talking and he's really kind and funny, and he's so good with Lannie. Plus he's hot," she said giggling. "Anyway, Lannie and I were down at the park and we bumped into him, and after spending the afternoon with me he asked me to brunch!!"

"Awww! I'm so excited for you. I'm really glad that you're putting yourself out there. You deserve to find someone as great as you." I said earnestly

Jules smiled a heavy smile, before batting her hand, pushing the emotions away, "No time for sappy stuff, he's gonna be here in T-minus 25 minutes!" I laughed as she sat down in front of my bathroom mirror and we got to work.

And after 23 minutes, and 46 seconds, Jules was ready. She was dressed in white, wrap skirt that hit just above her knees,  a gingham baby blue and white tank top that tied in the back, and classic vans on her feet. We kept her makeup simple with black eyeliner, mascara, and tinted lip balm, and her hair was half-up half-down with two small braids tied in the back,

"You look beautiful," I smiled brushing back her hair.

"Thank you, Ro, you're a lifesaver," she gave me a warm hug. "Is it weird that I kinda feel like I cougar?" she asked.

I immediately burst into laugher and pulled away from her, "You can't be serious, you're 20 he's 19, its barely a year!"

"I know, I just feel like I'm an old lady," she giggled.

I pushed her out the door "You're young, go be wild and free!" I placed a pair of silver drop earrings into her hand as she pulled me into one last hug.

"Seriously Ro, you're the best. I love you."

"Enjoy yourself, Jules!" I hollered as she ran down the stairs to meet Dylan.

From the stairwell, I could make out their figures, Dylan giving Jules a hug, then holding hands as they walked off and enjoyed their time together...

Smiling, I walked back inside. 

I looked in the mirror realizing, now I needed to get ready.


I was scrambling as I quickly bought my ticket for the train. It was already at the station, the announcer echoing "NJ Transit 237 departs in two minutes."  I barely made it onto the train, the engine rumbling as I stumbled into a window seat.

Before leaving my apartment, I packed an overnight bag and dressed in loose boyfriend jeans, a deep green turtleneck, leather jacket, and black boots. Comfort was always the best strategy with Ace because you could never anticipate what she had in store. The last time we went out, we ended up trapped in Central Park, a wild pomeranian chasing us through the night. Don't even ask.

Ace had moved out to New York a few years ago when she got into NYU. She was beyond excited to be going to school, living in a new place, but glad to still be close to home. Despite how much she loved our town, she was born to be a city girl.

She was studying journalism. Ace was a born writer, capable of crafting the most beautiful messages with the simple touch of pen to paper. And what she sought inspiration from was music. She has always been surrounding by music, her dad played the bass, and she knew how to play several instruments, but more than playing, she loved to listen.

She used to say, "I want to soak in life, experience music, really feel it." Her eyes shined with a humours glint as she continued, "plus, I'm lazy. I'm a connoisseur of the arts, not a creator," faking snob.

Music journalism was an easy choice for her.

But after two years of getting her work picked apart in bureaucratic classes, she dropped out.


"I can't take it anymore Ro!" Ace yelled through the phone.

"Don't listen to them, they're stupid- trust me, I know how great your writing is," I assured her.

He's my professor Ro, he can't be stupid. He has a Ph.D. for god's sake! Bland, Lifeless, Drab, Tasteless..."

Interrupting her rant, "I still can't believe he said all that. He really is stupid."

She took a deep breath, trying to quell her anger. "I'm not sure how much I can take," she said sadly. "My egoncan only take so much," she weakly laughed.

Ace had always been confident and strong, seemingly indestructible, but that day, she seemed the slightest bit fragile. I paused for saying "Raven Acelynn Morain, you have and always been the most incredible storyteller I have ever met. When you write, I immediately feel. I feel everything form sadness to complete bliss, and emotions I never even knew I knew how to feel. When you write about music, I don't need to go listen to the song, because I've already felt it..."

"Ro_" Ace began trying to interrupt me, but I was on a roll.

"Trust me, nothing you do is lifeless. You're the epitome of life-full-ness," I said happy when I heard her slightly chuckle. "Now here's what you need to do," I prescribed.


"Ask yourself, am I proud of what I have created? If the answer's no- you can only do better..." I paused before continuing, "but if the answer's yes- you know what to do..."


I never expected her to drop out, really what I had meant was stick it through, don't let it get to you, but by the end of the semester, she had made up her mind and was done with NYU.

But she wasn't done with New York City. She was made for the city and she was determined to make something of herself. This past year she had been hustling her ass off picking up columns and review gigs wherever she could, local bars, pubs, and small newspapers. And she loved the hustle because she knew she was working towards something...

Through the speakers I heard, "Approaching 72nd street," as the train came to a slow stop.

I immediately felt excited as the smokey air of the city surrounded me as I stepped off the train.  for Ace's raven hair among the small crowd of people. She was fairly easy to find, dressed in blue baseball cap and Don't Fuck with Me sweatshirt.

I couldn't help but grin as I saw her eagerly wave at me as I ran towards her. "How's my favorite dropout?" I laughed giving Ace a tight hug.

"Never gonna let me live down huh?" she groaned before teasing, "You know you're partially to blame for that..."

"Whatever," responded rolling my eyes at her.

Ace adjusted her hat as she slung her arm over my shoulder, "So what's new?"

As we made our way out of the station to the streets of New York, I thought back, considering the past few weeks and everything that had happened and said, "Not much."

A/N: I know this is a bit of a filler, but I hope you enjoyed and love Raven Acelynn Morain! I'm really excited to share more of her character with you! Take care and stay safe <3 livindaybyday 

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