Chapter 1 accidents

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Ezra's p.o.v

"Okay kid you're up." Zeb yelled as the ramp to the phantom lowered.

Then I jumped unlike last time I didn't miss the lading(like in the episode the call).

I landed on the roof of the building. I cut a hole though it with my lightsaber but then......I fell.

"Ow." I said

Then I heard gasps from all around the room. The storm troopers starting firing at me but I was able to block them. Well I was one hit me in the shoulder then my com went off.

"Specter 6 what's going on down there did you get the get the flash drive." Said Kanan

"No I didn't get it yet I'm a little busy at the moment."

I was able to get away and get to the room with the flash drive in it. I got the flash drive and ran to the docking bay to get a tie fighter.

I was trying to get to bay 4 but the weel wasn't working. I looked ahead and saw a mountain.

"Specter 6 there's a mountain ahead." Said Hera

"I see it specter 2 I'm trying to get the steering to work."

I kept trying to fix the steering but it wouldn't work. Then my com went off again.

"Specter 6 get outta there or your going to hit the mountain." Said Kanan

"Gotcha specter 1."

I was trying to get out but my pant leg was caught on something. I kept trying to break free but I couldn't do it."

"Specter 6 get outta there."

I kept watching as the mountain got closer. All I could remember was blacking out after that.

Kanan's p.o.v

I watched as Ezra's tie fighter hit the mountain then exploded. Me and Zeb quickly ran to the mountain.

"Ezra Ezra where are you." I kept calling out but no answer

I look through the force to see if I could feel him. Then I felt him i lifted a piece of metal. I look it horror as I saw my unconnsion Padawan.

"Zeb over here." I yelled

Zeb quickly picked him up and we ran to the ship.

"How is he I asked."

"Pretty beaten up but alive." Said Zeb

Hi guys this is my first Star Wars rebels book I hope you like it sorry if I didn't make sense but it will as it goes on.
Nya5555 out

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