Chapter 14

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Hera's p.o.v
When we got outside we saw the tie-fighter crash into the mountain. Me and Kanan ran to the mountain but when we got there we didn't see Ezra.

"Kanan lift the metal." I said

Kanan lifted the metal but we didn't see Ezra.

"We're could he have gone." I said

"Chopper you locked the tie-fighter didn't you." Said Kanan

"Maybe." Beeped chopper

"I'm gonna take that as a no." Said Kanan

"What are we gonna do." Said Zeb

"Maybe we should go check back there maybe he jumped out." Said Kanan

We heard coughing coming from behind the mountain.

"No need." Coughed/said Ezra coming out from behind the mountain.

"Ezra thank goodness you're okay." I said

"Are you guys trying to kill me." Said Ezra

"No." Said Kanan

"Then why did you leave the tie-fighter outside." Said Ezra

"Well-." Zeb tried to say but got cut off

"Never mind I don't want to know." Said Ezra

"Ezra we just wanted to help you get your memories back." Said Kanan

"For the last time Kanan I don't need you help." Said Ezra

"Well I- wait what did you just call me." Said Kanan

"I called you Kanan that's your name isn't it." Said Ezra

Kanan's p.o.v
We just started at Ezra I can't belief it his memories are starting to come back he usually didn't call me by my name he would always forget it.

"Why are you guys starting at me." Said Ezra

"Sorry can I ask you a question." I said

"What is it this time." Said Ezra

"Do you remember what you got at the temple on Lothal." I said

"Um wasn't it a kyber crystal." Said Ezra

I walked over to Ezra to see if he had any injures but when I got closer he shut down again.

"Get away from me." Said Ezra

"Sorry I was just looking to see if you had any injures. I said

"Meh probley nothing that hasn't happened to me before." Said Ezra

I just stood there shocked. What happened to this kid when he lived on the street.

"Ezra why don't you and Zeb go back to the ghost." Said Hera

"But I-." Ezra said before he got cut off by Hera

"No buts now go." Said Hera

It's like he knew not to say no to her I thought. Ezra and Zeb finally walked back to the ghost.

"Man that was close k thought Ezra got hurt." Said Hera

"I think he did." I said

"What makes you think that." Said Hera

"When i walked over to him I asked if he was hurt and he said nothing the probley hasn't Happend to him." I said

"We're gonna have to see if he's alright but first let's talk about Ezra and his memories." Said Hera

Sabine's p.o.v
I saw the tie-fighter crash into the mountain. I'm so worried about Ezra I hope he didn't get hurt. But I was relived to see Ezra and Zeb walked into the ghost.

"Ezra I'm so glad you're okay." I said while I ran up to hug him.

I got worried when eve I gave him a hug he would usually hug back but he just stood there. But then he finally spoke up.

"Um could you could stop hugging me." Said Ezra

"Oh sorry I was just worried you got hurt." I said

"Meh probley nothing that hasn't happened to me before." Said Ezra

I just started at him but that makes me wonder did he get hurt.

"But did you get hurt." I said

"My arm hurts but that's about it." Said Ezra

"Come to the med bay with me." I said

"I'm fine." Said Ezra

"No your not Ezra your not alone anymore weather you like it or not your coming to the med hey with me." I said while grabbing his arm and pulling him to the med bay

"let me look at your arm." I said

"Fine." He moaned

I looked at it didn't look that bad but he did hurt it.

"Try not to get hurt anymore or you could break your arm." I said

"Okay." Said Ezra while he walked outta the med bey

Hey guys I hope you like this chapter I wasn't going to update today but since someone said she hated me cause I left you guys on a cliff hanger I decide to and I just wanted to say starting this Wensday on Mondays and Wensday I may or may not be able to update because softball is staring this wensdays for me and I have practices on wensdays and Monday's and if I get 1k views on this story I have a video for you guys about Ashoka and how she may or may not be dead

Nya5555 out
May the force be with you

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