Chapter 15 Ezra and Sabine time

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Hera's p.o.v
I walked back to the ghost I was gonna go to bed but I remembered I had to look at Ezra's arm.

"Sabine can you get Ezra I need to make sure he didn't break his arm." I said

"No need I already checked it out." SiD Sabine

"Thanks Sabine." I said

I was gonna go in my room but Sabine stopped me.

"Hera can I talk to you for a moment." Said Sabine

"Sure what do you need." I said

"Well you know how Ezra is staring to remember us." Said Sabine

"Ya what about it." I said

"Well I'm worried he's not gonna remember me." I said

"What make you think that." I said

"Well because he lets Kanan and you hug him and he is actually staring to hang out with Zeb and chopper but he won't let me hug him or anything if I do he says "can you let go of me." I said.

"Give him time Sabine besides we decide to all hang out torrmorw so you will get your chance." I said

"Thanks Hera." Said Sabine

"No problem." I said

Time skip to morning I got that power 😝

Kanan's p.o.v
Today is the day we all decided to spend time with Ezra as a group so he could hopefully remember us.

"Kanan we never decide what we were gonna do today with Ezra." Said Hera

"Why don't we go to Lothal Ezra had so of his greatest memories with us there."  I said

"But is the empire still there we don't want the seventh sister getting him again." Said Sabine

"I already check and there are no imperials there." Said Zeb

"He means I check while he sat that eating." Beeped chopper

"Okay so we're would we take Ezra first." Said Sabine

"I could take him to the Jedi temple." I said

"That could work." Said Hera

"Then Sabine you can take him to the tie fighter base you guys always went there and painted on the fighters." I said

"Great idea." Said Sabine

"Zeb you guys can steal a tie fighter if you want because that's how you guys became friends in the first place." Said Sabine

"Great iv been wanting to take on again." Said Zeb

"Okay so who wants to take Ezra somewhere first." Beeped chopper

"I'll go first." Said Sabine

Hera didn't tell us we're she was gonna take Ezra because she wanted it to be a surprise.

Ezra's p.o.v
I was sleeping in me and zebs room when Sabine came in.

"Hey Ezra wanna come to a tie-fighter base with me I was gonna paint all over there stuff." Said Sabine

"Sure." I said

"Great let's go." Said Sabine

I followed her to the tie-fighter base. It's weird though I feel like iv been here before.

"Ezra." Said Sabine

"What." I said

"Do you wanna paint the star birds on the tie-fighters while I go in the base and check for any new parts we can use." Said Sabine

"Um sure." I said

"What paint do you wanna use." Said Sabine

"I'll use purple." I said

Sabine just smiled at me I guess purple was her favorite color.

"Great come find me when you're done I'll be in that building." Said Sabine

I went to paint star birds on the tie-fighters but I got carried away I drew a bunch  of other patterns and stuff. But when I got to the last tie-fighter I decide not to paint the star bird I drew every one in the crew.

"Ezra." Said Sabine

"Oh hi Sabine you scared me." I said

"I saw you painted the star braids and-." Said Sabine before she looked at what I just painted

"Did you paint that." Said Sabine

"Ya why."'I said

"It looked awesome." Said Sabine

"really." I said

"Ya through you claim you are a really bad painter." Said Sabine

I looked at Sabine I felt bad for the way I treated her yesterday I feel like I should say sorry but I don't know. On one hand I don't know these people that well. On the other I really like Sabine even though I won't admit it.

"I'm sorry Sabine." I said

"For what." Said Sabine

"For treating you the way I did yesterday you were just worried about me." I said

"It's ok Ezra." Said Sabine

We walked into the base cause Sabine said she wanted to show me something.

"What did you want to show me." I said

"This." Said Sabine

"It's just a bunch of wires and parts." I said

"There for your light saber." Said Sabine

"Thanks Sabine." I said

"No problem but we should get back to the ghost." Said Sabine

Hey guys sorry I updated this late but I update my other story and then I Practice softball I will try to update torrmorw but I have practice torrmorw staring at 5:30pm anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Nya5555 out
May the force be with you

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