Chapter 6 Back to Lothal

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Zeb's p.o.v
I was on my way to the cockpit cause for some reason Kanan called a meeting.

"Good Zeb your here." Said Kanan

"So why did you call a meeting." Said Sabine

"Because Hera thinks we should go back to Lothal sience that's were Ezra grew up there and sience there's less troopers but we need your guys input before we do." Said Kanan

"I'm in." Said Sabine

"Me to." Said Zeb

"Me three." Beeped chopper

"Ok then it's settled we leave torrmorw." Said Kanan

"Oh and Kanan maybe you should try spending time with Ezra sience he spent more time with you when he had his memory." Said Hera

"Ok." Kanan said

Kanan's p.o.v
I walked to the med bay but then I thought to myself how is Ezra going to react to all this I mean he doesn't even trust us so how will he react when we say we're taking him to Lothal.

"Hey kid can I come in." I said

there was no answer I got worried. I quickly opened the door. I sighed in relief he was just sleeping.

"Hey kid wake up." I said

"What." He said

"Um I just wanted to say we're taking you  to Lothal."

"Are you guys finally letting me go." He said sounding happy

"No." I said

He just looked at me I could sense he was no happy with my answer.

"Well if your not letting me go why are you taking me there." He said

"Because we have something to show you but it's on Lothal but for now come with me." I said

"We're are we going this time." He said

"To your room." I said

"What room I don't live here." He said

"Just come here." I said

"Fine." He said

I decide that sience Ezra slept in the room Maybe some memories would come back to him. But when we got there he just looked around in confusion.

"Why are we here." He said again

"This is were you will be sleeping now instead of the Med bay." I said

Me and Hera were talking about it before the meeting this morning we thought it would be best for Ezra. But then Zeb walked in.

"Hey what's the kid doing in here." Zeb said

"That's what I want to know." Ezra said

"Ezra I already told you." I said

"Zeb Ezra will be sleeping in here." I said

Zeb just looked at me but then he new what I was doing.

"Hey kid you want the top bunk." Zeb said

"Why do I have to sleep in here why can't you just drop me off at Lothal." Ezra said

I could tell his still wasn't happy. It kinda looks like the only one he trusts is Hera that gives me an idea.

"Ezra why don't you go back to the med bay." I said

"I thought you would never ask." Ezra said

"Kanan what are you doing." Zeb said

"The only one Ezra seems to trust is Hera or Sabine." I said

"So what does that have to do with it." Said Zeb

"Because Ezra will at least go places with them without question don't you remember the first time we met him." I said

"Ya the only ones he seemed to like was Hera and Sabine." Said Zeb

"Ok so they might be able to get him to trust us." I said

"Oh I see were your getting at but why does Ezra have to sleep in the med bay." Zeb said

"Because he doesn't seem to like us that's why." I said

"Ok." Zeb said

Hera's p.o.v
Kanan just told me that Ezra seems to only trust me and Sabine just like the first time we met.

"Hey Sabine." I said

"What is it Hera." Sabine said

"Kanan said we have to spend time with Ezra." I said

"Why." Sabine said

"Because it looks like we are the only ones he trusts." I said

"Ok." Sabine said

This is gonna be a long week I though to myself.

Hey guys I updated again sience you guys seem to like this story and I can wait till torrmorw the season finale of Star Wars rebels is come if on

Nya5555 out
May the force be with you

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