Chapter 2: Home

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"Is that all, (Y/N)?" my counselor asked. I was 10 years old; I was pretty much a child.

"Yeah..." I mumbled as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Why was I in a counselling session? I couldn't remember. The woman scribbled down my answer and my reaction when there was a sudden knock at the door.

"Is everything alright?" my father asked as he peered into the room. The counselling woman nodded. 

"Yes," she responded with a small smile. "(Y/N) is doing well." She stood up and walked to my father to have a conversation with him.

"Ah, that's good to hear," he responded. "How much longer 'till she finally doesn't... y'know..? "

"Just a few more weeks, Henry," she informs. "Today, she can relax, as long as she comes for the rest of the day tomorrow." Father nodded and motioned me to come on over. I hopped off of the chair and ran to his side.

"Alright, it's time to go," he tells me as he holds my hand, firmly. It didn't take long, but he guided himself and I out of the building and into the car. Both of us buckled up our seat belts, father sitting in the front of the car about to pull out of the parking lot and myself sitting in the back seats directly behind father. 

"So, what do you remember, (Y/N)?" he asks me as he pulled out of the almost entirely filled parking lot.

"Well," I started. "I can remember that we moved here five years ago and left behind all of our friends." I felt as in if I was going to pass out. Why would I? I'm just trying to remember things that my father wants to know.

"That's good!" he responded, grinning. "I'm glad that you're doing better!" I smiled, proudly, to his response, but then slightly frowned as I remembered something from the counselling session. 

"Did we have any friends that had a name that started with a 'B'?" I ask. "I remember hearing it in a memory earlier today, so I'm curious." Father's smile faltered as he was thinking deeply, probably trying to remember all of our friends back over at our old home.

"No," he responded, his voice no longer cheerful like before. "We didn't." It was a solid moment of silence for the whole drive home. When we pulled up into the driveway of our home, I instantly unbuckled the seat belt and hopped out of the car, rushing into the house at once. The fresh smell of my father's ink stung my nose.

"Father did you begin a new project, again?" I called out to him. He glanced at me from the car, his eyes wide open in shock.

"(Y/N), stay outside," he commanded.

"Why? Is there-"

"Just do so!" he barked. I backed out of the house, allowing him inside. Slamming the door behind himself and locking it, he left me outside. I sat on the line of concrete blocks that rimmed the small portion of a garden father and I planted. I then remembered what was happening, due to the same thing happening over five times this entire week. I sighed and only stayed outside, waiting for father to come out of the house with a new pair of clothes on and a portion of ink on his face and arms.

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