#1 The Accident

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Savannah's POV

Life is a highway. The perfect song for a road trip. This is especially true when you crank up the volume on the radio. I was always a fan of listening to music as loud as I could.

"Life is a highway!" sing with me, Zoey!

Ah Zoey, my four-year-old daughter who did not like to sing as much as me, but of course, she sang along with me anyways. I love that girl to pieces.

"I ride it, all night along." Not bad for a four-year-old.

At that moment, my phone rang. I picked it up and put it on speaker phone barely turning the volume on the music down and my foot pressing hard on the gas peddle.

"Hey, Sabrina!"

"Hey, girl. Where are you? What time are you going to be in California? I haven't seen you in forever."

"We're in Arizona right now in the middle of nowhere and I'm so pumped that I have my daughter Zoey with me." A car honked and passed me angrily flipping me off. I did the same. Serves them right.

"Tell me about it, but I'm so glad you're bringing Zoey with you. She's going to love my daughter Daisy. They'll love the swimming pool at the gym. It's a great spot for us to tan and catch up. But I'm just hoping our daughters can be friends just like we always talked about."

"Sounds exciting. I saw on Facebook you met a guy?"

"Oh my gosh! I met this guy Mark at Hollister last week. We went on two dates already. He's cute, and I would definitely have his children."

"Oh, my gosh girl! Am I going to meet him during my visit?"

"I can do you better. I'm texting you a picture of him right now."

At that moment, I received the text and looked at the picture without looking at the road.

"Girl, that can't be him! He's gorgeous! I almost want to push my own husband in front of a truck."

I really should choose my words wisely. After finishing that sentence, I heard a truck honking. My car was in the wrong lane. Usually most people have enough time to react and move out of the way, but in this case, I only had a millisecond. Boom! The car crashed into the truck. At the heat of the crash, my hands desperately tried to move the steering wheel. There was no such luck. The car flipped over to the side of the road. My daughter sat in the back crying and screaming in great fear. My own life flashed right before her eyes while my hands quickly reached for the cross necklace on her neck. The car smashed upside-down.

For a moment, I passed out only to wake up bleeding a little. Breathing was difficult. Immediately, I looked at the phone next to me which was cracked. Using all my might I tried to pick up her phone and call 9-1-1. My weakness would not allow me to do that. I took a deep breath and with all my might, turned my head around to see my only child dead in the backseat. I wanted to cry, but there wasn't enough energy to react. I only had only enough energy to stay alive for who knows how long. My mind raced off to before I left on the trip.

"Babe, I love you. Stay safe on the road. And please pay attention to the road."

I kissed him. "Oh, come on babe. You know we'll be fine."

"I know, but I'd hate to lose you."

We kissed one last time and got in the car thinking I would make it to California."

"Mam, can you hear me!" shouted the cop who had pulled me out of the car and on the side of the road.

"My baby. She's dead." I was probably about to die soon.

Paramedic's POV

We arrived at that moment and got her into the back of the ambulance.

"It's not looking good," announced the cop.

"I'll do everything I can to save her."

Unfortunately, he was right. She ended up dying at the hospital. There she was, in her hospital bed without a pulse. My fellow doctors did everything they could to help her, but alas nothing. She and her precious daughter were both dead.

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