#13 Margo Meets Avery P2

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With the dining room being so noisy Avery offered that we go into the backyard and eat. It sounded like a great idea and it was with the storm gone. The grass was green and there were several tables. Not to mention there was also a gated pool with plenty of white chairs. We found ourselves sitting on the white chairs next to the pool.

"Sorry about the loud noise," apologized Avery who nibbled on a chip. "I can't stand these dinner parties. They get so loud and I just hate large crowds."

"I'm the same. Savannah pushed me one time in high school to talk to this cute guy named Ben Malone. We dated a bit."

"Really? That doesn't surprise me. Savannah was the craziest girl I ever met. She had this sick guitar that she always played."

"How did you meet her?"

"She was friends with my roommate. You probably would know her. Her name's Sabrina."

At first, I couldn't say anything. She was roommates with Sabrina? I wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry"

"I can tell you also hate her," she claimed, and I nodded. "She was the worst. She always thought she was this emo punk chick who could sing. Don't get me wrong, she wasn't that bad, but I couldn't stand her. Somehow, she convinced me to join her band with my small drums."

"I can feel you all around me," sang Sabrina. "Thickening the air, I'm breathing."

At that moment Avery threw her notebook at the microphone only for it to fall on the floor.

"Honey, that is an expensive microphone! What is your problem?"

"Well, I'm trying to study!"

Avery failed a test within a few days and cried by herself at a bench near her dorm. Savannah showed up to ease her distress.

"Hey girl, I'm sorry for everything that Sabrina is putting you through. If it helps, I can have her come to my dorm room when she sings."

"Really? I would love it so much if you could do that. Otherwise, I may have to drop out."

"I wouldn't want that to happen to you. You seem nice. And look, I know you and Sabrina don't get along, but let's all meet for lunch right now and work out our differences."

She surprised herself by accepting that offer and they walked together to meet Sabrina.

"I hear you have some small drums girl. I don't suppose I can convince you to join our band?"

"Not a chance."

Avery grabbed a banjo that was underneath one of the white chairs.

"Do you play?" she asked. I nodded no.

"Neither do I. My boyfriend is the one who plays it thanks to Savannah." She played for about ten seconds. "It's a shame really. Savannah was something special. She knew exactly what she wanted to do, and she was working right for it."

Looking at spectacular dark clouds and a rainbow, I completely agreed with her.

"Oh, I know. I was excited to see that music business with all the latest instruments."

"Bigger than anything in Nashville she would always tell me."

"Can you believe I'm graduating in a month?" Savannah asked me as we laid on the grass looking at the clouds that finished off a storm with a great rainbow. "I got into Arizona State which was exactly my dream school and Steve is coming with me."

"And you're still majoring in business?"

"Absolutely. I feel like I want to open a music store after I save up enough money from a high paying job. This is going to be the best music store anyone has ever seen. All the best instruments will be sold there. This will be like the music version of Starbucks. Everyone will hang out and it'll be all about the music. This will be bigger than Nashville."

It was silent for a moment. She was graduating. My own sister.

"Did you ever have any dreams?" asked Avery.

"I really want to start my own publishing company and publish children stories. I guess I sort of had this vision of publishing what my sister wrote when she was little. 'The Dog That Never Died.' If only." 

She laughed. "Really? That's awesome. Why don't you do it?"

"I wouldn't know where to start. I'll probably work at my marketing job for the rest of my life anyways. Just marketing medicine until I get old."

"Aw dang, I know how you feel. I'm stuck working at a call center after two years of college and a failed attempt at nursing school. I don't take after my dad at all. That man had ambition."

"You know sis, your graduating in a year. You got any plans yet?"

"I'm thinking I might go to Texas State." At that moment I just wanted to go inside an end the conversation. "Might be easy enough."

"And what are you going to do at Texas State?"

"I don't know. Maybe a business major. I think it would be cool to start a book publishing company. Or maybe just being an author."

My sister rolled over onto her stomach and faced towards me holding my hand. "You'd be a great writer. I remember those comic strips you made when you were eight. The Adventures of Girl and her Sister Lady."

"But what about your story?"

There was a giggle. "Really? You'd want to publish that?"

"Sure. Why not?"

"I mean I guess you can, but that's my voice. What about your voice? What says you? You have to shout it." She stood up. "My name is Savannah!" She instructed me to stand up and shout.

Shouting was obviously not my thing, but my sister would not leave me alone until I did."

"My name is Margo!"

It wasn't long until we finished our food. Once we were done, we put our feet in the pool.

"You know, I love the water" declared Avery. "It's always refreshing. After a long day at the call center, I like to jump into this pool and swim for about an hour with the sun beating in my face. My boyfriend hates swimming though. Make sure your future boyfriend likes what you like. I mean I love the guy, but we barely have anything in common."

"I'll take note of that" My feet splashed.

"You have any guys that you're looking at?"

My face turned a little red in embarrassment. "It's a weird situation."

"Oh my gosh really? So, there is someone! Let me go get some dessert first and then you can tell me about him." She stood up "Do you want any apple pie or brownies?"

"A large piece of Apple Pie would be good. Also, if you have any Blueberries." That last part was a joke.

"I just bought a case of Blueberries yesterday! Always craving them. I'll bring those. You really are cool you know?"

Within five minutes Avery was back outside with two plates of Apple Pie and a case of Blueberries. We stayed with our feet in the pool and ate our dessert.

"So, tell me about this guy."

"There's not much to say. It's weird because I'm crushing on Steve my brother-in-law"

Avery almost choked on a Blueberry. "Really? That's strangely awesome."

"I guess so. I had this crush on him ever since he took care of my stalker in high school, but Savannah and he ended up dating not long after that."

"Oh man. Steve aka Big Boy Pizza. Make sure you ask him what that means, but that's so sweet that he looked after you like that. It's like having a cute big brother."

"I don't know, right now we're just friends."

"Of course, he's probably still dealing with the loss of his wife and daughter. Take your time, but don't wait too long. Was he the guy you were on Snapchat with tonight?"

"Yes," I said in embarrassment.

"Oh, dude there's no shame. Let me see your phone. He needs a nice picture of you."

I handed her my phone and posed for the camera with a duck face. We both laughed.

"You know, on Labor Day Weekend, we're going to the beach. You both should come with us. It would be like a double date."

"I don't know."

"Oh, come on. It's the beach and summer is coming to an end. How can you say no when it gives you time with Steve?"

"Ok. I guess we'll come."


I ended up staying the night and slept in the guest room after everyone left. That Saturday we went to the mall to do some shopping. It was honestly the most fun girl time I had in a while. Avery claimed I would be more confident with new outfits and she was right. Once we finished shopping for the day, we went out to an early dinner and ate at Joe's Crab Shack and for dessert Blizzards at Dairy Queen. In all honesty, the time I ever had girl time was with Savannah. After we finished our blizzards, we saw a movie and with that, I drove back home.

"See you Labor Day Weekend."

"Right back at you." I put on my new sunglasses.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! I know I did. Be sure to comment and vote.

What do you think of Avery?

Are you excited for Labor Day Weekend with Steve?

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