#27 Dad's Favorite Memory

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It was probably the slowest Saturday I ever lived through. Never in my life had I prayed so much before. It was also my first time in a hospital chapel. So many emotions were felt that day. Right around after dinner, I went to go visit my dad. We were both alone in his room while I sat on a chair next to his bed. He held a bright smile once he saw me.

"Margo how are you doing?" he asked as he coughed a few times.

"I'm not sure. How are you doing?"

"Well, I've had better times. How are you and Steve doing? I heard you started dating."

"It's fine."

His hand reached for my hand and squeezed it tightly. "Margo I may be dying, but you still have a life to live. In all honesty, how are you and Steve doing?"

"I don't know. When we visited Phoenix, everything felt magical as if Disney Land somehow moved to Arizona, but now everything is real, and I guess I've been ignoring him and been getting stuck in my emotions since we got back last week."

He continued to squeeze my hand. "Margo, if there is a piece of advice I could give you to guide you through the rest of your life, it would be that life isn't always great and it can get raw at times. When I first married your mom, it wasn't puppies and butterflies. Any type of relationship you have will shape you to grow and relationships thrive during the hard times."

"I just can't take any more of this. I wish Savannah was still here." A few tears found their way out of my eyes.

"So, do I. We all do, but she's gone. We'll see her again someday." An awkward silence filled the room for a moment. "Honey, do you remember that morning we found Freddo dead on the side of the road on our street? It was a hard day for Savannah, but I was amazed at how well you were there for her as a little girl even though you didn't care about that dog. Do you remember that flower you got your sister in the backyard?"

"How could I forget?"

We were coming home from the park that late morning from our cousin's birthday party. Right before we reached our house, Savannah noticed her dog Freddo dead on the side of the road. She screamed at the top of her lungs and before the car stopped, jumped out of the car while my dad stepped on the breaks getting out himself making sure Savannah wasn't hurt. She was kneeled over that dog crying.

"Freddo. Don't die. We'll get you to the vet. I promise. Please, Freddo."

My dad kneeled with her and put his hand on her shoulder. "Honey, I'm sorry but Freddo is gone."

She did not take that news easy and spent the rest of the day in her room crying. Towards the end of the day, my dad walked into her room and sat with her on her bed.

"How are you dear?" There was no answer and she kept crying. "Margo has something for you. Come on in Margo." He stepped up from the bed and stood by the door.

There I was sitting with Savannah on her bed. "Hi Sabana, I got you dis flower." It was an ordinary yellow flower. Nothing special. "Mommy can water this flower in your room and it can grow all da way to space."

She hugged me and accepted the flower. "Can it grow all da way to the moon?"

"Yes, it can even grow all da way to Mars."

"You and your sister were something special and I loved both of you so much."

I sat there weeping over that memory. "That flower never did reach space."

He laughed. "No, it didn't. In fact, I recall it reaching the trash within a couple weeks."

During my crying, I gave a big smile over that remark. "I love you, dad."

The moment after he said that, the monitor started going crazy. I knew what was about to happen and our hands squeezed harder.

"Margo, please don't miss your old man too much. I'll see you again someday after you lived a rich and fulfilling life."

The waterworks started going crazy. "Say hi to Savannah for me."

"She'll be the first person I see, and I'll tell her what a great woman you're turning out to be."

"Tell her I want my flower back."

His hand let go and he breathed his last breath. He was officially gone as I closed his eyes. The room felt completely silent. Not too much longer later, my mom came rushing into the room to see the dead body for herself and wept over him. This was followed by a couple nurses, Steve, Avery, and Dr. Peterson. Steve stood there trying to hold in his tears while Avery hugged me. Dr. Peterson put both of his hands on my mom's shoulder. The room was still silent, and I couldn't hear anything. He was officially gone. I got to have a final moment with him, unlike Savannah. For a few moments, I continued to stand there with Avery's Hug not sure what to do in the silent room full of tears and mourning. Finally, I collapsed to the floor out of Avery's Arms. A nurse came to my rescue. She shouted a few things, but I couldn't hear a word. Avery also shouted something.

"Your time hasn't come yet Margo," declared a voice in my unconsciousness.

"When will it be my time?"

"Wake up."

Hope you're not crying too much. I honestly had a hard time writing this chapter because I teared up so much. Unfortunately, the sadness isn't over. I can promise that there will be a happy ending.

What do you think of Dad's Memory that he shared with Margo? Does Margo have a full life ahead of her? Comment and vote!

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