#38 The Flashback Chapter

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Savannah wanted to come with me on my date with Ben Malone to make sure nothing bad happened, but I was stubborn and wanted this to be the perfect date. Because we were not old enough to drive, Ben's Brother drove us to Mini Golf Land. When I got in the car, Ben gave me a kiss on the cheek leading me to blush.

"OK guys have a great time," commanded his brother. "I'll be back at ten to pick you up."

We got out of the car and headed into the building which consisted of an arcade as soon as we walked in. Ben walked up to the cashier to pick up our golf supplies while I stood by the Pac-Man Machine worried about the date. What was I thinking? He would never like a girl with braces.

"You ready?" He asked.

Within the next couple minutes, we were on our first round of golf. Trying to shoot, my putter completely missed the ball.

Chuckling a bit, Ben gave me another chance. "Here let me show you how to swing." In an awkward but cute way, he put his body over my body and showed me how to swing leading me to get the ball into the hole. By the last hole, there was a new pro at golf.

"Not bad. It took me about a year to get good at golf."

We found ourselves getting ice cream. An ice cream shop stood next to the arcade and interestingly we both ordered blueberry. In the clear outside sky, we sat enjoying our ice cream.

"So, I didn't know you like blueberries. I've always been a fan of blackberries."

What was I supposed to say to that? He liked blackberries. That's like... something. He's so gorgeous. That slick brown hair.

"Yeah, some people like Oreos, I like blueberries."

"If liking something is wrong, I don't want to be right."

Obviously, this was getting a little awkward. How does anybody have a conversation? At that point, I wanted Savannah to be there with me.

"I'm sorry Ben, I've never been on a date before. My sister Savannah would probably be a good date."

His hand found itself on my arm. "Hey Margo, it's OK. This is the first date I've been on like you. And honestly, my brother tried to comfort me before this date, but he made me more nervous."

"Oh. Are you close with your brother?"

He chuckled. "If you only knew. We're practically best friends. He never goes anywhere without me."

It was that moment something inside of me said this would be fine. I was fine. Maybe a little too fine. "Oh my gosh really!? Me and Savannah are like best friends as well. We go trick-or-treating every year and she always dresses as some singer from a band she likes." Without realizing it, I was blabbing on about Savannah. "She's always blasting this loud music." After a while, I realized I needed to get quiet. "Am I talking too much?"

With a smile, he spoke. "Not at all. You know, I was glad you walked up to me in the cafeteria that day. I remember that first day I saw you in the halls. You were with Savannah talking to her and laughing. I guess I developed a crush on you or something that day. I guess I felt like I knew you or something."

Yes, this was obviously puppy love for two middle school kids who didn't know anything about love, but I didn't care. My face was more blushing red than ever. This was going to last forever. Nobody was going to take Ben away from me because we were perfect for each other.

Or at least until Sabrina took him away from me.

What did you think of this whole chapter being a flashback? Does this date sound like a great date? Does Ben sound like a great guy? And does this sound like a happy memory you'd want to remember?

Comment and vote!

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