Chapter 10

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Between tears and anger, Madinah rushed into her room. Other guests at the hotel gave her weird stares but she ignored them and walked into her room without anybody noticing her swollen eyes and unbearable anger boiling inside of her.

She locked the door, abruptly and took off her half-wet hijab. She felt so stupid for even hisiting,. All she wanted was to be nice and to meet his family.

" stupid could I be?!" An annoying hiss escaped from her lips. She could still feel the tightening in her chest. It looked as if Madinah's blood pressure suddenly increased. Her eyes clouded in a pool of tears as she cried alone and heartbroken even though she tried hard to fight back the anger.

For a moment, Madinah wanted to call her mum and explain things to her but she just couldn't. She knew Zainab would just ask her to come back home immediately, or rather, stop her relationship with Zayd— and she don't want that. Madinah stopped her tears and entered the bathroom to have a warm shower to ease all her worries.

Just as she came out, her eyes feel upon Zayd's as he entered.

"Who instructed you you find in?!" She queried, dumbfoundedly. "What are you doing here, Zayd? I said you should leave me alone!"

An enormous emotion played in Zayd's eyes. He couldn't resist her or say leave her alone.

"I need to know you'll be fine, Deena. Please, forget all what grandma told you, okay?"

"Okay," She nodded at him positively. Yet, she couldn't withhold the tears from pouring down her eyes as she grabbed a handful of her hair from the front.

It's not doubt that she still looked troubled but she took a seat at the edge of her bed.

"I know I'm unworthy of your love, Zayd. I don't even know what my parents have done to your family and I'm psychotic. I'm the abnormal person here."

"No, you aren't, Deena. Please, don't blame yourself for grandma's misunderstanding. She's an old woman."

"Yes, dearie. Your grandmother is right. I heard people in love don't see faults. She stood up from the bed and moved closer. It's not just grandma. I'm a coward! I'm an idiot. That's why my life was planned before I my birth. I deserve all the punishment, Zaydie. What if my mum doesn't accept you, or or relationship? It's true I didn't tell her about us. I was just waiting for the right time to tell her about my true feeling for you. M...maybe I'm just an absurd obstacle." Her voice cracked up a little as Madinah broke down in hot, streaming tears.

She felt so ugly and unwanted. Her fair, caramel face fell in her hands as she broke down into chocking tears.

An awkward silence settled in the room as the only thing heard was her soft sniffing.

You might be right, Deena... But I love you no matter what. I'll stay by your side and support you. A line of earnesty laced through his emotional voice as he held her into a warm hug.

As if his touch buried all her anger away. The couple hurried their faces into each other's shoulders hurt n consolation.


In My Room.

I slammed myself against  the door in total fustration. Hoping this commotion wouldn't be the end of their relationship. Thinking about what had happened, I couldn't help but to think that they end up together, at least. They've been through a lot and perhaps, I've never seen my twin this happy for a very long time.

"Nobody is perfect, though." I heaved heavily and placed my butt on the plastic chair again.

'This book has been staring at me for the last two days and I haven't written anything.' I hissed at the thought. Thinking about what to write and how my chapter 10 would be.

I closed the book in fustration and threw my weak body on the bed. I was planning to get out later that afternoon. It was almost 11:00 a.m. I needed to take a short sleep, then offer my Zuhr prayer. ...


After putting on her clothes, she started throwing her clothes out of the wardrobe.

"What's it dear. Are you going somewhere?" Zayd raised an eyebrow at her.


"I'm taking to you Deena."

"Yes, Zayd! I'm leaving this fucking country!" She spat at him.

"What?" He muttered as if the pain was unbearable.

"Yes! And I'm never coming back."

"But you can't do that, Deena. You can't just leave me like this." He faced her, his eyes looking redder than before.

"Why the sudden change of mind, Deena! Is it because of Grandma or you just played me all along?" He pulled her by the shoulder, stopping her from throwing out more clothes.

"Just forget about me! Maybe we weren't meant to be together! I'm sorry for leaving this way but I just need to. I can't stay one more day... I'm sorry."

"Don't do this to me." Zayd begged but as if something triggered her anger, she pushed him away and started packing the clothes into a black box.

"Leave me alone, Zayd. It's over between us." She warned.

"But we're engaged. You told me yes, Madinah. You said you love me too." More tears lingered down his eyes has he clutched her hands, again. Hoping she would understand or better still, change her mind about leaving.

"I said leave me alone!" Madinah hissed at him with so much irritation. "You'll find a better girl, okay?!"

"But I don't want you to go! I want you to stay here with me." Zayd pulled her in a hug but she pushed him hard.

Like an unbalanced kite flying in the evening sky, Zayd unstably hit his head on the shelf. And then it struck the marble floor. The sets of ceramic plates on the shelf fell on him. And everything shattered on the floor in a loud noise.

"Zayd!" Madinah cried aloud and hurried to him in a Jiffy.
"Are you alright?" She pushed away the shelf and drew out Zayd.

His wounded body felt weak as his eyes slowly closed.

"Zayd!" Madinah cried out loud in the mind-stricking confusion.

The appearance of sharp broken glasses made a deep hole in Zaid's head and eyes and he tried to move.
"Madinah." Zaid's cough cracked and more blood poured from his injuries. It looked at if the incident had slit his throat. Madinah was too frightened to scream, she held her hands tightly together over her mouth.

"Zaid... What have I done?" she pulled back.

"Come... Come closer." He begged. Another crimson blood slowly dripped down his lips and the scrapes and bruises came from his neck, back and shoulders. His lips clenched amidst his tortured sobs.

"No, Zaid... Don't die like this. It was a mistake.. God, what should I do? I need to call someone. Somebody help!" she yelled in horror

"No... Don't shout." Zaid's voice came as a plea once again. His hand manged to hold hers, as tight as he could. "I just want us to stay like this for a while." His heavy eyes that were half-open stared at Madinah and she squeezed her eyes to the excruciating pain of her heart.

"You need help right now. You're bleeding."

"There's no point trying to save me now, ma... Madinah. Medicine has no use after death. Tell my twin sister that I love her. I wish I could be a better brother. Take care of my sister, Dee..." He smiled amid his words and it faded the next second. "Come to good terms with her. It gladdens my heart to see you together as friends and sisters."

Madinah just watched him, speechlessly.

As if slowly dying, Zaid halter on his breaths as he attempted to control his pain and shock.
Promise me you'll love for her like you love me. Promise me, Dee." he commanded. His eyes were already swollen but Zaid widened it with a firm gaze focused on Madinah. His eyes searched hers for answers and his stiff lips needed a reply from hers that trembled.

White, hot agony of tears ran down her face like a water dam. Her tears were uncontrollable. How would she tell his family that she killed him due to her mental condition?
Zaid skin had peeled away from the edges, exposing his lump of fresh flesh which was a disturbing sight for Madinah to look at.
"I promise..."

"Thank you, darling." It seems as though he had to almost force his words out of his mouth.

Zaid dashed a smile and  slipped into darkness. He realized that his problems will haunt them no more. The urge to gain admission into a prestige university to study medicine  and become a doctor like his dad. The envision that Madinah would be a better person without him than she is, with him. Zaid grasped at the thought of not being bugged by Zaitoon or his grandma. Probably, it's time for him to rest. The compulsion of meeting his parents again and living in Jannah with them.

Zaid remembered that he wanted to tell Madinah how much he loved her a day before, when they had a quarrel. He  skipped it to meet her in person and properly apologize.

"I'm so sorry for being a jerk, Madinah. I love you." he wore another smile, and it gently faded. As soon as he finished his sentence, the silence had enveloped the room once again. Zaid's bloody hand slipped out of hers.

As the impact of his limp dropped from hers, the warmth of life touched his soul by the cold embrace of death.
He took his last breath, rolled over and was dead- without ever losing his virginity.


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