AOM: The Sighting

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Hello my lovely hostesses!

Now to let me make things clear for the last chapter, I skipped the physical exam episode because to be honest I couldn't think of any plot point for that so I skipped it.

Also, let me say that Renge is you're long term friend and she knows Kyoya instead of doing that whole movie shoot thing!


Enjoy This Chapter!!!



8:45 A.M


"(F/n)?" I heard someone call me as I wander off into my thoughts again. I look to see Renge. "Oh, good morning Renge." I yawned as I replied to her calls.  Renge had recently moved to my homeroom. "Hey, my little bouchan." she smiles as she ruffles my hair. "Hey!! I'm not Ciel tiny!" I mumbled.

"Oh please, (f/n) you could cosplay him so easily with your height." she laughs. I roll my eyes and I lie my head back on the desk. I look outside the window and I see the clear blue sky with such little poofs of clouds.

"(F/n)-chan!" Haruhi calls. I sit up brushing my (h/c) (h/l) strands out of my face and I see Haruhi once again being harassed by the twins. I groan, annoyed and I get up from my desk, just as I was about to grab pull the twins away, Renge stood in front of me.

"Hey, twins. Beat it and leave Haruhi alone." Renge ordered the twins. "But out, Otaku." the two said in unison. "Hey! But I'm you're manager!" she whines. The three all begin to argue making this the perfect time for Haruhi escape the twin's clutches. She makes her way over to me.

I sit down back at my desk and she sits next to me. "They're at it again, huh?" I asked her. "Yeah like always." she mumbles. The sides of my mouth twitch into a smile, and I glance at the three bubbling idiots. I bite my bottom lip as I glanced at Hikaru.

"Woah, what's up with that face?" Haruhi asks me. I'm brought back to reality, remembering that Haruhi was still here. "Face? What face? I don't have a face!" I laugh, nervously. Haruhi's eyebrow perk up. "You do like Hikaru..." she smiles. My cheeks burn with embarasement as she says that. "Y-Y-Yeah.." I manage to say.

"That's cute. You guys do make a nice couple!" she compliments me. "Oh why thanks, and what about you and Suoh huh?" I smirked. "Eww. NO" she replied. She said no but her face told different. I laughed, at her only to get a glare form her.


"(F/n)! Let's sit over there!" Renge cheers as she pulls me to a table. We sit at a table in the far corner of the room. "How've you been, (f/n)?" Renge asks as she begins to eat her lunch.

"Oh, I'm good. Not at my greatest hour." I sigh as I pick up a grape and plop it into my mouth. "Oh, you are a terrible liar." Renge snickers.

"EH?!" I question. She looks up at me with her signature, I-will-find-out-what-is-wrong-with-you glare. I rolled my eyes, knowing I've seen that glare before.

"Come on, (f/n)-chan! We've known each other since we were kids! I haven't seen you this down since-" she stopped herself mid sentence.

I knew what she was going to say. But she knew not to speak of it.

"I'm sorry, (f/n). I keep forgetting about her." she murmurs. I take my breath and I smile at her. "It's fine, really.." I mumble.

"Yo." I heard, suddenly.

I look up to be faced with Yousuke. "O-Oh hi, Yousuke!" I smile, fakely.

"Yousuke! Ooh my gosh! I haven't seen you in forever!" Renge laughed. Yousuke rolled his eyes at her, ignoring her.

"(F/n), you're supposed to come with me, today." Yousuke reminds me. My eyes widen, as I realized today was Tuesday.

"O-oh! I'm sorry.." I stuttered. I was terrified, my heart beat was racing.

God Damn it, (f/n)! You idiot!

I cursed to myself, mentally. "Lighten up, Yousuke! Can't I steal her away for today?" Renge asked. "Fine, by me. Then (f/n) I'll meet you after school today." Yousuke told me.

"Huh? S-sure!" I smiled, at him. He left my table with Renge to go hang out with his friends.

"Yay! Its our time now (f/n)-chan!" Renge cheered as she threw her fist up in the air. I laughed at her as I knew that Renge was back in town.

~~~After School: Host Club~~~

"Now as your manager, I plan to have the next event somewhere exotic!" Renge announced as she pulled out a white board and started writing down, ideas.

We all sat, drinking tea and eating our cookies. I was a bit nervous, though as to Hikaru was sitting right next to me along with Kaoru.

"Is she really our manager?" Tamaki asked  Kyoya as he sat at the couch, writing down notes in his little black book.

"She's really here as a decoration to be honest. She does bring a load of customers along with her, so I say she is." Kyoya replied, with a smirk.

"That sounds like you, Kyoya always keeping the company running." I laugh. Renge had stopped talking and took a sip of her tea.

"These cookies aren't that bad.." Honey smiled as he took a bite of a cookie. "Don't eat those, their bad for you." Mori warned Honey. Renge glared at Mori, because she baked the cookies herself.

"These were made with lots of love!!" Renge shouted, Mori held Honey as they ran from a quite angry Renge. "Ahh!! She's scaring me!!" Honey cried. I stood up, and stopped Renge as she was about to get Honey.

"Renge, can't we just have a nice meeting without any madness?" I ask her. She crosses her arms, and sighs in defeat.

I look over to the seating area, and  I see Hikaru  licking a bit of cookie crumbs off of Haruhi's face. I feel my eye twitch. I turn around and I face the window, crossing my arms like a child.

What the hell is going on with me?

I shake my head, and I unfold my arms. I see the cherry blossoms flow through the wind, they eventually are caught by the wind. They dance with each other along the beautiful blue sky.

"What are you staring at?" I heard someone ask me.  I turned my head and I saw Honey on  Mori's shoulders. "Oh, the flowers. The way they flow in the wind is quite amusing." I smile.

He smiles back at me and he holds his bunny tight to his chest. We walk back to the seating area, as I sat down, I felt my phone vibrate.

I got out my phone.

4 Missed Calls From Yousuke

2 Texts From Yousuke

"Damn it." I mutter. I opened the text message box.

Yousuke: (F/n), I'm in front of the school. Hurry up.

Yousuke: Hello? Are you deaf? Answer your phone!

Yousuke: I'm coming to get you, now.

My heart kept racing. I quickly, ran to the table and grabbed my books. "(F/N)-chan? Where are you going?" I heard Tamaki ask.

I turn around and I faced the Host club who stared at me. "I-I-I have to g-g-o." I managed to say. "Where to?" the twins asked in unison.

Before I could answer, the doors to the room slammed open. There stood a frustrated Yousuke, his blonde hair was in a mess. His eyes stared into mine as I caught his furious gaze.

"Hi, who are you?" I heard Tamaki ask. Yousuke ignored Tamaki and came over to me. "Let's go, I've been waiting outside for almost 45 minutes." Yousuke whispered to me, angrily.

"Yousuke, but I have a club meeting to attend." I told him. "I don't care. What did I tell you earlier today?" he asked me. I didn't answer him, I casted my eyes to the floor.

 "No." I tell him, sternly. "What?" he questions. I look up at him, with intense eyes.

"I'm sick of it! You always telling me what to do and just acting like I'm a damn puppet!" I shout. Yousuke's eyes widen.

"(F/n), stop this." Kyoya tells me as he walks over next to me. "No! I'm not!" I argue.

"You don't know what it's like to be with him! He's mean and rude. He tells me things these awful things." I tell him. Kyoya kept a curious gaze to me.

"No, I don't." Yousuke sneers. I turn back to Yousuke. "I never did NOTHING to you. Nothing! I don't understand why the hell you hate me. All I did, was care for you and be nice to you. Yet, you hurt me." I say, angrily.

He turns around, his back facing me. "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm nice to you." he mumbles. "Nice? You call this nice?" I cry as I pull down my sleeves.

I heard gasps from the host club as they saw my arms. The boys' anger grew furiously as they looked at Yousuke.

Honey and Mori were just about to go and kick Yousuke's ass, but I stopped them. "I don't understand, Yousuke. I remember when me and you used to be good friends. Do you remember the time in Mrs- oh what's her damn name.." I mumble.

"In Mrs. French's class we dropped the bottle of red paint and we put it on our bodies and acted like we were dead. You got us 4 weeks of detention for that." Yousuke smirks.

He turns around and he looks down at the floor. "Yeah, I remember." he sighs. I walk over to him, the guys hesitated as they saw me walk to him, but I gave them an okay.

"What happened to that Yousuke? The one who play pranks on teachers with me and would write music with me by the willow trees outside at lunch." I ask him. I felt the tears come down from my face as I remembered the good times with him.

Yousuke and I knew each other since we went to England together. He had been in England for 4 years and when I came in, it was his final year before he left back home to Japan.

"I-I don't know." he croaks. He bursted into tears, he was at my feet crying into his hands. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." he cried aloud to me.

My eye's widen as I saw him. He's never like this.

"I'm sorry, I h-hit you. It's just that I-I was so angry because my parents forced me to marry you. I just didn't want to. There's  nothing wrong with you at all! But it's just, I don't see you as my wife." he confesses.

I take a breath. Finally, this is all that I want. "You should never forgive me. I know, what I did was horrible! For that you can hit me! I don't care!" he tells me as he looks at me with puffy green-blue eyes.

He shuts them quickly, preparing for me to hit him. I look at Host club. Tamaki was furious and he wanted to hit him, along with the other boys.

"I'm not that type of person, Yousuke." I sigh as I get down on my knees. He opens his eyes and we're face to face.

"B-But." he stutters. I help him off of the ground and we stood up. "I'm not an abusive person. I have a whole private squad for that." I smile, brightly.

He looks at me with scared eyes. "No, I'm not at all. But, if you really want to repay me, do one thing." I ask.

"What is it? Anything!" he exclaims.

I take a quick glance at Hikaru, he didn't notice, thankfully. Then I looked up at Yousuke.

"Break off the engagement." I reply. Everyone gasped as I said those words.

"Deal." Yousuke smiles, we both shake hands.

"I'm sorry again, please forgive me." Yousuke apologizes as he bows. "I do." I smile. Yousuke looks up at the still shocked host club.

"I'm sorry for interrupting your meeting! You really have an amazing girl on your hands!" Yousuke apologizes, scared as he looks at the host club.

He quickly runs out the door, with a speed of smoke behind.

"Why you little! You think you're leaving after hurting my little princess!" Tamaki shouts as he jumps over the couch.

I quickly grab Tamaki's hand before he can leave.

"No, Tamaki. Just let him go, I got what I want for once." I tell him. He looks at me with wide purple eyes.

"(F/n)-chan! Why didn't you tell us!" Honey cried as he ran over and hugged me. "Yeah, I'm your best friend and you never told me!" Renge shouted.

"Hey, guys. Look, I'm sorry but at least now, I'm free." I smile. Renge smiles back and hugs me. The rest of the host club, except Kyoya and Tamaki came to hug her.

"What did  I tell you Kyoya, love is pretty strong. Isn't it?" Tamaki smiles as the two watch the club tackle (f/n).

"For once, you're actually right, Tamaki." Kyoya sighs.


My Lovelies!

I'm so sorry for not updating sooner!

My other books have been keeping me busy and life as well too!

I'll be updating for sure soon!

Yes, there will be sometimes, I do skip some episodes.

But, I'll make sure to pre-warn you.

Until next time!

Stay Kawaii <3


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