Hikaru Vs Kaoru

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Hello lovelies!

I hope you enjoy this chapter!


(F/n)'s POV:

"Good morning, Kyoya!" I yawn loudly as I walked downstairs. "Good morning, (f/n). How was Haruhi's house?" he asks as we walk out the door. "It was amazing!" I reply as I run my fingers through my hair. He nods before we get into the limo for school. 



"Haru-hi!" I greet as I see her walk down the hallway. "Hey, (F/N)." she replies as I walk next to her.  We walked together to the club, talking over the weekend. 

"Aww, look at Haruhi and (f/n). They're are so cute together!" a girl squeals along with her friend as we walk by them. I looked at Haruhi and we both laughed as we we both knew we heard that. 

We got to the club, as we walked in another tornado of rose petals come out the door. 

"Do you really have to do that every time?" Haruhi asks as we see the boys sitting on the couch.  "Yes, my dear. It keeps the fantasy effect!" Tamaki replies, in such awe. 

I laugh to myself as I see the two. The club begins to get the room ready for the guests. In such a short time. a swarm of girls and boys come into the room. 

I fix my hair and reapply my lip gloss just before I go to my station. "(F/n), your appoitment is here." I hear Kyoya call to me. I walk to the small table with sweet goodies and tea along with a boy. 

"Hello there." I greet as I sat down. "O-Oh, h-h-h-iii." he stutters, nervously. I saw him shaking as he kept his gaze down at the small cookie on his plate. 

"You don't have to be nervous." I soothe as I put my hand on his cheek. He looks up at me with such wide eyes. His shaking stopped a bit and he smiled. 

He apologized and I took my hand away from his face. We talked for a bit about school and I flirted for a tiny bit. 

"Well, I must be going." he ended. 

We both said our goodbyes and he left. I got up from my chair as I began to walk over to Haruhi who was talking to some girls along with the twins.

"Well, I don't see what's so funny. I'm honest I speak my mind and I don't hold back. Its sneaky people like Kaoru who are the trouble makers." Hikaru says, confidently. 

I heard that as I got there, my eyes widen as I heard Hiakru say that about his brother. 

Kaoru stops laughing and looks at Hikaru, but Hikaru doesn't stare back. 

"Don't turn this on me Hikaru. After all I'm always the one going along with your selfish games." Kaoru replies. 

I gasped at Kaoru's remark. Though it was true, I couldn't believe he said that. 

"I may suggest them, but your the one who really gets into them. Kaoru. If you hate it so much then why don't you just stop?" he replies back, looking at him. Kaoru rolls his eyes at Hikaru and takes glance at me. 

"Because I'd hate to see you make an ass of yourself in front of everyone. It was your idea to call Haruhi your toy but you were quick to make a pass at her." he announces. 

My eyes widen as  Kaoru says that. 

"Admit Hikaru, you're actually in love with Haruhi." Kaoru finishes. 

As he said that, I felt a sharp pain in my heart. Hikaru blushes as Kaoru says that and he tries to ignore it. 

I hid my cracked heart with a smile as I watched the two twins. 

Renge suddenly comes in with a motorized elevator thing. 

"How the hell is that even there?" I question myself as she talks with Tamaki and Haruhi. 

"Sex pixie!" 


"You're mama where's too much makeup!" the twins say in unison. I turn around and  I see the heated argument over the two twins. 

"That's it we're over!" they sneer at each other. Kaoru grabs his bag and he leaves the club. Everyone was in shock of the twins. 

Even I was too. 

Hikaru then took his bag and left shortly after. 

"What just happened?" I asked. 



"Good morning, (f/n)-chan!" Kaoru greets me as I walked down the hallway. I noticed that his auburn hair was no longer insight but was replaced by a patch of blue raspberry like hair. "Kaoru y-your hair.." I gasp as we stop walking. 

"Yeah, I didn't want to be mistaken for being like my idiot brother." Kaoru laughed as he ran his hand through his hair. I tug a strand of his hair, making him groan. 

"Don't say that about your brother." I sigh as he rub his head. "Its the truth." he mumbles as we continue walking. 

As we continued to walk down the hallway, I saw Hikaru with pink flamingo hair. "Hikaru!" I call to him as he passes by me. 

"Oh, good morning (f/n)." he greets with a smile. "Your hair is so..." I begin to say. 

"Pink. I know, I didn't want to be mistaken as Kaoru with his stupid blue hair." he laughs as he began to walk the other way only to be tripped my Kaoru. 

Hikaru gets up from the floor, glaring at Kaoru. Kaoru begins to laugh, only to trip when Hikaru caught him off guard. Kaoru gets up and the two have a full on eye staring contest. The next thing I know, they are throwing random stuff at each other. 

I walk off to my next class, with my hand hitting my forehead as I saw the two brothers. 

"Idiots..." I sigh. 


I followed Hikaru in secret as he headed off to lunch. On the way, I bumped into Haruhi who was following Kaoru instead. 

Haruhi and I walked into the lunchroom, where Hikaru and Kaoru were arguing over what lunch they were to get. 

"I swear those two are insane." I sighed. Haruhi nodded in agreement with me. 

"So this is what all the fuss is about. You two are a disgrace to the Host club." Tamaki tells the twins as he walks into the lunch room along with the rest of the club. 

Awes erupt from the room as the boys came in. "Oh Haruhi and (f/n), you're here too!" Tamaki cheers as he caught us with his gaze. 

"We're here to watch over the twins." Haruhi tells Tamaki. "Yeah, I-we were worried." I told him. 

"Hey Haruhi, come sit next to me." Hikaru called out to her. Haruhi grabbed my hand and walked us over to Hikaru. We all sat down, with Haruhi in between us.

"What's that?" Hikaru asked as he pointed to Haruhi's lunch.

"Yesterday's leftovers." she replied as she began to unwrap the box.

I looked as Hikaru was in awe while Tamaki was having another fantasy episode. Hikaru switched his lunch with Haruhi's in saying that all the stuff on his tray. I began to open up my jello cup and I dipped my spoon in digging out a small glob of raspberry. I took a quick bit and licked my lips. 

"SO, (F/n) is that any good?" Kaoru asked as he took a seat next to me. "Yeah, its really good!" I replied as I put the spoon down. "Here try some of this." Kaoru offers as he holds up a spoon with a brown like gelatin.

Before I could refuse his offer, he grabs my chin and our eyes met.

I stared into his amber eyes, getting lost in the world. "Quit bugging (y/n), Kaoru." Hikaru says as he eats the gelatin. 

Kaoru grabs a plate with a whipped pie and throws in at Hikaru's direction. I quickly move out of the way and I look to my left only to see Tamaki with the cream all over his face. 

Hikaru winks at Kaoru and the food battle begins. 

I hid under the table, letting the pink table cloth cover me while I was under there Haruhi was there too. 

"Will this ever stop?" Haruhi asked me. I sighed and shrugged my shoulders. I replied "Who's to say? I've never seen them in a fight before.." 

Haruhi looked at me, confused. "Never?" she questioned. I shook my head, then I heard a teacher. 

"What are you doing?!" the teacher shouted from outside the table. Haruhi and I peaked our heads through to see the dining hall a complete mess. 

"All of you will be cleaning this hall!" the teacher ordered before leaving. Hikaru and Kaoru left, still fighting leaving the rest of the host club to clean the hall. 


"Ugh.." Tamaki groaned as he sat at the table. "I know how you feel.." I replied, lying my head on the table. There was so much food everywhere, we cleaned the windows, swept the floor and cleaned the tables. The host club sat in the room, tired from the work except for Kyoya who had just sat and watched us work. 

"With the situation going on now, we would have to get rid of the brotherly love package. That's going to put us in quite a predictament." Kyoya announced as he typed away on his calculator. I groaned and closed my eyes. 


"(Y/n)-chan." I heard a voice call. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Honey poking my cheek. "Hi, Honey." I yawned, sitting up from my seat and stretching my arms up. 

I looked around the room and I saw no one was there except Honey. "Where did everyone go?"  I asked as I began to stand up. 

"There in the next room. Hikaru and Kaoru came back!" Honey replies with a smile. He grabbed my hand and dragged me into the next room. 

'Wow, he's strong for a little guy..' I thought. 

"Apologize to each other, now!" Haruhi shouts at the twins, they looked up at her afraid. I saw some bumps on their heads, probably from Haruhi. 

I walked a bit closer to them with Honey following me by my side. "Mmmm~ so what your saying Haruhi is that if we make up then we can come over to your place?" the twins asked with a Cheshire grin as they stood up from the floor circling Haruhi. 

"Wait a minute! You two were faking this whole time!" I gasped as Haruhi turned over a wooden cat figurine. 

"What? We were bored! Haha!" the twins replied with a mischievous grin. I glared at the twins, just as Haruhi dropped to the floor, with the figurine in hand. 

"Twins with too much time on their hands...are the devil." Tamaki curses as he looks at the twins. 

~~Le Time Skip~~


"Come on, (Y/n)-chan! You can't be that mad at us!" the twins called out as they followed her out the doors of the music room. 

"You two made me miss lunch the other day because I had to clean up your mess!" I replied as I rushed down the stairs. They followed me down the stairs and to the front of the school. 

"Please!" Kaoru begged. "How can we make it up to you?" Hikaru asked. I stopped in my tracks and I turned around to the twins. 



"Almost there boys! Only 2 more miles!" I cheered as I wrapped my arms around Hikaru's neck. "When we said make it up we meant by taking you to lunch or something!" Kaoru replies as he held all of our backpacks. 

"Well this is a lot better!" I smiled as I rested my chin on Hikaru's head. "Jesus, how much do you weigh" Hikaru groaned as he held my legs tighter. 

"Hey.." I replied to him, running my hand through his hair. 

"Hey! It took me awhile to do that!" Hikaru shouted as he stopped. I jumped off his back and I stood in front of him. "Well, you're just going to have to do it all over again!" I smirked as I began to walk down the street, with the twins following me. 

"I like today." I cheered audible enough for the twins to hear. "Hey, (y/n) there's the park!" Kaoru called as he pointed at the colorful playset. 

The twins grabbed my hand and dragged me to the park. 

"It still looks the same.." Hikaru sighs as we approached the swing set. I plopped my bag on the ground and I ran to a swing. Kaoru ran to the slide. 

Suddenly, I felt someone push me on the swing. "Woah!" I gasp. "What did I scare you?" Hikaru laughed as he began to push me on the swing. The swing got higher and higher as he kept pushing me. I smiled as I looked at the pink sky and the yellow clouds fill the beautiful view. 

The view was amazing. I leaned forward to get closer. "(Y/n)! Don't lean anymore or your going to fall!" Hikaru shouted. I rolled my eyes and I kept looking at the view. 

"I'm not going to fall!" I replied as I adverted my eyes back at Hikaru who was watching me. My (h/c) (h/l) followed my direction. Front. Back. Back. Front. 

The swing began to slow down a bit. Hikaru walked around and was in front of me. 

"Heyy! Lets go before your dad gets mad." Hikaru told me. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "I don't care! I just want to be-" I replied but before I could finish I flew out of the seat. For a second, I caught air before I fell on the grass.

"Oww.." I groaned as I rubbed my back. "I told you to be careful.." Hikaru sighed as he squatted down to my eye level. My hands hurt from the impact of the fall.

"Here let me see." Hikaru says as he grabs my hand. He turns it over to see the palm of my hand a bright red. His thumb rubbed the palm of my hand. My heart skipped a beat as I saw the care in his eyes. 

"(Y/n)!" a voice called out. I looked up and I saw my father get out from the limousine. "Oh god, I have to go!" I tell Hikaru as I get up from the grass. I ran over to my father, with of course the limp in leg letting me lag. 

"You should be at home studying. Not here with these boys." my father scolded me as I got in the limo. I just nodded as he began to lecture me. 

~~Third POV~

Hikaru watched as (y/n)'s limo pull away from the park. He began to stand up but he almost stepped on a bag. He lifted the (f/c) bag and sighed with a smile. 

"She forgot her bag.." he whispered. He opened the bag and grabbed a familiar journal. 

"Same old (y/n).." he sighs as he opens the journal to the first page. As he turns the beige page he sees a dried blue rose. 

He smiled as he saw the flower. He closed the book and shoved it back in her bag.

Kaoru watched his brother from the play set and smiled. 

"I knew it." he cheered, softly.  


HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is my present to you all! I'm so sorry for not updating sooner!

The chapter kept getting deleted and I had to keep rewriting it!

I hope you liked this little fluffy chapter!

There will be another update this week!





PS: sorry for any grammar mistakes!!!

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