Our Romeo & Juliet!

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Hello my fellow Readers ❤️

I hope you enjoy this chapter!


Third POV:

"Hmm, the flowers are in such beautiful bloom." (f/n) smiles as she watches the flowers dance in the wind. She traces patterns along the window. Unitl, she hears the sound of a door close. (F/n) sees her reflection in the window and moves her hair to the front of her face.

She puts on her favorite (favorite/flavor) lip gloss, across her lips. She hides her lip gloss in her pocket then gets down from the window sill. (f.n) heard the foot steps come behind her. Her heart raced, faster and faster.

Hikaru straightens out his jacket and he held the golden tea tray, then he begins to walk towards the girl.

She has such beautiful (h/c) hair. Where have I seen that hair before?

Hikaru ignores his thought and walks up to the girl. (f/n) breathes, heavily then turns around. Hikaru looks at the girl. His amber eyes widen as he sees the girl. He came face to face with the girl of the past. Those same (e/c) eyes the captivated his heart had once again revived his love for her. That beautiful (h/l) (h/c) hair that he used stroke when he was with her. He remembered that beautiful poreclian (s/t) skin that was as soft as a cloud. My how he lavished in the sight of seeing the girl.

(F/n) had looked and taken in the sight of her past love. The rememberence of his amber eyes that would heal her inside had once came back to her, just by seeing those amber eyes. She noticed the eldest twin had changed his hairstyle. That auburn hair was still aprted to the left. She remembered how soft his auburn hair was and how'd she play with his hair. (F/n)'s heart raced more and more, over the fact of him. Her smile faded and she took in the presence of him.

"(F/l)-(F/n).." Hikaru gasped. (F/n)'s eyes widen, as she finally heard her angel speak for the first time in two years. Before she could say something, her body became heavy to her and she fainted over seeing him. Her eyelids became heavy, and she slowly began to fall to the floor.

"(F/n)!" Hikaru calls out to her.


The loud crash and Hikaru's name made the Host club stare at the door. "Hikaru?" Kauro questioned. Kauro, Tamaki, Harhui, Kyoya, Honey and Mori, all ran to the room. Hikaru held (f/n) in his arms, and he looked at her with worry. "(F/n), can you hear me?" he asked, softly to the fainted girl.

"You shady twin! What did you do to my sweet little (f/n)?!" Tamaki questions Hikaru as he races over to the two. "Boss! I-I didn't do anything!" Hikaru stuttered. Mori picked up (f/n) and lied her on the velvet couch. Hikaru looked at Kauro. "Kauro, where'd you go?! I was here and waiting for you!" Hikaur asked his brother. Kauro wondered what he was going to say.

"I was in the bathroom.." Kauro reminded his twin. "For 15 minutes?" Hikaru questioned. "There was a long line.." Kauro laughed. Hikaru sighed, softly. "What happened to (f/n)-chan?" Honey asked Hikaru as he tugged on his jacket. "No, she just.." Hikaru began to say, until he walked over to her and saw her face against the beautiful sunlight. "She just..fainted." Hikaru finishes. Tamaki watched Hikaru as he gazed at (f/n)'s face.

"So cute! Our little Romeo & Juliet!" Tamaki cheers as he sees the two. Hikaru jumps a little scared over Tamaki's sudden cheering. "What are you talking about, Boss?" Hikaru asked Tamaki. "The way you look at her is so cute! Why can't you be like that when your around girls?" Tamaki asks. "What do you mean, Boss?! I can charm a girl if I wanted to!" Hikaru replies. The two began to argue over, Kauro, Honey and Mori watched the two.

Harhui and Kyoya watched over (f/n). "So she's your sister?" Harhui asks Kyoya. "Yes, she left Japan to England to excel in her creative talents." Kyoya explains. "Did she want to go?" Harhui asks Kyoya. Before Kyoya could answer, he noticed his sister's eyelids fluttering open. "She's waking up." Kyoya announces.

(F/n)'s eyes opened, slowly and she sat up from the couch, rubbing her head. "What..happened?" she questioned. She notices Hikaru and Tamaki arguing. "Kyoya, what happened?" she asks her brother. "From what I heard, you fainted when you saw Hikaru." Kyoya explained.

(F/n)'s POV:

"Hikaru?" I asked Kyoya. Kyoya pointed towards Hikaru whose was arguing with Tamaki. "Boss, what are you talking about! You're the perve!" Hikaru shouts. Hehe..Tamaki is kind of a perve. That comment made me laugh, which was a bad idea, due to the fact that suddendly everyone looked at me. Great...

"Oh! My little princess is awake!" Tamaki cheers, as he runs over to me and hugs me. "Ow! Sto-can't.." I began to squeal, as he hugged me tighter. "Waah! (f/n)-chan!" Honey cried as he came over and hugged my waist, as Tamaki let me go. "Aww, Honey-Senpai.." I smiled as I saw the boy begin to cry. I knelt down to his eye level, and I took a handkerchief out of my pocket. I wiped his tears away.

Honey looked at me with those wide golden eyes. "There you go, all better now." I smile as I wipe away his final tear. I saw Honey's cheeks grow a bright red as he looked at me. Honey suddenly kissed my cheek, my cheeks began to heat up after his kiss. "Huh?! Momma! Honey-senpai kissed (f/n) on the cheek!" Tamaki shouted.

I stood up from the floor and I rubbed my cheek. "Great, my cheeks are all hot now.." I sigh. Tamaki came over to me and put his hands on my cheeks. "What?! Was that your first kiss? Why are your cheeks red? Did you like it?" Tamaki began to ask me, suddenly. I pinched his hand and he let go, crying.

"No, that wasn't (f/n)'s first kiss. She's never had her's yet. Also my sister has a tendency of always blushing." Kyoya answers Tamaki's questions. "EH?! How do you know all that?!" I ask. Kyoya looked at me, with those i-know-everything eyes. I rolled my eyes at my brother and I took a glance at the corner of my eye. I saw Kauro and Hikaru talking.

I took a deep breath and I walked towards the two. "Umm.." I mumbled as I finally reached them. Kauro looked at me with his same dazzling smile. "(F/n)! It's been awhile." Kauro greets, happily as he gives me a hug. "Yeah, a long time.." I sigh, happily. I look at Hikaru who had a small tint of pink on his cheeks.

"Hi..Hikaru." I greet him. Hikaru's wondering amber eyes took a quick notice to me. "Hi, (f/n).." he replies. "Its been awhile." he tells me. "Yeah, awhile." I reply.

Suddenly, (Favorite/song) started to play. I took my phone out of my pocket. "Hello, (f/n) speaking." I greet. "(F/n)." I hear a montone voice reply. Damn its my fiancee. "Yes, Yousuke?" I ask. "Where the hell are you?!" he asks. "Huh? What do you mean?" I question. "You were supposed to be with me after school!" He shouts. "I'm sorry, okay?" I sigh. "Whatever." he spat.

"Just be at the gym, in 5 minutes." he orders me. "Yousuke! You can't just order me around all the time! I'm a person too, who has needs and whims." I cry. "Be here or I'll tell your father!" he threatens. My eyes widen at his threat. "I'll be there, then.." I sigh. "Good." he sneers before he hangs up. I put my phone in my pocket and I go to Kyoya.

"Kyoya, Yousuke called me and he wants me at the gym. I'll see you later." I tell him before I leave. Before I left, I took a glance at Hikaru and he looked at me. I waved, faintly to him before I left.

Third POV:

(F/n) left the Host Club with the beautiful sun slowly going down. Hikaru takes a breath.

"Kyoya? Does (f/n) belong to a club by chance?" Tamaki asks Kyoya. Hikaru and Kauro walk over to their friends, listening to the conversation.

"No, she doesn't." Kyoya replies. Tamaki sits up from the couch rubbing his chin.

"Good.." Tamaki smiles. "Boss, you're giving that creepy perve grin." Hikaru mentions to Tamaki.

"What!?" Tamaki shouts. "Ha! You're a big old perve!" Hikaru and Kauro laugh.

Hikaru and Kauro dances around Tamaki chanting that he's a perve.

Honey and Harhui go up to Kyoya. "Kyoya-senpai, why did Tamaki ask that?" Harhui asks Kyoya.

Kyoya looks up from his silver glasses and smirks.

"We're continuing Operation: Romeo & Juliet Revival. Or the 'Get (f/n) and Hikaru' back together."


Hey guys! Sorry for not updating lately!

Merry Late Christmas!

Sorry for the late part!


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!

Stay Kawaii ❤️

Until next time!


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