Chapter 2: Remember?

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With a firm shake of your head, images of people you thought you once knew went were flooded with emotions...happiness...agony...anger...worry...most of knew you were smart...but you didn't know why you felt the way you did...maybe it was because of the people?...maybe it could have been from your friend...or maybe those people were once important to you… you didn't know right away at that moment and figured that you might have just been overtired...but that wasn't the case…

You say to your friend without thinking twice; “Ya know...we were all meant to grow up we mustn't be stuck in the past reliving our greatest memories and moments...we must move forward and continue to make new ones…”

Your eyes were shadowed over yet filled to the brim with a mixture of emotions each to a certain degree; seriousness...agony...anger... heartache...and so much more.

Your friend looked at you with realization in her eyes and a bit of tears and said;’ve it can't were you decommissioned? … you were the best of the best… you meant so much more to others around were that person that anyone could just go up to and talk to freely if they were having a problem… you were that person who was able to spread kindness and cheer… you were a person who would give people useful advice and help found people's were also that person that had helped your greatest Allies pave the way for great memories and moments that we were sure we could remember in the why?...

Why what?

Why aren't you able to remember it? were the one to help give rise to everything we did back then...back then as “innocent” children! So why!?...why can't you remember it as it was back then!?... CLEARLY!

Clear???? What is clear? Why was it so much more clear to us about what we wanted to become back then!?why is it not clear now!? Why?...why has my vision of the past become so clouded? every question I asked back then as a child might have been questions about the lessons I learned and why the world is the way it is and why people did things the way they did them...but the questions that I really should have been asking myself was; why do I tend to cater to other people’s needs instead of trying to focus on my own self and my own needs? Why was I able to feel people's auras and be able to tell what they were feeling? And why did I try to be cordial and forgive others for hurting me more than once and on purpose? More and more images of people you once knew flashed thru your head as you talked.

Your friend had looked down and the turn and ran away with tears in her eyes.

You realize you've just hurt someone precious to you but yet for some reason you couldn't bring yourself to care less. So you just walked back to your house and went to your bedroom and locked the door and windows.

Why? Why is it always me? What have I even done to deserve this much misfortune in my life?why?! Why did fate choose me to live my life like this!? You shouted angrily to know one in particular.

Then you hear a voice saying; it's not you that's causing the misfortune it's your powers and memories of the must learn to let go of the past and continue forward caring about everybody but yourself… listen to me and I shall lend you my powers…

You thought about it for less than a second and then said; power...yes...I need power…

Hehehe...good girl

(End Chapter 2)
Hope you all enjoyed!, And as always till next time my fellow readers!!!!!!~ 8)

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