September 7th, 2014

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September 7th, 2014

         "She's intuitive; I reckon she often gave the guards a bit of hell when she was there. Not two weeks after I began to realize that money was becoming a problem, Ophelia told me she had applied for four jobs in the last few days. She'd gone to the library and asked for the librarian's help; the librarian showed her a list of places that were hiring with little to no qualifications. She seems optimistic, and honestly, it has lifted a weight off of my shoulder. She wants out of the house; being cooped up all day cannot be good for her. It isn't good for her.

           This will give her something to do, help us both out, and she will really get a good sense of the world. We're both still learning a lot of it, there is so much ground to cover. It helps when she goes out, she spends so much time at the library, and she tells me everything. Everything she did, everything she learned, the news around the world that she thinks is interesting. She is very informed, and she seems so much happier now. I can hear her right now; she's been singing the last few nights in the shower. I'm not sure if she realizes that she is singing, I don't know what she's singing, and her voice... Well, she's no Billie Holliday. But she's happy.

         We're happy."

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