Chapter 1

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All I could hear was screaming...

And when I say screaming, I mean the yelling of the children that I attended this Academy with. Myself, as well as another student known as Sasuke Uchiha, were currently surrounded by the horror inducing fan girls that would fight over us almost every day. I, personally, had no understanding of why they were attracted to either of us. We were both quiet and generally kept to ourselves, so it's not as though we've done anything to gain their favor. Besides, I have rather plain, slightly messy blonde hair with simple and dull blue eyes. I looked pretty ordinary overall.

Currently we were in the middle of waiting for our sensei to return with another one of the students. This troublemaker's name was Naruto Uzumaki. I personally had no problem with him. Quite the contrary actually. I was one of his only friends. Most thought of him as a nuisance. I thought of him as misunderstood. Plus, he was quite amusing.

The slamming open of the door managed to gain the silence of the class as the girls ran back to their seats just in time for Iruka-sensei to come in with a tied up Naruto. This was such a common occurrence that I only sighed at the scene before me.

"Now listen Naruto," Iruka began his scolding as he stood with his arms crossed in front of Naruto. "You failed the last graduation test and the one before that. This is no time to be goofing off, you fool!"

"Hmph," Oh Naruto. I think you just ticked Iruka off.

Seriously though, he was grinding his teeth and had a vein popping out of the side of his head. That can't be healthy...

"That's it!" Yup, Iruka's lost it. He pointed towards the class as he continued. "Today we'll have a re-test on the Transformation Jutsu! Even those who already passed will take it!"

"Whaaaat?!" That definitely elicited groans out of multiple students.


"Haruno Sakura. Here I go..." The pink haired fan girl started. "Transform!"

Did she really have to say her name? I mean, she's had Iruka as a sensei for years. I would hope he knows her name by now.

"OK!" Iruka started writing on his clipboard as Sakura de-transformed and began cheering. Why she was cheering? I shall never know.

"Did you see that, Sasuke-kun?!" She looked towards her object of her affection as he continued to ignore her.

"Next, Uchiha Sasuke." See he knows your guys' names.

He quickly transformed and de-transformed as Iruka let out an "O-ok."

"Next, Uzumaki Naruto," Oh dear, I know what will happen now.

The said person grumpily made his way up as Nara Shikamaru and Yamanaka Ino began to complain.

"This is a real pain."

"And it's all your fault."

I'm sure you guess which came from who.

"Like I care!" Naruto grumbled before going up with a sly grin on his face. "Transform!"

And just as I guessed, he used his Sexy Jutsu. I don't know what was worse: The jutsu itself or the fact that Iruka fell for it.

Of course, Naruto just let out one of usual laughs while I gave a small smile while shaking my head at him. He never changes.

"How was it?!" Naruto began boasting. "I call it the Sexy Jutsu!"

"You fool!" Woah... Iruka's head just grew really big... "Stop making such stupid jutsus!"

Yeah... He wasn't happy...

"Anyways..." He finally calmed down. "Next, Phillips Emily."

A girl with brown hair and green eyes walked up nervously as her eyes darted around the room anxiously. She only muttered the jutsu quietly after her friends Jenson Rose and Stone Katie gave her looks of encouragement. She managed a fairly decent transformation though for only having been at the Academy for a few months.

Her and her friends were a group that I just so happened to have my eye on.


Emily Phillips or Phillips Emily: A shy girl who only really voices her opinion to her friends, but she's quite nice. She shows an interest in medical ninjutsu.


"Transform," Rose spoke calmly as she performed an almost perfect transformation.


Rose Jenson or Jenson Rose: A calm, slightly sarcastic girl who often rationalizes situations and tries to keep her friend Katie from getting into fights. Shows an interest in genjutsu.


"Transform!" The final girl, Katie Stone yelled out as she did a rather poor transformation. Ah... Poor girl. She was sulking in a corner now.


Katie Stone or Stone Katie: A hot headed girl who is overly sarcastic but kind enough, and despite her personality is quite the nerd. Shows interest in taijutsu.

All three have a love for books.


"Next, Masaomi Akio!"


And that's me: An awkward class heart throb with no life and an overly laid back attitude.


I performed a nearly perfect transformation as I muttered the jutsu under my breath before quickly turning back as I walked back towards my spot in the back of the classroom. I ignored the stares from the three girls I mentioned as I walked. In the same way I was curious about them, they also saw me in similarly yet different type of curious manner. While I knew of their curiosity, it was doubtful that they knew of mine. I tried to keep on the down low in order to avoid any form of suspicion. As to why I had to try and avoid suspicion... Well, let's just say...

My life was a mess.


922 Words excluding A/N's

You guys have no idea how excited I am to finally be writing this story! This is one of the very few stories that I've planned on extensive detail. Granted, all the planning is done in my head and stored somewhere in there as per usual with my stories, but I've been coming up with stuff for this story for about a year now. I'm hoping that you guys will enjoy this as much as I'm enjoying writing it! Also, I'm sorry for ending this chapter a bit abruptly, but I plan on going to bed after I publish this. So yeah... Sorry if there were any mistakes. I wrote this on my phone.

Finished- 12:28 am on May 16, 2018

Bye ~

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