Ember Flame

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Name: Ember Flame.

Hometown: Verdanturf Town, Hoenn

Date of Birth: June 21

Age: 19 Years old

Gender: Heterosexual Female

Significant Other: N/A

Friends: Asher

Alliance: Team Magma

Appearance: Ember has medium length brown hair and blue eyes. She's on the taller side, 5'9", and has plain features. While she does tend to dress up when she's not in uniform, she does it more because she likes the outfit and does it to feel good. Looking good to appeal anyone is the least of her worries.

Personality: Ember is very smart, having an IQ that exceeds the people of her age. She was born with this gift, but because of it, Ember is very analytical. She likes facts rather than relying on emotions. While she can come off as cold, she does it as a protective mechanism.

Ember also doesn't understand the concept of jokes or sarcasm. This can lead her into trouble at times, especially with her serious nature. She also has a short temper if you mess with people she considers her friends.

Past: Ember joined Team Magma at the young age of 9 with her friend, Asher. Her reason for joining Team Magma is that she's heard of the turmoil Torrent Day could bring, and she wants to stop it. Team Magma seems to be the only group of people who are taking this problem seriously. Ember has a few family issues that she refuses to let anyone know about as those are her business, not others.

Likes: Books (fictional, non-fictional, fanfic, as long as it's a good read). Team Magma. Fire Type Pokémon. The color purple.

Dislikes: Team Aqua. Sarcasm and jokes. Water. The color blue.

Pokémon Team:

Cami—Numel. Go-to Pokémon. Is known to lay around, but is very strong. She's very care-free and loving. Cami is close to evolving.

Mikie—Mightyena. Companion Pokémon, First Pokémon she received from one of her older brothers. He's very protective, and his bite is worse than his bark.

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