Tami Smith

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Name: Tami Smith

Nicknames: Tami-tan (by Sakura and Kaito)

Hometown: Rhode Island, America. (city, unknown)

Known Family Members:

Oliver Davis—half-brother

Helen Davis—Mom

Peter Davis—step-father

Date of Birth: August 31st (Official)

Age: 15 years old

Gender: Heterosexual Female.

Quirk: BioChange

Hero Name: TBA

Appearance: Tami has shoulder-length blonde hair and brown eyes. She stands at 5'1".

Personality: Tami is very serious, quiet, and very anxious. To those who know her and get her to talk more, she's known to be the voice of reason and can help anyone out in any tough situation (especially when it comes to schoolwork). To those who don't know her well, Tami can come off as a very shy and timid person. If she does help those whom she doesn't know well, or has to talk to them, Tami is liked a chihuahua in the dead of winter.

Dreams: Not to be a hero. Use her Quirk for some other purpose.

Likes: History. Her brother, Ollie. Dinosaur chicken nuggets (with extra ketchup).

Dislikes: The thought of being a hero. Crowded places. Physical touch (she likes her personal space).

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