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Ozpin Tower, Ethan POV

"You want us to what," I asked Ozpin

"I want you to-," he said but I cut him off

"Oh no I heard you ragged ass old man! You want us to hunt and kill Ben, a man who suffered already!?"

"Ethan," Noah said


"Ethan we know, what they did to you both," Price said,"but what he did, that doesn't excuse all the lives he took and will do in the future."

"He's right mate," Vick said,"Ben killed thousands of innocents, his followers add on to that tally. If we want to stop him, we have to hunt him down."

"Your talking like his a rabid dog," I said as I glared at him,"Ben needs to be stopped yeah, but killing him?! He can be saved!"

"Ethan do you hear yourself," Noah asked,"your trying to save someone who doesn't even want to be saved."

"FUCK OFF," I yelled and marched to the elevator,"I'm gonna go get a drink, come get me when its time for the mission!"

The doors opened and I smashed Ground Floor button, fists shaking in rage. I stopped as I teared up, crying as the person I see as a brother, a man who I grew up with at the orphanage and the one...the one who asked me to his child's Godfather...become this! I cried as the memories of our lives rolled through, us as little boys playing around, staying up late to work on projects and...being together when those SKANKS attacked us

Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long...those four are the reason he became like this, this monster he is today. I breathed in as I stepped out of the elevator and bumped into someone. I groaned and went to apologize but stopped as it was...SCHNEE! She was older, hair was trimmed to her back, a fancy attire and...still flat as a chopping broad

"Oh Kalder," she asked,"I-."

"Save the pleasantries Schnee," I said with distaste,"I got no business with you, but I do I have business with your sister."

She glared at me, tch like that will scare me. It was like a cub trying to stare down a full mature lion, who was stronger and powerful then her. And the business with her sister was to find any leads on Ben, but now...I had what I needed

"I see you haven't changed after all these years," she said, glaring still

"Same goes to you," I said, glaring back at her

"Still with the dolt? I heard he-."

I grabbed her throat, pushed her into the wall and glared at her with fucking death, starling and frightening her. She squirmed a bit, but I had more muscles and physical strength then she did, she never bothered trying to improve her body, would have helped her flat chested ass.

"Let me make something very clear Schnee," I said to her and squeezed,"you don't even deserve to say his name or call him anything. You're the reason why my brother became this way. You think you can come back home, be a nice little girl to everyone and get a clean slate?

THAT SHIT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT! I KNOW what you did, and one day, you're gonna die for it. Not today, not tomorrow, not right now, but soon...I will fucking kill you."

I let her go a bit then punched her stomach, making her gasp in shock and cough up some vomit. I walked off as I seethed in rage and anger, that little skank ruined Bens life and why...I almost killed myself...but Ben...he saved me. I wiped my eyes as I went to the courtyard and breathed easier, then got a call on my Scroll, I looked and saw it was...BEN?!

"B-Ben," I asked as I answered it

"....Hey buddy," he said to me, his voice devoted of emotion or tone, like he was...dead

"Ben...Ben is that really you?"

"Yeah...it is brother. How you've been?"

"Seriously? After 4 years, 4 years of being gone and you showing up and murdering all those innocent people!?! You call me and ask how I've been?! You fucking daft man!?"

"I wanted to make sure you were okay, I heard from my sources that you were at Piccadilly Circus. I...needed to make sure you were safe."

"Well I'm fine, no thanks to your gun toting and explosive loving friends. Ben...stop this, we can find a way to...to put Coco to rest and make them pay!"

"...It was great talking to you Ethan...I'll be seeing you around...goodbye brother."


"...Salem...her followers....RWBY...all must die."

He hanged up on me as I stood there, shaking as his voice ranged in my head. He spoke with no emotion, only pure rage that could make a serial killer quit there and now. I shook as I felt someone tap my shoulder, making me turn around and there I see Noah there, staring at me with hushed eyes. I panted as he scared the shit out of me

"Jesus mate, you scared the shit out of me," I said as I leaned on a rail

"Sorry Ethan, but we need to go," he said, walking off as I followed him

"Why? Whats going on?"

"...Ben struck again."

"What?! Where did he attack now?"

"Ironwood's personal airship."


45 minutes earlier, Atlas airspace

Day 7
Atlas Airship
Commander Winter Schnee
Protection detail for General James Ironwood, in-route to Vale for Council Conference

Winter Scheen, codename Nevermore, was seen standing outside James Ironwoods office as he suddenly exited out. He held a tablet as he placed it down on a desk, as the door entering the room opened and in came Glynda Goodwitch with Elm following right behind her. She looked older, her eyes are red as shes been crying for a long time, James walked to her and kissed her cheek

"The other Council members are waiting for you James," she said to him as they walked out

"Their expecting a quick and easy solution form me," he said as he leads her out

Winter followed them, signaling Elm and Marrow to follow her. They exited the room as Marrow radioed in that they were moving to the meeting room with the other Council members. They were going to try and come up with a plan if the other Kingdoms will try anything against for the Vale airport attack, which left a lot people mad

"I don't like this James," Glynda said to him,"they will roar for him to be hanged."

"I know Glynda," James said,"but his leaving us no choice. He's riling the Kingdoms up, attacking cities with this false flags and having Salems marks on it."

"What will you tell the Councils?"

"..The truth."

The three Ace Ops looked at one another and grew worried. They were told the truth a couple years ago, after the supposed death of Ben, which destroyed James. He told them and they didn't believe it at first, but they came around when they saw what she can do. The 5 made it to the door leading meeting room, they stopped as James held Glynda

"They won't believe, hell they won't listen to you," she said

"They have no choice," he said as he kissed her forehead,"I hold two seats, and I'm the General. I'll see you soon."

She nodded as she was lead out with Elm following her behind. James sighed as he smoothed his hair back and sighed, then looked at Winter, who stood there like a statue.

"I guess your happy he ain't here," she asked him

"Any time away from him is a blessing." Winter said, getting a chuckle

"Indeed, now let's do this."

She nodded as Marrow opened the door and they walked in and see the other two council members, Camilla and Sleet, both walked to their seats and sat down as James's took a seat at the front

"James/Ironwood," the two said

"Sleet and Camilla," he said to them,"now let's get to work. We have two options; peace or war. Life or death. For the sake of our children and the sakes of millions of more children, we must seek peace with the other Three Kingdoms."

"Are you insane," Sleet asked,"General, now is not the time to appease our enemies."

"The Three other Kingdoms believe we started this war with the airport attack," Camilla said,"we are being seen as the monsters, they will try and attack us first."

"We destroy them, we are showing them we are the monsters the real enemy is seeking to make us out to be," James said,"if we cannot end our differences, at least we-."

Suddenly gunfire was heard, making Winter and Marrow tense as they moved to James and the other two. Marrow grabbed Fetch, putting it into its assault rifle mode and stayed close to the door

"Thats gunfire," Winter said as she pulled her rapier out

"Hijackers are taking the plane," the Captain yelled,"the Cockpits been breached!"

"You two stay close to the General," Winter said to two soldiers,"team 3 status report?!"

"We need backup," team 3 leader said

But the Airship swayed hard, making the others lose balance and nearly fall into the ground, but it straighten out. Marrow stayed there as soon he heared multiple heavily foot steps were heard and something begin attached to the door.

"Code Red, I repeat code Red," Winter said'

But the door blew open, causing disorientation and ringing in the ears, making the defenders blinded for a few seconds. The hijackers came in, wearing the same attire as they did at Piccadilly, with more heavy armor than before. Marrow gunned down the first one that came in, then Winter moved in and stabbed the second and grabbed his gun to mow down the other two

"Move, we're taking the Council members to the safe room," Winter said as she and Marrow moved ahead

They moved through the hallway as the Airship once again shaked to the turbulence, making them groan as they tried to stay up right. They came to an opening as two soldiers were in a small fire fight. They came to fight when suddenly they were thrashed around when the airship went into a free fall

Winter looks as the terrorists came up, still able to fight, firing at them. She sued her Glyphs to move through and sliced and stabbed the terrorists before they could do anything, but she fell down hard the ship stopped failing. She landed hard, making her groan as a terrorist tried to gun her down, but Marrow came in and shot him

"That have us pinned down in the cargo bay," Elm yelled as she grunts on the comms

"Team 3 back ups on the way," Winter said

As they went down a level, they encountered more hijacker's, who fired at them, but Winter moved fast enough to stab one and Marrow gunned down the other one, moving as they took down. James was on front of the two other Council members, he grabbed one hijackers arm and twisted his arm hard, pulled his own revolver, Due Process, and blew his head off

Soon they reached the cargo bay when suddenly a body went flying and slammed into the wall, their bones breaking on impact. They entered in and see Elm holding Timber in her hands, Glynda panting as she held The Disciplinarian in her hand, though she has seen combat in while, she can still kickass. James ran to her and hugged her, making shes save

"Glynda," he said

"James," she said as she held him

"Move the council members up to the safe room," Winter said as she looked at Marrow,"Marrow, follow me up ahead! Elm stay here with the others."

"Understood ma'am," Elm said

"This the Cockpit, attempting emergency landing,"

The two moved up ahead, going through the main seating area for the ship, as more hijacker's came in, guns blazing. Marrow took cover as he fired Fetch at the hijackers, as Winter summoned multiple Glyphs to fire icicles at them, skewering a few before the entire Airship shook. Soon the entire Airship was shaking crazy, rocking and thrashing as it attempted the emergency landing

Winter looked out the window to see the snowy land scape of the far outreachs of Atlas. She looks as the ship tore in half, scraping on the land as the back half slides back and soon tumbled into a roll. She looks as one of the Aripships engines was high in the air and soon came down on to her vision, causing her to blackout.

Sometime later

"Commander," Marrow yelled, shaking Winter

Winter opened her eyes as she saw she was on the snow covered ground, in the underbelly of the Airship. She groaned as she got up and saw her blade on the ground next her, she grabbed it and stood up.

"You good Commander," Marrow asked him

"Yes Marrow I am," she said as she stood straight,"but come on, we need to find the Council Members before they do."

The two slowly walked under the Airship as they came out of a destroyed forest, with wreckage all around the area. The two walked as they see wounded personnel, sailors and soldiers, all who moved the dead and injured to the side, also covering the dead. The two walked on as they see Elm on the side with Glynda, who was bruised and bloody, but still alive

"Move her to safety," Winter ordered her

"Understood ma'am," Elm said as she picked her up

The two walked ahead as they see the more healed soldiers grab their weapons and moved ahead of them. They moved as they heard the Comms turn on.

"This is General James Ironwood, the Council Members are injured and secured," James said as he fired his rifle,

"Moving to your location now," Winter said,"secure the area for evac!"

"Understood, firing flare to mark our location!"

"There's the flare, right side," Marrow said, pointing to the right side

"We see the flare, on our way!"

The two ran to the location, going over the ditch made by the Airships crash landing. They ran over to as they see more Atlas Soldiers in combat with the Hijacker's, who now had vehicles for support, one armed with a Heavy MG on top of it. Winter ran ahead as Marrow fired from the rear, as he aimed at the long reach shooters, as Winter went in close

She sliced and diced the Hijackers, mowing them down as she moved to the Humvee. She moved in as she summoned a Manticore that charged at it and bashed into it, making it roll over till it bashed into the wall and exploded. She panted as she saw Marrow hit a Hijackers head and grabbed it back, looking at her and nodded

Soon they moved to the area where the flare came, there they saw more Hijackers and vehicles there. Winter summoned the Manticore back and makes it thrash and destroy the vehicles to bits, as Marrow and the Soldiers moved in to kill the Hijackers. James moved up with the others, two soldiers and the Council Members, who only had scraps

"Where is Glynda," James asked

"Shes safe and secured," Winter said as she moved to them

As they regrouped, they see a couple of Mantas move in to pick them up. Marrow helped James to move to the Mantas, as Winter moved to it first as it just landed on the ground. She moved to opened it and there inside....was...

Benjamin Makarov, who walked from the back as he pulled out Soul Breaker, aimed it at Winter and fired it into her chest. She screamed as she was sent flying and landed on the cold snow ground. She looked as she saw more terrorists came out and gunned the soldiers down, then surrounded them all. Marrow tried to attack Ben, using his Semblance

But Ben was to quick as he fired at Marrow and hits his skull, killing him in an instant. Marrows dead corpse fell beside her, making her see the man she served her now dead beside her, making her pant in pain. Ben stood there as James was pushed to him, making the two stare down one another

"...Dad," he said

"Son," James said, voice filled with sorrow and pain

"You know what I want."

"Ben stop this insanity! We can stop Salem together!"

"Remnant won't follow the council's, they have been greedy and self centered for years father. This is the only way to ensure the Kingdoms will work together without obstacles, even if it must stand upon a pile of ashes. I want the Omega Launch codes dad."

"You'll never get them."

"...Every man his weakness. Find the women."

The Hijackers dragged James into the Manta, Ben looked at the two other Council members and pulled his sword sword out and stabbed each on the chest, ripping it out and makes their blood spew out of their chests and fall down dead. Ben huffed as he sheathed it, then walked back to the Manta, but stopped as he looked at Winter, who glared at him

"This...won't bring...Coco back," she said

"...I know," he saids

He aimed his revolver at her head and pulled the trigger.


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