Chapter 3 - Opening Ceremony

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Yo, Firestorm here and I'm back with chapter 3 of RR. Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. Well, there isn't much to say other than enjoy the chapter and that it's so much fun seeing this project finally coming to fruition. I can't tell you how long I've been looking forward to this. Anyways onto the story!

(Opening Theme: Simple and Clean)


"Look. All I'm saying is that motion sickness is a much more common problem than one might think" Jaune explained as he walked with the group down the courtyard of Beacon, right next to a small pond and fountain. Jaune recalled to what Ruby and Yang called him earlier on the ship because of his actions on the ship - vomiting and all.

"Apologies. When we had first witness your motion sickness many of felt the nickname *Cough* Vomit boy *Cough* was well earned." Sieg said as Kyon chuckled.

"Hey don't worry my buddy Aptus had the same problem once before the difference is he eventually got over it when we had him do the one thing he loved doing so much, Chocobo riding and racing." Kyon said as Jaune looked shocked.

"You got to ride Chocobo's man you guys are so lucky." Jaune said as Kyon simply shrugged to that.

"Yeah sorry it's just Vomit-boy was the first thing that came to mind when you were running around." Ruby said as while Kyon then growled as he looked at his boot and saw he stepped on something before going to a place to sit.

Jaune took offence in this and countered the girl by saying "oh yeah? Well what if I called you 'Crater Face'?"

"And that explosion was an accident!"

"Wow talk about lucky." Jaune said as Ruby had similar silent thoughts. "Well the name is Jaune Arc short, sweet, rolls off the tongue, and the ladies love it." Jaune said as Kyon caught up with everyone after getting the Gum off.

"Do they?" Ruby asked, giving the boy a skeptic look.

"Yeah sounds like your mom wanted another daughter." Kyon  said as Jaune sounded very close to Joan which was a ladies name mind you.

"Oh be quiet!" Jaune called as Sieg chuckled.

"I must confess even I would assume that perhaps you could help sneak into a club by crossdressing." Sieg joked as they all laughed at the slightest awkwardness, as Ruby smiled and broke the silence, reaching to the back off her hips, and saying "So... I got this thing" before she pulled out Crescent Rose, allowing it to transform into scythe mode and spun it around before stabbing it into the ground. Jaune winced at this unexpected action.

"Whoa! Is that a scythe?" Jaune asked as he pointed to the weapon.

"It's also a customizable high impact velocity sniper Rifle." Ruby boasted as Jaune was confused.

"A what?" He asked as Kyon spoke.

"She meant that it's also a gun." Kyon said causing Ruby to smile and cock the barrel as Jaune now understood.

"So what are you guys packing?" Jaune asked as Kyon and Sieg smirked.

The duo backed up to gain some space. Once they stopped, they held their arms out. Shards of crystalline light materialized as a blue glow emitted from their palms. The glow subsided as the shards conjoined and manifested into their individual weapons that they held in hand.

In Kyon's hands were the two longswords which Ruby recalled seeing the night of the robbery. 

Sieg, on the other hand, carried a pair of black, railgun hand cannons with a red glowing hue marking, a stylized insignia engraved on the side of both.

"Whoa, what!?" Jaune exclaimed in awe.

Ruby, true to her nature was a weapon's nut, squealed.

She jumped up and down in excitement before zipping over to examine each of their weapons.

"OhmygoshthatissocoolhowdidyoumakeyourweaponscomeoutofthinairIsawkydothesame thingduringtherobberywaitwasitasemblanceohyourweaponslooksoawesomedid youmakethemyoursel-!" (Translation: Oh my gosh! That is s cool! How did you make your weapons come of thin air!? I saw Ky do the same thing during the robbery...Wait was it a Semblance? Oh, your weapons look so awesome. Did you make them yourselv-")

"Roselyn," Kyon called out in amusement. "Breathe. You're going red in the face."

Ruby realized that she had been talking so fast that she was left slightly winded. Panting, she shook off the momentary dizziness and giggled. "S-sorry," she apologized. "I, uh, kind of have this thing about weapons...still, h-how'd you make them show up like that?! Was that a Semblance?!"

"Nope. It's the power of the Lucis Royal line." Kton answered. "My family can call on a variety of weapons, and we can give 'em an enchantment of sorts. Thanks to that, Sieg and the others can call on 'em anytime, just like I can with Ascension and Endeavour. They may not be a transformable weapon like your scythe...but it gets the job done."

"Ahh, I see." Ruby nodded in undestanding. "Wait, Ascension and Endeavour?"

"The name of my boys," Kyon replied, holding up his swords. "Eliza helped me come up with the names. In fact, she was the one who crafted them both. She's one of the best blacksmiths I ever met!"


"Yeah. You see, 'Acension' was crafted from a meteorite that crashed on Remnant two years ago and 'Endeavour' was created from some extremely hard ore deep within the world, like Black Diamond." Kyon explained.

"Whoa...!" Ruby breathed out in awe, before looking over at Sieg. "What about you?"

Sieg presented his weapons to the girl. "Donner and Schlag. Custom made one-shot kill cannons with an electromagnetic charge." He replied before he and Kyon called off their weapons.

"These are incredible!" Ruby said as she had stars in her eyes, then turned to Jaune. "What about you, Jaune?"

"Oh uh I got this sword." Jaune said drawing his sword Crocia Mors from its sheath as Ruby was impressed at the classic look of this weapon. "Yeah, I've got this shield too." Jaune said as he took out the sheath allowing it to enter its shield form.

"So what do they do?" Ruby asked as Jaune being the klutz he is began trying to keep his shield in hand as it hopped around and began turning from its sheath and shield form repeatedly just as it fell which Jaune then picked it up.

"Well... the shield gets smaller... So... when I get tired of carrying it... I can just put it away." Jaune said as Kyon saw this.

"But wouldn't it weigh the same? Just saying kind of murder on the hip." Kyon said as it would probably do better on the back.

"Yeah it does." Jaune said as Kyon laughed a bit

"Then perhaps you should meet Kyon, Aptus and I so we could assist you with getting your physical strength better so you can carry more ideal weapons." Sieg said as he knew those weapons must be heirlooms.

"Well, I'm kind of a dork when it comes to weapons. I guess I did go overboard with designing Crescent Rose." Ruby said, rubbing her head.

"Wait? You made that?" Jaune asked as Ruby nodded.

"All Students at Signal forge their own weapons. Didn't you make yours?" Ruby asked as Sieg then spoke.

"His sword must be a Family Heirloom I suppose it has seen many battles am I correct?" Sieg asked as Jaune nodded.

"Yeah my great-great grandfather used it to fight in the war." Jaune said as Sieg nodded.

"Then your family must have put a lot of faith in you to entrust you with such a historical yet important weapon to your family." The gun wielder said as that cheered Jaune up.

"Yeah not many people have an appreciation for the classics these days." Ruby said as Jaune nodded.

"Yeah. The classics." Jaune said as Ruby had to ask.

"So why did you help me out back there in the courtyard?" Ruby asked as Jaune looked.

"Eh why not. My mom always says, 'strangers are just friends you haven't met yet." Jaune said as Ignis then spoke up.

"That is wise words but at the same time risky due to the fact that not everyone wants to be friends and would sooner use take advantage of others for their own goals." Sieg said as that deflated Jaune a bit. 

"Well then if we are finished exploring the campus shall we make our way to the Amphitheater?" Kyon asked as Jaune and Ruby were surprised.

"Wait I thought you knew where we were going." Ruby said as Jaune looked shocked.

"I was just following you." Jaune called as he looked to Ruby.

"Follow me then luckily for you I had studied the map of Beacon and the Academy's history on the way here." Sieg said as Kyon nodded.

"Alright then lead the way GPS Navigator Sie." The bluentte joked as the trio began following him.


Kyon, Ruby, Sieg, and Jaune walked into the Amphitheater as they were impressed with so many promising huntsman and huntresses here. That was when a familiar cat Faunus noticed the two Lucis and one reaper. "Look, there they are!" Silica called out, gettin the others to look over as well.

"Ky! Ruby! Sieg!" Eliza waved.

"We saved you guys a seat!" Yang called as she looked to them.

"You too, Mad Hatter!" Aptus called to Sieg as Kyon smirked.

"Well looks like everyone's being getting along well." Kyon said as he smiled at this.

"Appears so. Pardon us, Jaune we must meet up with our friends." Sieg said before Ruby smiled.

"See you after the Ceremony." Ruby said as Jaune tried to stop her.

"Hey wait." He called but the three were already gone.

Jaune then sighed as he was now stuck. He could already tell Kyon and Sieg are probably going to be like Beacons prince's or something and judging by Aptus, he was gonna be the bad boy on campus. "Great. Where am I supposed to find another group of cool guys and a nice quirky girl to talk to?" Jaune asked to no one in particular as he walked away to reveal a familiar champion.

"Yo fellas how was your first days?" Aptus asked as he clearly had a better day.

"Well just a few minor inconveniences, helping a possible classmate and Ruby here locate the Amphitheater, and a demonstration of our weapons." Sieg said as Aptus smiled.

"Sweet though 'Sol Eques' here is the only main weapon I'll need." Aptus boasted as he lifted up his armore clad arm with a proud smirk.

"Ooooh." Ruby said as she saw Aptus' gauntlet.

"Trust me, it's a lot cooler when he activates it." Ky told her.

"What do you mean?"

"You'll see soon."

"So how's your first day going, little sister?" Yang asked as she turned to face her.

"You mean since you ditched me and I nearly exploded? Thank goodness Sieg help me with that" Ruby said as Yang look to her little sister as she said, "Yikes she almost had a meltdown I guess?"

"Not really, a poor seal dust vile, with dust in the air and it could be set off by a sneeze," Kyon told Yang as Sieg push up his feodora and said, "Indeed which wouldn't help with the situation."

Yang looked at them as she said, "What happen with you guys then?"

Ruby started fidgeting and saying, "Well after you ditch me, I tripped over some crabby girl's luggage, and then she yelled at me, and then Sieg keep me from blowing up, and then she yelled at me again, and I felt really, really bad, and I just wanted her to stop yelling at me!"

Weiss stood behind her as she said loudly, "You!"

Ruby jump into Kyon's arms as she said, "Oh, God, it's happening again!" 

Kyon grunt a bit as Ruby just suddenly jumps into his arms without warning, and blush as he smells Ruby's scent which smell like roses... and chocolate chip cookies for some reason.

"You were lucky that boy noticed the improperly sealed Dust otherwise you might have blown us off the cliff!" Weiss said as Yang look to her sister and said, "Oh, my God, you really did nearly explode."

"Well at least we didn't and we're safe and sound?" Ruby said as Weiss handed her pamphlet titled "DUST for dummies" as Ruby asked, "What's this?"

Before Weiss could go off on what, Kyon and his group correctly assumed, was a lecture in the happening Sieg stepped in to grab everyone's attention.

"As much as I'm sure we would enjoy a proper lecture on dust and its uses." As Sieg was speaking Weis finally took notice as the Crownsguard tilted his feodora upward slightly. "Perhaps we should pay attention to the entrance ceremony that is starting?"

Yang also put in her two cents "Look, uh, it sounds like you two just got off on the wrong foot. Why don't you start over and try to be friends, okay?"

Ruby, who had taken the pamphlet and tucked it away turned back towards her sister and then Weiss "Yeah! Great idea, sis! Hello, Weiss! I'm Ruby! Wanna hang out? We can go shopping for school supplies!"

"Yeah!" Weiss sarcastically agrees, "and we can paint our nails, and talk about tall, blonde, and scraggly over there!" She points behind her to where Jaune Arc,  was standing close by, catching his attention.

"Wow! Really?!" Ruby cheerfully asks.

Kyon's group eyes widen and they slowly turned their head towards Ruby.  "Um... Little Red? You do realize she was being sarcastic, right?" Aptus asked her.

"What! She was?!" she looked stunned.

Weiss dropped her faux friendly expression and leveled her glance at the young teen girl, "Yes."

Ruby hanged her head in defeat and looked like she was going to cry. Ky patted her on the back to reassure her.

"Don't worry... you'll find someone to go shopping with. At least someone who doesn't give you the cold shoulder," the boy soothed while giving Weiss taunting raised eyebrow glance at her.

The snow princess huffed and turned the other cheek.

"I'll go with you, Ruby." Eliza spoke, giving the crimsonette a thumbs up.

"Me too! It'll be fun!" Silica smiled in agreement.

This brought a smile to Ruby's face. "Really? Okay!"

"Anywho..." Aptus began. "How much longer until the speech? I'm starving!" 

Eliza raised a brow and says "What're you talking about? You just eat at least three hours ago."

Still, Aptus continued to whine about it. "That's like an eternity." 

Silica giggled at this. "You sure have a big stomach, Ap."

"Should be but a moment. Let us all be patient until then" Sieg answers Aptus's question, right before a click was heard before Ozpin was seen on the stage in the auditorium starting the entrance ceremony. 

"I'll... keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step."

The reactions throughout the prospective Hunters and Huntresses were varied to say the least. Glynda then came in front of the microphone to give a final announcement.

"You will gather in the ballroom tonight; tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed."

"What kind of speech was that?" Aptus asked as the students began talking.

"Well, I'm certainly pumped," Eliza sarcastically cheered.

"Yeah, I was kinda thrown off by it." Silica added in..

Yang voiced her opinion too. "He did seem kind of"

"It almost like he wasn't even there." Ruby commented.

"I like him," Sieg commented. "A man of knowledge and the application of knowledge. I feel like he would be fascinating to sit down and speak with. I thought he would be a lot more flippant."

"He was practically a different person up there, Sie. It's almost like that wasn't the guy I met at the station." Kyon told him.

Before he could elaborate more on it-a certain blonde swordsman decided to drop by.

"By the way, I'm a natural blond, you know!" Jaune coolly, but failed, pointed to himself in a slick manner to Weiss when he heard her talk about him.

Weiss placed her hand on her forehead and Kyon shook his head. He looked back at the boy.

"Jaune, no," the bluenette sighed disappointedly, "She was not being serious. She was joking."

The blond boy looked to his friend and back at Weiss was looked annoyed at him. He chuckled sheepishly, "Oh my bad. Still... if you want someone to talk to, I'm all ears!"


Ballroom, a few hours later, in the evening ...

The entire ballroom was littered with sleeping bags, some of which were people who were already sleeping. Some people were still awake, of which five was the group from Insomnia, who were sitting either on the sleeping bag or on the ground. The clothing of the four is lighter than their clothes, but they still wear black and with various skull-shaped emblems or emblems with the symbol of Lucis on their clothes.

(Play "FF XV OST - Relax and Reflect")

"Hey Ky, do you want to play King's Knight?" Aptus, with the Scroll in his hand, turned to Kyon and indicated an application on the device. He was now wearing black tanktop and red pajamas pants with black and white lines.

 "Sure, if you want to lose then let's do it right away" Kyon shrugged as he pulled out his Scroll and started the same application as Aptus, and then started playing against him. He was seen wearing blue shirt with black coloration for the collar and arms. The arms also support a half star motifs. He also wears matching black shorts with a skull and crossbones symbol on the lower left side of the pants.

While they were playing, Sieg was sitting on the ground and tinkering with a random gadget. For sleepwear, he simply a plain white shirt and black pants

"Working on another gizmo there, Sie?" Eliza asked as she watched him. For her, she wore a pink shirt with frilly edges and matching pink shorts

"Yep." Sieg replied, focused on the device. "Since initiation is tomorrow, I decided to have a back up item."

 "That's Sieg for you. Always prepared," Silica said with a smile as her cat eyes twitched. She wore a simple  light green tunic that went down to her knees.

The group then looked over as Kyon got up. "Where are you going, Ky?" Eliza asked as she saw her friend get up. 

"I'm going to talk with Ruby, keep an eye on our things, okay?" Kyon said and then left, making Sieg smile slightly, who greeted Kyon with a wave of his hand.

"Hey now." Aptus said while he put a hand on Kyon's shoulder, making him turn. "You making sure no one is trying to steal your girlfriend from under you?"

 Kyon blushed slightly at this. "What? No!"

 "Suurrre..." Aptus drawed out. "What the heck? I'll come with ya as your wingman... and get more acquainted to Yang along the way.

Kyon rolled his eyes. "Okay, but don't embarrass me." Having said that, Kyon turned and went back to find Ruby, finding her on one side of the ballroom. 

Aptus smiled and, before returning to Kyon, murmured a "I can't promise it, buddy."


Across the room, however, Ruby was lying on her sleeping bag and was dressed in her pajamas: Ruby's pajamas consist of a black tank top with a heart-shaped design with the details of a Beowolf on the chest and long white trousers decorated with pink roses. She also wears a black night mask decorated with red triangular eyes. The young girl was intent on writing a letter until then her sister Yang fell into her pajamas next to her: Yang wears an orange tank top with her emblem on the front in red and black boy's shorts. 

"It's like a big slumber party!" Yang said as she landed on the sleeping bag with a slight smile to her sister, who didn't take her eyes off the letter she was writing "I don't think Dad would approve of all the boys, thought". 

Yang winked and gave a provocative smile to her sister "I know I do" She said as she imitated a cat's purr when she saw various muscular guys without a shirt and then went back to observing Ruby "What's that?" Yang asked while looking at the letter. 

"A letter to the gang back at Signal" Ruby replied while looking at the letter first, then her sister "I promised to tell them all about Beacon and how things are going". "Aww, that's so cuuuute!" Yang smiled at her little sister, who threw a pillow towards her face, hitting her.

"Shut up!" Ruby snorted as she glanced at her sister and then went on to talk "I didn't get to take my friends with me to school. It's weird not knowing anyone here. "

Before Yang could answer, a familiar voice surprised Ruby and Yang. "Hey, you hurt me if you don't consider me your friend." When the two sisters turned to the owner of the voice they saw Kyon who greeted them with a smile while he was accompanied by Aptus. "Hey Ky!" Ruby said as she stood up and returned Kyon's smile.

"Yeah. 'His Royalness' wanted to come talk to you, so I decided to tag along," Aptus told her.

"Oh, don't worry about it, Foxy," Yang reassured him with a sly look."We prefer the company."

"Foxy, huh? That's a new one," Aptus teased. "I supposing that's gonna be a daily name?"

"That depends on whether or not you can make it memorable," Yang teased back.

"Oh trust me, Goldie, I've got plenty of ways to make sure the memory of me is burned into your mind," Aptus promised.

Hearing that, Kyon and Ruby both groaned as they dropped their heads into their palms. "Really? Fire puns," Kyon questioned. "You've reached a new low, Ap. I make better puns on my worst day."

"Ap?," the crimsonette girl asked.

"It's an old nickname that I go by nowadays," Aptus revealed. "Anyways, what's this we heard from Little Red about not knowing anyone here?"

"Oh, she was merely depressed about not having any of her friends here from her old school

"I'm not depressed!" Ruby pouted. "Like I said, it's weird being around new people..."

"So, does that make us weird?" Aptus questioned, gesturing to himself and Kyon.

"No, no!" Ruby exclaimed, waving her hands frantically. "I didn't mean it like that. You guys and the other are really nice and cool. I just mean people I don't really know."

"Well, what about Jaune? He seems... nice." Yang said, bringing up the blonde knight.

"Way to put that in perspective, Yang," Kyon rolled his eyes as Yang playfully shoved him away.

"Anyway. You got Aptus here, Eliza, Silica, Sieg," the older sister appeased to her sister to cheer her up, "As well who could forgot Prince Charming here? There you go! Plus 5 friend a boyfriend! That's a five hundred percent increase plus one love of your life!"

Ruby and Kyon blush at that as they both yelled, "B-Boyfriend!?"

Yang just laugh at them as she always love to tease Ruby, but with Kyon here all the more fun for her, plus Kyon's own friend are somewhat of a blast themselves, even Aptus.

"Haha, oh man! That was too good!" Aptus laughed a little behind his hand.

"I-Ignoring that!" Ruby flipped over on the futon and downheartedly sighed, "I'm pretty sure Weiss counts as a negative 'friend'. Down by one point."

"Wait, doesn't that count as a 'rival' or 'enemy' really?" Kyon commented in a pondering gesture.

Ruby started to open and close her mouth and shook her head, a small forlorn smile on her face, "I don't think it matters though."

" In that case, all you have is five friends and one enemy, not bad all things considering," Aptus said in an encouraging tone. This merely caused the young girl to groan miserably. "Too soon?"

"Look, it's only been one day. Trust me, you've got friends all around you. You just haven't met them yet." Yang spoke up in a more mature and responsible older sister way,

Something caught Kyon's attention out of the corner of his eye, as he turned and then he notice a glow of a light as he look what making he as he sees the bow-haired girl from before with a candle near her and a book in her hands as he said, "Hey, it's that one girl from before."

Ruby, Yang and Aptus looked over and saw the girl took as Yang look to the two as she asked them, "Do you two know her?"

"Nope," Kyon answered her with Ruby speaking up after saying, "Not really. She saw what happened this morning, but left before I could say anything."

"Not too mention, she was the one who told off Snow White back there," The blunette added in.

Yang had a thought and it could be a good way to get Ruby another friend, at least another female friend and not boy, and that one girl who Ruby enemy... in a way, but anyways Yang grabbed her arms and said, "Well, now's your chance. Let's go Ky, Ap."


The girl, in the middle of her reading, lowered her book as the quartet walked towards her. She apparently heard their conversation and looked unamused they would bother her over something small. They didn't need to thank her.

"Helloooo!" Yang sang in a friendly and cheery manner. Waving her hand to greet the book lover girl, "I believe you three all know each other!"

Ruby had her back turned away from Yang and the girl reading her book. Both upset and embarrassed that Yang dragged her over here and didn't want to show how flustered she is. Aptus on the other hand was snickering. Kyon catching his snickering and nudged him. Which all but served to make the fox faunus laugh more.

Blake immediately recognized who the boy and girl were in front of them, "Aren't you the girl that exploded?"

Ruby winced at first, but perked up real quickly, "Uhh, yeah! My name's Ruby!" she outstretched her hand for a handshake though it appeared that Blake was disinterested in it. Reeling her hand back sadly, she sheepishly rubbed the back of her head instead, "But, you can just call me... crater...Actually you can just call me Ruby."

The book reading girl distantly responded back, "Okay."

"What are you doing?" Yang whispered to her sister. Seeing the conversation start to fall apart when it looked like it was going somewhere.

Ruby whispered back in frustration, "I don't know, help me!"

The girl then looked over at Kyon. "Your Highness. It's a pleasure to see you again."

"Oh, likewise," Kyon said back. "Also, you don't have to call me that, you know. Just call me Ky."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Well, I gotta say," Aptus stepped in. "It's nice to meet the girl that stood up to Ice Queen back there. Major respect by the way. Anywho, I never introduced myself. Name's Aptus Raizer, but everyone calls me Ap. Nice to meet you. You've already met his highness here, Ruby and that's her big sister Yang. What's your name if you don't mind us asking?"

The girl seemed surprised by his question, but she hid her reaction with a sigh from the growing lack of peace and quiet. "It's Blake." she said. 

 "Blake. That's a cool name for a girl like you. And I like your bow, it looks pretty neat." Aptus smiled. 

 "Thank you." Blake deadpanned, raising an eyebrow slightly at him in question. 

 Ruby, Kyon and Yang exchanged looks with hints of worry. It looked as if Blake was being distant and disinterested in talking to them. They must've picked a bad time to talk to her right now.

"By the way, what book are you reading anyway?" Ky asked curiously.

This actually got a positive reaction from the girl as she perked up with interest, her eyes lit up intrigued. "My book? Well it's about a man with two souls, each fighting for control over his body."

"Oh yeah, that sounds lovely..." Yang vaguely replied.

"Say..." Aptus' attention was averted to the book sitting next to Blake, as he biked it up and examined it. It was titled "Cosmogony." 

"What's that one?" Ruby asks. 

"It's the book of Cosmogony. A recollection of the gods, Lucis, myths, legends, and almost anything about the universe and it's origins. It was a birthday present from my mother when she visited Lucis when I was ten." 

Aptus opens the large book to a bookmarked page, showing a picture of a woman; black, long, smooth hair, closed eyes, black robes, and white wings coming down to a man with dark, long, wavy hair, black robes, pale skin, and a silver glow in his hands. And also to a woman with white robes, fair skin, and a hood over her black hair. In her hand was a black three-tipped spear; a trident. And surrounded by them were angelic figures with white wings kneeling before them in a forest. 

Kyon couldn't help but think that he read something about this before. Aptus closed the book and set it back down next to the girl.

The boy grinned and folded his arms behind his head, "Say, do you mind telling me the name of it? I would love to read about it later."

The ninja girl looked happy, "You enjoy reading books too?"

"Yeah. I love reading. Especially fantasy-based ones, or adventure stories, action, comedy, romance and a few other genres as well. I love well-written stories. Well like this old story back home about these stones that allow the users to travel through time and having to stop a great evil from the past that erasing their future," Kyon began to explain. Each word increasing his excitement as he explained.

This got Blake's attention, "Oh? That sounds interesting. Can you tell me more?"

"Sure!" the boy surprisingly chirped with vigor, even Ruby and Yang were taken off. 

Aptus snicked at this. "That same old story, huh?"

"Damn right." The blunette said, clearing his throat. "Okay, so the protagonist meets this princess from the future who traveled to his time to get his help who had this special stone which is vital for protecting the future. One the princess had too to allow her to travel to the past. This emperor from the past wishes to use the stones to rewrite history to erase all humans and non-humans from existence."

"Non-humans?" Blake looked a little... miffed with that wording.

"Well, yeah, there's both Beastman beings, anthropomorphic animals, and Animal-type people like the Faunus. Then there's Dwarves, Elves, Robots, and other fantastical beings too. I think... it's been a long time, but I know there's more than humans in it," Ky explained.

"Oh... how interesting," Blake said, seemed to ease out a bit and began to show more interest. Even Ruby and Yang were leaning in to hear more. Aptus merely sat back and listened.

"As I was saying. The emperor had the third stone which allowed him to mess with time and slowly destroy the future. The boy, who's an inventor, and the princess travel across the land finding as much information to find what time period he is and how to further strengthen the stones' powers to get there. While battling against the emperor's minions who wish to overturn the world like him," Ky continue to narrator.

The way he was telling a small portion of the story was riveting and detailed. Blake was getting more invested in this strange story she's never heard before including both Ruby and Yang who took a seat and listened intently.

"When they finally arrived in the past on the super train to harasses their time stones, they arrived in desolated past in a ruin castle where the emperor lived."

"Wait... he lived in a battered ruin, why?" Ruby asked only to be shushed by Yang and Blake. "Sorry!"

"Then they met the emperor and to their shock... he was just a Rabbit Beastman kid. One of the moon. No older than maybe 10 or 12 and he was the one causing everyone to suffer in the future," the boy said with a sad expression.

"Wait, it was a kid the whole time?!" Ruby jumped up in shock.

The fox Faunus shushed her, "Little, might wanna keep your voice down."

Even Blake and Yang shared Ruby's shock. That was not what they were expecting.

"But, yes, he was a kid. Both the boy and princess seemed hesitant at first, but a battle between them commenced and the Beastman kid lost the battle. Or so it would seem. He manages to trick them and steal their time stones and combined all three to grant him all their power and transform himself into a more powerful. He gained a more human-like appearance, with griffon-like wings on his back, and an adult form."

"Ooh," the crimsonette hummed with interest.

"Dang, this is getting good but at the same time bad," Yang could hardly sit at the edge of her seat.

Blake was totally hooked with the story. It felt both nostalgic, sad and painful to hear.

"The heroes retreated and came up with a new plan. However, when they returned to the past to try again they meet with the spirit of the late human queen of ruled these lands and showed them memories of what happened. It was revealed that the queen took in the Beastman kid when he was caught stealing from her gardens for food and allowed him to stay. The two soon formed a strong bond of friendship and she became like a mother to the boy. The two were happy together," Ky regaled the story of a video game he played a long time ago that he loved. It had a good story in his opinion and he didn't mind sharing it with them.

"But something happened didn't it?" Blake asked, sensing where this story was going.

Kyon nodded, "Yes. The kingdom was in possession of the time stone and so invading human kingdom came and started to kill everyone in their place to take the stone for themselves for its power. The queen ordered all of the citizens to flee the country. She gave the time stone to the Beastman boy for safe-keeping, but the boy refused and adamantly didn't want to abandon her. Sadly, he could not change her mind as she stood behind to protect her kingdom. When the dust settled, everyone was dead. Including the queen whom he loved."

Ruby started to tear up hearing how it happened. Yang felt angry over the events, even though it was a fictional tale. While Blake and Aptus had a deep-seated understanding glint in their eyes. What a tragic tale. 

"The Beastman boy lamented that he wasn't strong enough. However, he blamed it on humans as they the ones to steal everyone from him. The queen he loved as a mother, the home he lost, and the friends. So, he decided to erase all humans from existence and those who ally themselves with them. Believing that humans were the root of all evil with their greed," he finished.

"Wow... that's... just sad," the crimsonette girl lamented.

"Yeah, I could kinda relate with the guy and why he wanted to do what he did," the blonde nodded solemnly. "Doesn't mean I would forgive him for what he's doing."

Blake had a look of understanding in her eyes. She could definitely relate to the Antagonist even if his methods were wrong. "So, what happens next?"

"Well... I'll finish the story at other time. It is getting late. Plus, I can't fully remember the story from back home so I kinda added a few things. I'll tell you the ending later. But I do have other stories to share if you like," Kyon yawned. Feeling a little sleepy himself.

"Aw, boo!" Ruby pouted. She wanted to hear the end of it.

"I see," Blake sighed. She really wanted to hear the end of it, "Still thank you for sharing that. I wouldn't mind hearing more stories you know."

"Hehe, sure thing," The blunette smiled.

"What a riveting tale that was, right Ruby?" Yang glanced over to Ruby who stood up.

"Yeah. Like the ones you've read to me as a little girl. I love books, especially stories of heroes and monsters," the girl reminisced about the good old days, "They're one of the reasons why I want to become a Huntress."

"And why is that?" Aptus asked in a interested manner. "Hoping you'll live happily ever after?"

"I'm hoping we all will," Ruby humbled said, "As a girl, I wanted to be just like those heroes in the books. Someone who fought for what was right, and who protected people who couldn't protected themselves."

Blake seemed intrigued, "That's very ambitious for a child." Then her eyes lowered in a sad distant cast, "Unfortunately, the real world isn't the same as a fairy tale."

'But weren't the original fairy tales, dark fantasy stories?' Ky thought tilting his head.

Ruby didn't look dissuaded and simply smiled brightly, "Well, that's why we're here. To make it better."

Yang couldn't contain how proud and happy for her little sister that she swooned over her, "Ohhh, I'm so proud of my baby sister!"

She suddenly lifted Ruby into the air and gave her a big hug. Ruby didn't appreciate it and wrestled to get out of her sister's death bear hug. "Cut it out!"

In an almost cartoonish fashion they created a dust bunny smog around them as they tussled and turned other and Yang enjoyed every bit of teasing her sister while Ruby tried to escape.

"Oh, boy," Kyon shook his head with a smile, "What am I going to do with these two?"

Blake simply giggled at the display of sisterly love between the two.

"Sorry, about that..."

"No worries, it's been a pleasure to meet you Kyon, Ruby, Aptus, Yang..."

"What in the world is going on over here!?" an icy-cold voiced yelled at them. And all-too-familiar one. "Don't you realize some of us are trying to sleep!?"

It was Weiss. Dressed in a faded blue nightgown.

When both Weiss noticed who it was and Yang did too they both exclaimed, "Oh, not you again!"

"Seriously? Again? I'm beginning to think you're stalking us," Aptus said jokingly, folding his arms.

"Excuse me!? Don't flatter yourselves! I have better things to do than following you people around. Especially when we're trying to get some sleep here!" Weiss hissed at the boy. 

Ruby realized she was right shushed everyone, "Shh! Guys, she's right! People are trying to sleep!"

Weiss rolled her eyes and scoffed at her, "Oh, now you're on my side."

"I was always on your side!"

"Yeah, what's your problem with my sister!? She's only trying to be nice!" Yang shouted, angrily.

"She's a hazard to my health!"

"You do realize you're the one shouting right?" Kyon commented, but was ignored. The bluenette brought his face into his hands and shook it, "Sweet merciful heavens. It never stops."

Blake knowing she'll never get back to her book now grabbed the candle she lit. "It was peaceful while it lasted.

"Sorry about all this," the boy told Blake, as he rubbed his head sheepishly.

She shook her head, "No worries. At least I got to hear an interesting story I never thought to hear. Tell me more next time."

"Certainly. As long as you tell me some of the books you. I'm curious to see what amazing stories I'm missing out from my life." The dark-haired girl smiled as she blew out the candles. And the darkness entered the ballroom for everyone to sleep peacefully.

Another chapter done and finished, and also...SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT!!!

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed the new chapter! Let me know what you thought about it by leaving a review or PM me.

Until next time, Firestorm signing off! Later!

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