Chapter 9 - Intermisson and Team Assemble

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(Opening Theme - Simple and Clean)


"Whaaaaat?" Ruby whined. "The Initation's been put on hold!?"

Weiss rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "After that whole debacle with that creature, they want to make sure no students were sereiously injured." she said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "After all, I'm sure not even the Headmaster expected to have a monster like that in the Emerald Forest."

After the whole fiasco with the Behemoth, She and the others had been escorted from the forest and to the infirmary to patch up their injuries.

Fortunately, none of them were critically wounded. Especially after fighting a monster like a Behemoth.

While part of Ruby was still shaken up, and quite frankly terrified, she couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and excitement. She fought a Behemoth...a freaking BEHEMOTH! 'Ooh, I can't wait to tell dad about this!' she gushed happily.

"Still, I can't believe we took down a freakin' Behemoth!" Eliza breathed out, rubbing a hand through her hair. "They're like one of the deadliest monsters across Lucis."

"Not to mention scariest," Silica muttered with a shudder.

"No kidding..." Jaune agreed with the same expression.

Yang smiled optimistically. "Meh, it all worked out in the end. Besides, how many students you know can say they took down a large monster alongside the Prince and live to tell about it?"

"She's gotta a point," Aptus agreed with a laugh. "We'll be legends among the people."

"Yeah, well, too bad no one got a good picture of us doing it." Kyon spoke, relaxing in a chair. "Would've been pretty epic for the story."

"Speaking of Prince," Ren spoke, gazing over at Kyon. "Is it true that you're the Prince of Lucis?"

"One and only," Kyon jokingly remarked. "Or were you guys expecting someone... taller?"

"No, no!" Pyrrha spoke, waving out her hands. "We're just merely surprised that such an important person would enroll at Beacon."

"Heh, I tend to have that effect on people."

Nora suddenly shot in front of the blunette with a blank expression. "Prince?" She muttered before suddenly bowing on the floor in front of him.

"Uh, what'cha doin'?" The bluenette asked, looking preplexed at her.

"Your Majesty! I gravel at your feet!" Nora exclaimed.

Kyon looked blinked twice, not sure how to respond to hearing that. The others all looked at the scene with various expressions.

"...She means 'grovel', right?" Eliza asked after a second.

Ren went over and picked up the ginger-haired girl. "Nora, stand up," He told her. "You're going to scare him off."

"But Renny!" Nora protested. "He's royal! We should treat him with the utmost respect! Otherwise, we could banish... or executed!"

Ren sighed. "I apologize for her."

"Nah, it's cool," Kyon said, waving his hand and smiling sheepishly. "I expected someone to act like that way soon. Though, I would much rather not be treated differently than anyone else while I'm here. Right now, I'm merely a student."

"But with power!" Nora enthusiastically yelled as she held up a fist.

Pyrrha smiled at the Prince's words, as what he said was something she could full-heartedly understand. She walked over to him and held out a hand. "In that case, I'd say now's the perfect time for introductions. I'm Pyrrha Nikkos, and it's a pleasure."

"Duh, doofus!" Eliza scoffed teasingly. "She's the one who mopped the floor with that other girl in the Mistal finals."

Aptus perked up at this. "Oh, I remember that. The fight was so badass!"

"Yeah, you were totally amazing in that fight. Everyone back home saw it!" Silica said excitedly.

"Agreed, that was a formidable fight." Sieg added.

Pyrrha waved off their praise. "It could've gone either way, really."

At that moment, a loud growling caught their attention. "The heck was that?" Yang questioned, looking around.

Nora rubbed her head. "Guess that whole fight made me a bit hungry."

"Same here," Jaune spoke, holding his stomach. "It's feels like my stomach is eating itself."

It was at that moment Sieg snapped his fingers, surprising everyone. "That's it!" He said as he smiled, intriguing everyone as Aptus seemed extremely excited.

"Please, Sie, tell me those words I love to hear!" Aptus seemed to beg the bespectacled boy who revealed the mystery.

"I think this calls for a celebration feast after our victory against the Behemoth."

"Yay!" Silica jumped with glee.

"Couldn't agree more!" Eliza smiled brightly.

Aptus then nodded to Kyon. "King's Knights?" He asked, receiving an arrogant smile from the blunette.

"Do you really want to lose? Bring it!" Kyon said while Yang stepped between the two.

"Wait, you guys play King's Knight? I'll also join!" She said with a slight smile.

"Wait, what are you guys talking about?" Blake observed the two boys from Insomnia and Yang, who smiled.

"It's a game developed by an Insomnia Team: King's Knight! We love playing this game!" Aptus said.

Kyon looked over at Ruby with a grin. "Hey, Roselyn! Wanna play, too?"

Ruby looked surprised at the invite before smiling. "Sure!"

Before anyone could speak, Sieg interrupted, "Guys, I have enough ingredients to cook for everyone. Do you all want to join?"

The others seemed to think about it ... when Ruby then smiled and said, "We gladly accept!"

"Well, I'm going to ask Miss Glynda or Professor Ozpin if I can use the Beacon kitchen" Sieg said as he walked away from his friends and, as soon as he was gone, Ruby approached Kyon." Does he really cook well?" She asked, receiving a smile from Kyon.

"He's the best, I assure you."


(About twenty minutes later, in the Beacon's Dining Hall ...)

After receiving the approval of Ozpin, the group (without Sieg, who was in the kitchen) were all sitting together at the same table in an empty Dining Hall, intent on conversing and having fun together. Kyon, Aptus, Silica, Eliza, Ruby, and Yang were playing King's Knight on their Scrolls (Jaune watching them play) while Ren, Pyrrha, Nora, Weiss and Blake were chatting with each other.

"Hey, Ky." Aptus was furiously pressing his finger on the Scroll, activating the attack input of the game each time while Kyon instead tried to observe Aptus, but he was too focused on playing, but at least he managed to speak.

"Yea?" Kyon asked that he immediately received a reply from the fox faunus.

"Imagine if we are characters from King's Knight," said Aptus, intriguing Kyon and the others.

"Well, then I gonna be a five stars' character!" Kyon boasted that he was promptly "corrected" by Yang who seemed to emit a frustrated sigh after losing all lives in King's Knight.

"Hell no! If anyone here is rare- "Yang began to speak but, before she could finish the sentence, three voices seemed to rise victoriously.

" -It's me!" Ruby, Eliza and Silica all exclaimed in unison.

And Eliza says "Hell yeah, we are!"

He said happily, having been the one who defeated the level boss.

"Wait what?" Aptus questioned in shock. "Little Red's a newbie! How is that possible!?"

"Simple. Pure Girl Power!" Eliza smirked as she raised hand, in which she, Ruby and Silica all high-fived.


Everyone couldn't help but smile at them, especially Yang as she saw Ruby had made some new friends.

"Oh no, this calls for retribution!" Aptus declared, making Kyon and Yang laugh but not Eliza who obviously "gently" put an arm on Aptus's shoulder.

"Are you sure? Then taste the anger of the rare character!" Before she could do anything, however, the arrival of Sieg stopped everyone from any action and / or speech. "I think it would be better to start celebrating," he said as he put the dishes on the table: The Meat-and-Beet Bouillon.

"It's dinner time!" Aptus shouted happily when he saw the dishes ready at the table, and then rejoiced completely when he recognized the dish and, when he did, he was overcome with joy. "SIE, YOU THE GOAT! "

"I know," Sieg smirked and then started eating with everyone and, excluding the Chocobros, all those present had a single general reaction when they tasted the food cooked by Sieg... "VERY GOOD!"

"Alright!" Kyon called as he went to the food ready to eat as did everyone else as they grabbed the plate.

Once food was served Weiss took the first bite as when she did her eyes were widened as this as she had stars in her eyes. "Incredible! you need to consider becoming a Gourmet Chef, Sieg!" Weiss called as she dug into her food as Yang and Blake weren't too far behind.

"This is amazing!" Yang called as she never tasted food like this before. Her dad's food was nothing compared to this master piece.

"It's delicious." Blake said as she ate the food as Ruby and Kyon ate together as Kyon smiled at Ruby's reaction.

"I know, right?" Eliza said, as she ate her meal as well. Silica sat by her eating too, her tail swinging back and forth in happiness.

"I think I'll get spoiled on this." Ruby said as if Ignis can cook this good she can already imagine that Sieg may be able to bake the legendary ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie, the one her mother always told her stories about.

"Ren..." Nora began as Ren looked. "First chance we get, we're making Sieg cook pancakes." Nora said plainly as she was clearly spoiled on Siegs's cooking.

"Agreed." Ren said, surprising many as Pyrrha and Jaune had to admit Kyon and his friends were the luckiest team of all as they got what could be Remnant's Greatest Chef.

"In that case..." Aptus spoke up, raising his bowl into the air. "Here's to us and the next three years of becoming the most badass Huntsmen and Huntresses ever! CHEERS!"

"CHEERS!" Everyone exclaimed in unison as they all raised their bowls as well.

With that, they all continued on as their taste buds exploded into battle as the battle quickly ended in the food and the taste buds victory, which was as a form of peace that ended with a party.


The morning had come early for Initiates. At long last, much to the joy of many - especially a certain red reaper - the results could now be made official. All students and faculty gathered in the large room that would be used for combat class in the coming days. Many students came and went already, established into teams while some were, unfortunately, sent home due to their low scores. A certain group of Lucians, none other than the Prince and his entourage, stood in the back as each team was called.

"Russell Thrush, Cardin Winchester, Dove Bronzewing, and Sky Lark. You four retrieved the black bishop pieces. From this day forward you will be working as team CRDL (Cardinal). Led by, Cardin Winchester." the crowd applauded as the newly appointed team stood proud.

The headmaster turned to the next team as they stood ready. "Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, Pyrrah Nykos, and Nora Valkyrie. The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forward you will work together as team JNPR (Juniper). Led by, Jaune Arc."

Jaune paled when he heard the man, "Huh?...led by?" he asked while the team congratulated him. Ozpin nodded, "Congratulations, young man." Jaune was still left in utter surprise, though fell out of it when Pyrrha playfully punched his arm. Nora then rushed up and patted him on the back while Ren gave an assuring pat on the shoulder. Eventually, the blonde knight smiled, resigning himself to his new position, and walked away with pride in his chest.

Ruby, Yang, Blake and Weiss came next. "Next we have Blake Belladonna, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long. The four of you retrieved the white queen pieces. From this day forward you will be working together as team RWBY (Ruby). Led by, Ruby Rose."

Weiss' eyes went wide with disbelief, looking at Ruby. The girl, herself, was left utterly star-struck and could hardly believe what she just heard. Blake, for her part, wasn't really concerned as she seemed to hold some respect towards Ruby, giving her a nod of congratulations. Yang, however, was boisterous as she rushed up and wrapped her adorable sister in a hug. "Ooh, I'm so proud of you!"

Ozpin chuckled as the four walked off the stage. Truly, they were the spitting image of Team STRQ in their youth. That alone made him steel himself for the antics those four would no doubt find themselves in. However, there was still one more matter to attend to. A matter that everyone was waiting for as Kyon, Aptus, Eliza, Sieg and Silica walked into the stage, hands held behind their backs.

The Headmaster of Beacon hid a small smile. If only King Noctis could see his son now...

"Kyon Virtus Caelum, Aptus Raizer, Eliza Wayland, Sieg Narbeth, Silica Lightwind..." He began, before being cut off as the Amphitheatre went mad.




"Our time to shine" Aptus said while Kyon smiled slightly.

"Yeah" He murmured.

"The five of you are participants have retrieved the black King piece. From this day forward you shall work together as Team KRWNS (Crowns). Led by, Kyon Virtus Caelum."

In response, many rose to applause. Especially the Lucian transfer students. Among the applause was the newly named Teams RWBY and JNPR.

"Yay! We're leader buddies!" Ruby cheered in joy.

"Congratulations, young man." Ozpin nodded.

"Thank you, Headmaster." Kyon bowed respectfully. Aptus congratulated his friend by slinging and arm around his shoulder while Silica hugged him happily and Eliza ruffled the prince's hair.

"Wha-hey! Knock it off you guys!"

Aptus cackled. "Knew you had it in ya, fearless leader!"

Sieg chuckled as he patted the prince on the back. "Was there any doubt who would be leader?"

"Just don't let it go to your head," Eliza said jokingly as Kyon batted her hand away. "Okay, doofus?"

With that said and all of the teams announced, the students began to disperse so that they could finally receive their dorm room assignments and either mingle amongst one another for a little while longer, or just head off to bed for the night in order to make sure they were rested up for the first day of classes tomorrow. That did not stop Ruby and Kton from meeting up with each other, along with the rest of their teammates. "All right! Congratulations, fellow team leader," Ruby cheered for her friend as she wrapped Kyon in a tight hug.

Kyon could not help but smile back as he returned the hug, and replied, "I think you deserve more congratulations than me. You got your team named after you."

"Yeah, yeah. Very funny," Ruby giggled in return as she held one fist out to Kyon in request for a fist bump.

Grinning, Kyon happily granted Ruby's request before pulling back and wiggling his fingers while saying, "Bah-la-la-la-la-la-la."

"Huh? What was that," Ruby asked.

"Just a little something I picked up on as a kid," Kyon replied.

Ruby smiled again when she heard that, and quickly asked for Kyon to show her again. This time around, Ruby did her best to copy the movements of Kyon's hand while repeating the phrase, much to the amusement of the others, and as he watched the thirteen kids, Ozpin could only smile happily.

"This will surely turn out to be an interesting year."


And with that, the Initiation Ceremony is finished and Teams KRWNS, RWBY, and JNPR are born. The next chapter will focus on conflice between Kyon and Cardin, Ruby and Weiss, and maybe go into the episodes involving Jaune. Like always with all of my works be sure to leave some nice reviews, but all flames and insults will be IGNORED, so don't bother writing them.

See you guys in the next chapter! Stormy out!!!

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