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Birth Name (Old Name): Y/n L/n

Legal Name (New Name): Simon Riley

Codename: Ghost

Height: 6'4"

Weight: 220 lbs

Age: [Redacted]

Affiliations: Task Force 141, SAS, Coalition, Team Rainbow


Personality: Serious, loner, efficient, highly intelligent, understanding, caring and protective (towards those he truly cares about), trusts barely anyone

Likes: John Price (closest and best friend), Soap, Gaz, Roach, "Alex", Farah, Nikolai, Qrow Branwen, Winter Schnee, teams RWBY, JNPR, SSSN, and CFVY, Caveira, Sledge, other SAS operators, Team Rainbow, Harry aka Six, Task Force 141, accomplishing the mission, protecting those he cares about

Dislikes: Beacon, Ozpin, Atlas, Jacques Schnee, Ironwood (only some of his decisions), CRDL, General Shepherd (post-betrayal), bandits, Raven Branwen, failing the mission, seeing his friends and teammates hurt, harming innocents

Powers and Abilities:

Artificially-Enhanced Physiology: During an OP gone wrong, Ghost was captured by people unknown to him at the time and was treated as a POW (Prisoner Of War), and was tortured there for a long time. But after awhile, and to his surprise, he was chosen for certain experiments. Afterward, he learned that his physiology has been greatly enhanced, making him the equivalent to, or actually became, a super soldier.

Peak Human Conditioning: Ghost has trained for a very long time during his time in the SAS and still does after he has joined Task Force 141. Thanks to his hardcore training regime he does everyday, and due to his enhanced physiology, his body is far above Olympic level athletes.

Immense Human Strength: Ghost has immense human strength; being able to overpower many opponents at once, lift a grown person off the ground with ease with merely one hand, being able to bench press 1,000 lbs and leg press 2,500 lbs, being able to break out of restraints with relative ease, being able to rip apart Atlas robots with no difficulty, being able to break through concrete and some steel walls with ease, and being able to break bones without a problem.

Immense Human Speed: Ghost has immense human speed, being able to move around quickly and is faster than human athletes, but not to a superhuman level. He's even quick enough to throw a throwing knife fast enough to imbed into someone's hand before they even realize it. He's also quick enough to catch up to speeding vehicles in a matter of seconds and/or minutes. He's also fast enough to dodge gunshots.

Enhanced Durability: Ghost may not have an aura at all, but he has very high durability. He can withstand many attacks and survive hits that could normally critically injure someone. But that doesn't mean it still hurts. 

Enhanced Endurance: Ghost's endurance training that he's gone through, along with being subjugated to experiments, has greatly enhanced his endurance to the point where he can get up after tremendous amounts of physical pain as if it didn't happen.

Immense Human Reflexes: Ghost's reflexes, which he trained to the absolute limit, and further enhanced to nigh-superhuman thanks to the experiments done to him, he could dodge fast-paced offensive attacks, and perform amazing physically defensive feats. He could even evade strikes from beings with super speed, like Ruby with her semblance, and dodge multiple gunfire at point-blank range with ease. His immense reflexes can also be used to attack and counter instead of just defensive purposes, allowing him to instantaneously react with devastating counters when fighting extraordinary quick opponents.

Immense Human Agility: Despite being his size, Ghost has highly trained himself to become extremely agile, and perfectly coordinate his body with flawless balance, flexibility, and dexterity. He can be able to pull off a multitude of flips and perform amazing gymnastic and acrobatic prowess, and performing feats that would be extremely difficult for a normal human, if need be.

Immense Human Stamina: Ghost's highly trained and developed body musculature generates considerably less fatigue toxins and is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins compared to an ordinary human, allowing him to be physically active for considerably long periods of time without rest. And thanks to the experiments he's suffered, his body produces even less or little to no fatigue toxins. He could exert himself at peak capacity for several hours without slowing down or showing any sign of fatigue. This allows him to run for dozens of miles and fight for extremely long periods. Additionally, he can hold his breath underwater for several minutes and will not lose breath or get exhausted due to his stamina extending to his lung capacity.

Immense Human Senses: Ghost's natural five senses were at the highest caliber of human potential; making his sense of sight, touch, hearing, smell and taste extremely precise and accurate by human standard. They've also been greatly increased due to becoming a "super soldier" as well. He can concentrate his senses to see accurately from moderately far distances, acutely touching ink on a page, hear and distinguish small sounds, have smell capabilities like a primate, and tasting more accurately than normal humans. This makes him extremely alert to danger and highly aware of the surroundings around him. He can even make out certain things that some or most soldiers wouldn't be able to.

Immense Human Healing/Metabolism: Ghost could heal much more rapidly than a normal human athlete, which enables him to heal broken bones, torn muscles, several gunshot & knife wounds and other severe injuries within several days and most lesser injuries like cuts, scrapes and burns within hours. This is due to his extraordinary accelerated metabolism, which was further enhanced through his intense training and nutritionally-strict diet. His healing has also been further enhanced and has been theorized that he can heal many times faster than a normal human can. 

Enhanced Immune System: Ghost's immune system has been enhanced to the point as to where he has greater immunities to most poisons and viruses, and that it has also slowed down his aging.

Enhanced Longevity: Due to the experiments he's gone under to turn him into a super soldier, Ghost's lifespan and youth has been greatly extended.

Talented Leader: Despite being one of Task Force 141's members and under the leadership of his best friend, John Price, Ghost is a talented field commander.

Master Martial Artist/Combatant: Thanks to his military and martial arts training he went under, Ghost is a master combatant and has knowledge on many martial arts.

Master Marksman: Due to his military training, Ghost is a very highly skilled marksman. 9/10, he always hits his target.

Master of Stealth: This is where Ghost excels at. He is a master of espionage, assassination, stealth, escape arts, infiltration, sabotage, guerrilla warfare and unconventional methods. He can easily infiltrate an enemy base, no matter how guarded, he'll go by unnoticed. He can even sneak up and get the drop on a good friend of his, Taina 'Caveira' Pereira, many times.

Indomitable Will: Having survived continuous and brutal torture at the hands of many people and surviving experiments done to him, Ghost possessed a strong will, body, and mind. During his brutal ordeal with the people who captured him, he learned to withstand relentless torture, and in turn, attained a massive amount of tolerance towards pain, physical or otherwise.

Master Acrobat: Ghost, despite his size and what he carries on his person most of the time, is a superior master of parkour, freerunning, acrobatics, and gymnastics; combined with his immensely trained physical strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, dexterity and reflexes. He can jump wide distances and tall heights, flit through rooftops, run on high walls, climb the tallest structures and vault through various types of obstacles. He can also casually perform flawless gymnastic and acrobatic abilities such as springs, rolls, twists, and flips with ease and can scale the most complex terrains and freefall from immense heights safely completely unharmed.

Expert Interrogator/Torturer: Ghost is easily one of the best interrogators on the Task Force. He can use both police force methods of interrogation, or many forms of torture. He prefers to do the latter most of the time.

Expert Tracker: Ghost is an expert tracker, being able to track people, no matter who they are, and no matter if they barely left a trace or not.

High Intelligence: Ghost is highly intelligent. He's able to figure out certain situations with just analyzing what had happened, along with being able to adapt onto the fly if things go wrong during an OP.

Multilingualism: Ghost is fluent in English, Spanish, Russian, Latin, French, Chinese, Japanese, and many other languages.

Weapons Expert: Ghost is knowledgeable in many, if not all forms of weapons. Have it be firearms or blades. He's even skilled enough to use improvised weapons such as a pencil or book.

Expert Vehicular Driver/Pilot: Ghost is an expert in operating most ground and aerial vehicles.

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