Volume 1: Chapter 5: The First Step part 2

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Emerald Forest

A blackbird is flying slowly and magnificently until right up to the moment, it gives its final shriek as Ruby crashes through it in a burst of feathers as she plummets downward.

Ruby: "Birdie, no!"

Ruby fires off a few rounds from Crescent Rose to slow her down, then turns the weapon into its scythe from to catch the branch of a tree in her blade and fall downward at a slower pace.

Weiss, armed with Myrtenaster, summons a white snowflake circle under her and leaps off of it to the forest below.

Ren descends and spins in the air, eventually using Storm Flower's blades to spiral around the trunks of a large tree and hit the ground, brushing off his clothes before looking up to see...

Yang: "Woo-hoo! Yeah! Alley-oop!"

Yang, soaring right over the treetops, is using her gauntlets and its fiery force to push her through the air further and further north, spinning and laughing with each blast , even when she crashes through the leaves of a tree and leaps off two trunks to tumble to the ground.

Yang: "Nailed it!"

She then runs off.

Pyrrha, her weapon in sword from and armed with a shield, crashes through several trees and rolls on a branch, immediately shifting her blade into a rifle and looking through the scope at Jaune as he continues to scream and fall helplessly. Pyrrha coolly transforms her weapon into its spear from, and rockets the javelin deep into the forest until a "THUNK" is heard.

In the distance, Jaune yells to Pyrrha.

Jaune: "Thank you!"

Pyrrha: "I'm sorry!"

Meanwhile on the other side forest

Soma was still on the air and heading straight toward a pack of Beowolf's as he lands on right straight to their front then a huge explosion appears making a large crater on the ground as Soma land on the ground with God Arc thrust on the ground . As it was heard through the forest.

(Replace Saitama with Soma and Boris as Beowolf)

As soon the fog clears Soma looked around him and his was completely surrounded by hungry and growling Beowolf's as they rushing at him like mad dogs.

Soma: "Alright let's play, you stupid mutts! Come straight at me!"

As Soma rush at them as he swung his sword making contact with the first then bashing other one its skull making it stumble then other one appears behind him.

(Just replace the Aragamis with Grimm's)

But Soma managed to dodge it then another one jumps behind him but Soma slashed it away from him

then slashes the last Beowolf with his God arc several times with his speed and ferocity making it reels back in pain, before dropping dead.

then Soma turned his attention on the rest of Beowolves as he summons a dark-crimson like aura the gathering into his God Arc as more of it gathers around into his Sword before shouting on them.


As he swung his sword on the ground it unleashed the crimson wave as it split the ground apart as it make contact on the Beowolves then it created a huge exploded like, what he did on the red forest few days ago.

as the explosions clear in the air their was nothing left but a large crater with smoking ground as he turned around their where still a few more left then He walk toward to the remaining Grimms with his God arc on his shoulder as a Beowolf roars then launched itself to the god eater as Soma just stare at it with his azure colored eyes.

Back on the other side of the forest

In the middle of the forest, Ruby lands in a crouch then darted off with a single mantra in her mind.

Ruby: "Gotta find Yang! Gotta find Yang, gotta find Yang, gotta find..."

she then starts shouting.

Ruby: "Yang! Yaaaang!"

She now starts seeing herself partnered with various people.

Ruby: "Oh, this is bad, this is really bad... What if I can't find her? What if someone finds her first? Well, there's always Jaune. He's nice. He's funny! ...I don't think he's very good in a fight, though. Ooh! What about Blake?! So mysterious, so clam... Plus she likes books! Then again, I'm not sure I'd be able to hold a conversation with her... Ugh! Um... What about Soma?!. He's super strong in a fight but his a bit rude and scary although He's also nice, He's cool, he's also cute! Gah! No! No! No! stop! Stop!"

Ruby blush then shook's her head. and finally She snaps out of her daydream.

Ruby: "Okay... Who else do I know in school? There's Yang, Jaune, Blake, Soma aaaand..."

Time seems to slow down as Ruby skids to a halt in front of Weiss as she is turning to face her. She stops just in time for their eyes to meets and a pregnant pause follows. This ends when Weiss turns on her heel and walks the other way. Ruby starts following her.

Ruby: "Wait! Where are you going?!"

She then stops and kicks the ground dejectedly.

Ruby: We're supposed to be a teammates..."

Weiss is seen struggling through the forest, giving an occasional grunt or "OW!" as she pushes plants out of her way. She brushes herself off and sighs in relief when she hears a voice above her.

???: "Come on, come on! Stupid...!"

Weiss sees Jaune hanging a few feet in the air by the spear embedded in his hood and the tree behind him. As he gives up to pull it out, he looks down and sees Weiss, giving an embarrassed wave. Weiss simply heads back in the direction she came from and Jaune groans in dejection. She passes Ruby and pulls on her hood.

Weiss: "By no means does this make us friends."

Ruby become overjoyed as she's dragged away into the bushes.

Ruby: "You came back!"

Jaune, who sees the scene, starts waving his arms in desperation.

Jaune: "Wait! Come back! Who's going to get me down from here?!"

He then hears down a voice from below.

Pyrrha: "Jaune?"

The boy looks down at his saviour.

Pyrrha: "Do you... have any spots left on your team?"

He crosses his arms.

Jaune: "Very funny..."

He eventually looks down at her and a smile, which she returns.

With Ruby and Weiss, we see the Schnee trudging through the forest, with Ruby back a ways behind her.

Ruby: "What's the hurry?"

Weiss: "I will not let my mission be delayed because you're too slow! I swear if I get a bad grade because of your-"

She the sees a smiling Ruby suddenly appearing next to her.

Weiss: 'What the...?"

Ruby: "I'm not slow, see? You don't have to worry about me!"

Weiss looks back, amazed at the young girl's speed.

Weiss: "When did...?"

Ruby: "Weiss, just because I don't exactly know how to deal with people doesn't I don't know how to deal with monsters!"

She puts an arm around the skeptical Weiss' shoulders.

Ruby: You're about to see a whole different side of me today, Weiss, and after it's all over, you're going to be like,  "Wow! That Ruby girl is really, really cool... and I wanna be her friend!"

Ruby then disappears in a shower of her rose petals, which Weiss waves away  from her face just as she hears crackling and rustling in the bushes around her.

Weiss calls out to her.

Weiss: "You may be fast, but you still excel at wasting time!"

But there was only silence.

Weiss: "Ruby?"

The forest darkens, forcing Weiss to lean in to try and find her new partner as a pair of red eyes are seen glaring behind her.

Weiss: "Ruby...?"

Multiple pairs of red eyes stare at her from the bushes and a deep growl is heard. She turns until she spots a large, jagged Beowolf emerging from a bush and approaching her.

Weiss: "Ruby!"

Soma's Location

We get to see our God eater panting do to exhaustion he was kneeling down on the ground with his god arc thrust on the ground as well. Soma look behind him and we sees several Beowolf laying on the ground in pieces as they quickly begun to dissolved onto the thin air. He then get up and pull out his sword out of the ground then place into his shoulder.

Soma: "Well... that took a bit longer, than I expected but I still have no idea how to find this damn shrine! damn you, old bastard!" 

Soma sigh in frustration then pitch the bridge of his nose while he still has a piss off look on his face.

Soma: "When I get back, I'm going to give you a hell of a beating then I'll throw you off into this god forsaken cliff! you heard that, old man!"

As He shouts into the forest.

As He continued to walk into the Emerald forest.

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