Chapter 1: The End Of A Hero?

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The world was attacked by a mad scientist named Dr.Eggman and his creation the Phantom Crystals. It proven it out matched the resistance and beaten the heros but there was one that wasn't gonna give up and his name was Y/n The Hedgehog. As Y/n was getting back up he looked at Infinite and Y/n wasn't in any good shape

(Thats what you look like currently)

Y/n: "So this thing will be the one that will kill me huh?"

Eggman: "Ho Ho Ho why yes Y/n. Infinite has the power to bend reality itself."

After Eggman said that Y/n gets back up fully and goes super and floats in the air

Y/n: "Yeah well guess what I'm taking you down."

Y/n said as he flies into battle and fights Infinite again as the battle went on buildings were being crushed and the Resistance was retreating. The only people who stayed was Shadow, Silver, Blaze, Tails, and Knuckles and they were watching the fight go on Y/n was panting and Infinite was perfectly fine as he summoned an Orb in his hand that sparked as he threw it at Y/n. But as Y/n was trying to get away from it Infinite pushed him in there with a blast through his chest and Y/n began to fall in the orb as he was in super form but as Eggman thought that Infinite defeated Y/n he said some last words

Y/n: "Chaos... Control..."

After Y/n said that the orb glowed white and exploded infront of Infinite as Tails yelled out Y/n's name. But once the light was gone everyone looked around for Y/n but he was no where to be seen until Eggman realized something

Eggman: "Wait where's the Chaos Emeralds!"

Eggman yelled as Tail's checked his tracker to only see that they aren't even on the planet and looked up at the sky as the last of the resistance retreated

Tails: "Be careful Y/n."

Tails said as Infinite watched them run away  eggman laughs evily and Infinite looked at his hand and clenched his fist

Infinite: "Now everyone will now live in fear."

Meanwhile in Remnant

Team RWBY was at Ozpin's office for something he wanted them until a massive storm came and a loud energy noise happened as they came outside including other students came out to see a black and purple orb in the sky as it began to disappear and a teenaged boy with blue hair was falling from the sky as 6 different colored lights separated in different directions. Before he was about to hit the solid ground Ruby Rose came in and saved him and checked his vitals and sees the blood

Ruby: "Someone get him a medic he's bleeding out like crazy."

Ruby said as Glynda came and used her semblance to pick him up and carry him to the infirmary and patched him up as Ozpin was looking at him

Weiss: "What is it Ozpin?"

Ozpin: "It's the way he looks he's a Faunus but i never seen one with all the traits of whatever species he is."

Ruby walks to him as she saw something glowing and reached her hand and grabbed it out of the boy's pocket to be holding a green diamond but bigger than any normal one

Yang: "What is that?"

Yang asked as Blake looks at it and freaks out and quickly ran over to the dorm to grab a book and brings it back to them to see the front cover of some weird ancient hieroglyphs

As Blake explained to everyone what that emerald is and the boy started to wake up slowly as he grunts in pain

Ruby: "Careful you been hit in the chest really bad just rest."

Y/n: "Okay and Where am I?"

Weiss: "Your at Beacon a school for hunters and huntress."

Y/n was confused on what she said and gets up for his hair to spike up a bit and his ears move a bit

Blake: "So who are you exactly?"

Y/n: "Oh I'm Y/n. Y/n The Hedgehog."

Everyone looked at him weird before Y/n saw Ruby holding the Chaos Emerald in her hand

Y/n: "Hey can I have that back its really important."

Weiss: "Oh yeah just to have the power of who knows what and destroy our world?"

Y/n: "What no I would never hurt anyone I use the emeralds to help people from a evil scientist named Eggman."

After Y/n said that he heard laughing and turned to hear team RWBY laughing like crazy from the name

Ruby: "Who calls themself Eggman. That is priceless right there."

Ruby said as she soon stopped laughing even the others and Y/n continued to talk about his world and how he ended up here.

At a White Fang Hideout

A red light flies into a building infront of a tiger and a bull faunus and they looked at it and the Bull faunus picked it up and felt even powerful thanks to the emerald and both Faunus smirked as they can set their plan in motion

At A Castle Far From Beacon

A woman with white skin with black veins was looking at the landscape to soon see a purple light crash into the room through the window and she turns to look at the object and picked it up

???: "So the ledgends are true. When the 7 emeralds are brought together the user will have the power beyond the Gods."

She said and smirked evily and takes the emerald to a place that held the emeralds and there was a giant black emerald there

???: "So Nazo,s power will finaly return."

???: "Yes Cinder he will have his power and with that power we can rule Remnant."

After she said that Cinder smirked as she looked at the Black emerald to see a silverish blue hedghog in there sleeping until it opened its eye's sensing the power of the Chaos Emerald...

I hope you enjoy the first chapter

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