Beacon's Heister

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Theme: Mayhem Dressed in a Suit Remix

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3rd POV

It's the next day and Y/N is walking with Ozpin around Beacon. Ozpin gave you a tour and is currently taking you to see your last teacher: Prof- Damnit I mean Doctor Oobleck.

Y/N: I actually forgot to ask you last night. What about the people that saw me at the bank?

Ozpin didn't look remotely surprised. He knew you would bring it up eventually but like the man he is. He had already taken care of it.

Ozpin: Don't worry. The everyone has been convinced that you were someone similar fitting the description of Houston.

Y/N: What about the hostages?

Ozpin: We convinced them that you weren't Houston, instead we convinced them that you were a intern at the bank.

Y/N: All that for me....I'm honored. No truly I am.

Y/N looked to the ground and his face had turned to a saddened one.

Y/N: But I don't deserve it I'm afraid.

Ozpin stopped in his tracks and turned to you.

Ozpin: No Mr. L/N you do deserve it. You have talent that no other people has achieved.

Y/N: My talent? All I know how to do is pull off heist...

He remains saddened as Ozpin places a hand on his shoulder.

Ozpin: That isn't the only thing you're capable of. You are more talented than you give yourself credit for. You just ended up using those talents for something else.

You perked up at his statement.

Y/N: You seem pretty confident in me.

Ozpin: Of course. I believe you have what it takes to go farther. You can be more than just a bank robber.

Y/N: I actually prefer heister better Professor.

He hummed his interest as he looked at you with a raised eyebrow.

Ozpin: Well nevertheless we must go meet Doctor Oobleck. Come along now Mr. L/N

They walked into the academy silently walking. You were still a little nervous about this whole thing but kept it to yourself. You decided to try and make some small talk to calm your nerves.

Y/N: You know there's still footage of all the heists.

Ozpin hummed in response and looked towards the heister.

Y/N: Well the bank camera records are deleted but I have a hard drive with all the banks footage.

Ozpin: Do you think I can see it?

Y/N: Of course! As long as it only used for observation and not trying to catch the rest of my crew.

Ozpin nodded as they arrived at Doctor Oobleck's room.


We entered the classroom to see a man with green hair. He was poorly dressed like he rushed in his wardrobe and rushed out.

Oobleck: Ah Professor Ozpin! I wasn't expecting you. I'm still in the process of getting ready for the new students!

He was rapidly zipping around the room while drinking coffee.

Flatcap: What's inside idk maybe crack or sumthing...

Y/N: Ya know in the Payday universe Jimmy would probably put coke in his coffee and not the soda kind.

Flatcap: Yea...wait why are you here?!

Y/N: ¯\_()_/¯

Back to the story!

Ozpin: Well Doctor Oobleck, I wanted to introduce one of those new students. He is a...special case.

Oobleck stopped and look confused. He looked to me and then to Ozpin.

Me: Does he not know? Every other teacher did.

Ozpin: Hmm someone must of not gotten the memo yet...

Oobleck looked more confused now and I let out a sigh.

Me: Do you want to tell him or should I show him?

Ozpin gestures from me to him as I take off my jacket revealing my blue suit. Making Oobleck more baffled. Then I pull out my mask and put it on as he steps back in shock.

Oobleck: Ozpin! This-this student is from the Payday Gang!?

Ozpin nods and comes closer to him in an effort to calm him down.

Ozpin: Yes now I know what the news says but it's him. I offered him a deal. In exchange for coming to Beacon, he isn't going to prison.

Oobleck still looked skeptical and suspicious of me but Ozpin reassures him.

Oobleck: Do you trust him? Is he willing to stay away from crime?

Ozpin goes to answer but I beat him to it.

Me: Doctor Oobleck. Ozpin went to great lengths to get me here. I might as well return the favor. As for keeping clean, rest assured I don't have a reason to go back to a life of crime.

He expression changes from suspicious to satisfied as he give me a smile.

Oobleck: Well if you put it that way...then I won't doubt your judgment Ozpin. Also I'm sorry I got off on the wrong foot Mr...?

I reach my arm out for a handshake as I also give him a smile.

Me: L/N sir. Y/N L/N. And no problem I would be suspicious too if I was in your position.

He shakes my hand as Ozpin smiles at our interaction. We finish eventually with our introductions. Then Ozpin and Oobleck discuss some things about this new semester.

They finish eventually as we walk back outside. Ozpin tells me that the airships with the new student are arriving soon. He gives me time alone to walk around as he goes somewhere.

Time skip

It's been near thirty minutes as the airships finally appear in the horizon. I decided it would be best to watch from a distance. Just in case that girl is there.

He leaned against a tree as the airships finally touched down. First out was a blonde guy as he came out running directly for the trash can puking inside.

Then the two girls that I had saw the day of the heist came out.

Me: Well shit...not one but two problems I'm gonna have to deal with...

I decided to watch them. Eventually the blonde hair girl left the one in red as she walk further into Beacon.

I followed from a distance as she occasionally looked around her. Lucky thing I'm like a ghost so she didn't notice me.

Me: I really feel like a stalker right now.

She eventually knocked over a bunch of luggage. I could hear a female voice yell at her. I'm pretty surprised the heiress, Weiss Schnee, of the SDC was here.

The heiress yelled at the girl in red while shaking a dust vile in her face. I've personally learned that you shouldn't do that.

Then the girl, that I will now call Red, sneezed making an explosion. Then they argued more until a girl with a book walks up and ends the argument.

The heiress and the book girl leave. Leaving Red all by her lonesome. Then the blonde guy from earlier comes by and helps her up.

They wonder around school talk about something's then they talk about something that interests me.

Red: So...I have this thing...

She pulls out a her weapon as it transforms into a scythe and plunges it into the ground.

Damn if she had that during the heist...I don't know what could have happened.

Red: It's also a fully customizable, high-impact sniper rifle!

Holy shit...that would be amazing to use! I mean don't get me wrong, Layoff is great and all but still I would still want to make it like that.

Eventually the blonde guy walks away for something.

This gives me a chance to introduce myself properly. Actually it's so I can explain this situation so she doesn't go screaming I'm Houston and attack me in school. But also to properly introduce myself like I said.

I walk out from the shadows behind her and take off my jacket again.

Me: Hey there Red.

She turns to see me and immediately grabs her weapon and turns it into her sniper rifle aiming it right at me.

I put my hands up and try to calm her down.

Me: Hey hey. Now don't shout or anything. Keep it between us.

Red: Why are you here!? You're supposed to be arrested! Unless you escaped...

Me: No not the case Red. If I did wouldn't the news say I did?

Red: Yes they would but why did they release another mans face on the news!?

I walk to a bench with my hands still up and sit down.

Me: Well if you put that thing away and come sit with me I'll explain.

She looks hesitant but eventually puts her weapon away. She walks over and sits next to me.

I tell her about my deal with Ozpin and everything else.

Time skip

I finally finished explaining everything to her and now she's asking me questions.

Red: Wait so Professor Ozpin did all that so you could be here?

Me: Yup. So please don't go calling me Houston in school.

Red: Will you be good from now on?

Me: Yeah. I don't think I would throw this opportunity away.

She nods and looks down.

Red: So...did they take your weapons?

Me: No but I stored them away. Well except for one.

I show her the inside of my suit jacket for her to see my suppressed Bernetti or my "piece" in my shoulder strap holster.

Red: I don't think you should have that...

Me: Why? Because of...well you know.

She nods but then notices the extra slot on the left side.

Red: What's that extra slot for?

Me: It's for my sword. A foldable saber.

Red: Oh! A folding saber!!! Oh I've always wanted to see one! Can I see! Can I see!

She jumps all over the place in excitement. I calm her down by saying later which causes her to pout at me. It was funny so I chuckle.

Me: Hehe well if you're so adamant on seeing my weapons. How about I let you see my piece?

She holds out her hands as I grab my piece from my side. I unload it and place the magazine in a pouch on my right side.

I place it in her hands as she examines everything single detail.

Red: Hmm other than the suppressor there's nothing really special...

Me: That's where you're wrong. You see, inside I modded the mechanisms. I made it faster to fire by releasing the tension on the trigger and making the slide move faster. I also made it high impact.

A/N: Sorry I don't know about modifying guns! Please tell me if this is incorrect!

Red: Wait! High impact!? How!?

I scratch the back of my neck as I don't really know how I did it...

Me: Well I don't know. I was just tinkering with it and when I fired it just happened. But this thing can take out someone's legs if I aimed for them.

Red: But what about the suppressor?

Me: At first it couldn't take it so I had to make one out of lightweight but durable material.

She was gawking at it until the blonde guy came back.

Blonde guy: Hey Ruby! Oh hi there! Who are you?

The girl who's name I now know is Ruby goes to answer but stops.

Ruby: I actually didn't catch your name...

At this point it doesn't even matter to me who knows my name. What matters is who I tell I'm Houston to.

Me: Y/N L/N and what about you two?

Blonde guy: I'm Jaune! Jaune Arc!

Ruby: And well you already know I'm Ruby! Ruby Rose! Oh and here's your pistol back.

I take my piece back and holster it.

Jaune: Well I found the auditorium! You can come with us Y/N.

Me: I would love to but I'll chill out here for now.

Jaune walks away with Ruby following suit but before she left, she turned to me and said:

Ruby: We should talk after the initiation.

I nod and let her leave.

Me: That one problem solved. One to go...

Time skip

I walk into the auditorium through a back door and I'm greeted by Ozpin.

Ozpin: Well I saw you talk with Ms. Rose. I said I would handle that but it seems you handled it pretty well.

I nod and look to the stage.

Me: I got her to not attack me. She's still skeptical which I understand but her sister is gonna be another story.

Ozpin: Well if you found a way to convince Ms. Rose then I am certain you can convince her sister.

I look at him with a smile. He's done a lot for me. I'm grateful for it actually and I want to pay it forward someday.

Me: Well I'll find a time, so where is everyone staying?

He gestured towards the auditorium and I immediately understood.

Me: Well if that's the case can I sleep up on the roof?

He looked at me concerned and puts a hand on my shoulder.

Ozpin: Are you sure about that? We can find somewhere for you.

I reassured him that it was fine and he finally agreed. He told me that tomorrow morning, everyone will meet at the cliff. He also told me to bring my equipment and that he would explain tomorrow.

But for now I go to the roof and get set up against a wall. It wasn't unnatural for me considering I lived on the streets once a upon a time.

Time skip (last one)

I lay against the wall, gazing at the stars above. Until the door to the roof opens.

I draw my pistol and pointed it at the uninvited guest.

Turns out that uninvited guest is Ruby. I holster my piece and let her sit down next to me.

Ruby: You know I've been wondering where you were. I didn't think you would be up here.

Me: Sometimes its good to sleep under the stars.

She looked at me with a brow raised and laughed.

Ruby: Or is it because you don't want to see my sister?

I laugh too and look down.

Me: Well that too but I'll handle that. Now why are you here?

Ruby: Well I wanted to see if you weren't doing anything bad and well you aren' bye!

She stood up and walked to the door.

She actually came out here just to see if I was raising hell? What a strange girl.

Me: Ya know when it came to being a criminal, I did have a choice not to do it.

She turned to me confused and stood there at the door.

Ruby: Then why did you keep going?

Me: Remember attention? It was really why I kept going.

Ruby: You still have to explain that you know.

I sigh and look at her with a smirk.

Me: I'll explain that when I trust you. For now it's still to be determined.

She looks like she's about to protest until I stop her.

Me: It may happen eventually. But now you need to sleep. Go now.

She pouts again and walks though the door.

Ruby POV

I walk back to my sleeping bag and lay on it. My sister eventually come and plops down on hers.

Yang: Hey sis. Where were you?

Me: Oh just went to talk to a friend.

Yang nudges my arm and starts giggling.

Yang: Do I know this friend? Is it a guy? Is he your crush?

I feel my face turn hot and hit her with a pillow.

Me: What no! Of course not!

Yang just chuckles and lays down.

Yang: I'm kidding! Don't get so worked up.

I lay down and get ready to sleep but Y/N was all I could think about.

What made you become a criminal?

A/N: Hey y'all Flatcap here! Hope you enjoyed and I'll get the next chapter out soon!

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