Rude Awakening

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A/N: It's been awhile! About 3 or 4 months give or take. But I'm coming back and I ain't alone. I may have a Co-Author but more on that later.

For now enjoy this chapter after such a long delay!

Theme: Mayhem Dressed in a Suit Remix

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

3rd POV

It's the morning after you robbed an entire store and shipment of dust. After painfully singing a very seemingly normal song, you think 'What else could go wrong right about now?'

Well that thing comes in the form of a hyperactive girl dressed in a black tank top and white pajama pants with roses.

Ruby Rose is the last person you want to see right now.

Ruby: Hey Y/N!

Y/N: Shit!

You quickly compose yourself but that doesn't really do much due to the fact that you were unknowingly crying through that hellish song.

Y/N: Hey Ruby!

As soon as you turn to her, she notices the red tear tracks on your face and grows concerned.

Ruby: What happened?

Ruby: Are you alright?

Y/N: Huh? Why? I'm just fine.

Ruby pouts at you and all you could do is laugh a little. If anything, her little pout is hilarious.

Ruby: Don't laugh! Don't lie either!

Y/N: What are you talking about?

She places a hand on your cheek and trails it down.

Ruby: You've been crying...

You place your hand on your other cheek and feel the dry tears.

Ruby: Are you alright Y/N?

You look up and her, then pull away from her.

Y/N: I'm fine.

Ruby: No, you're not. Why are you lying to me?

You couldn't tell her what happened. At best she'd think you're crazy, time for an excuse.

Y/N: I-I just miss my brother is all. Don't worry about it, I'll be fine.

Ruby has some doubts but doesn't press it.

Ruby: You never told me which one of them was your brother.

Y/N: I intend to keep it that way.

Ruby looks at you confused and you clarify.

Y/N: I'm sorry, but I just don't trust you enough. Don't take it personally, but there's still the chance you might rat to Winters.

She looked dumbfounded for a second, but then nodded understandingly.

Ruby: It kinda hurts when you put it like that, but I completely understand. I'm sorry...

She starts to tear up. You hug her comfortingly.

Y/N: Don't apologize, this one's on me.

She hugs back, burying her face in your chest. You smile at her childlike personality.

???: Brings back memories...

That voice. You could hear it again but then it was gone. This time, it sounded reminiscent, like a ghost of the past.

Ruby: Thank you...

You look down and see Ruby's face still buried in you face. Though, you could hear faint snores.

You chuckle lightly and carefully pick her up bridal style.

Y/N: Well I can't get you down those stairs so I'll let you sleep in my happy little shelter.

You carry her to your shelter and put her inside your sleeping bag. She curls up in a ball with a smile on her face. You couldn't help but smile as you grab your uniform and go to another part of the roof to get changed.

Time skip
3 Days later

It's only been few days after the shitty wake up. I haven't been able to get that, as well as what happened with Ruby, out of my head.

I know what I said and stand by it, but doesn't mean I don't regret it still...

That voice hasn't spoken to me since then either. I can't tell why, but it just seems like that voice is familiar I should know it, but I don't for some reason...

Team JNPR has had some problems after that night as well. I've seen them without Jaune and they look so down too. Speaking of Jaune, I've seen him with Team CRDL a lot. I know that Jaune isn't one to mix in with that crowd, so I'm suspicious.

And as my luck would have it, Jaune is right down the hall. No CRDL in sight, might as well take the opportunity to talk to him.

Me: Hey Jaune!

He visibly jumps at my call as I run up to him.

Jaune: O-oh Y/'s just you.

Me: Who were you expecting? Cardin?

Jaune: What? Noooo.

He tries to wave it off but his lying is outright terrible.

Me: Jaune, something's wrong what is it?

He looks at me nervously then looks up down the hall.

Jaune: Something is wrong!

Me: Okay, and?

He goes to speak before a hand slaps onto his shoulder.

And whoopty doo you guessed it! It's Cardick!

Cardin: Hey Jaune! Just the guy I was looking for! Come on we have we have something to do!

Before Cardin drags him away, Jaune manages to get close enough for a whisper.

Jaune: Meet me in front of my dorm tonight. I'll hopefully be away from him.

Then he gets dragged off by Cardin. Hopefully he says, yeah I'm hoping too.

Class isn't in session for another hour. I guess I can hangout somewhere till it is.


Oumdamnit well I guess I can't rest now.

"Your Boss" fantastic it's Roman. I was wondering when he'd call.

After making sure I was alone I answered my scroll.

Me: What do you want?

3rd POV

What you didn't know was, that there was someone still in the hall. A black haired, cat-like member of a certain team you know of.

Blake was hidden behind a corner eavesdropping on your call, just like she did a few days ago.

Blake: (Thoughts) He's been inconspicuous for now, but will that change? Oh he's getting a call!

Y/N: What do you want?

Roman: (On scroll) I wanted to thank you. Is that to much for you?

Y/N: depends, what's it for?

Roman: Aw come on now Y/N! Don't beat around the bush!

Y/N: No, I'm serious. I don't remember a lot from that night.

Blake was obviously confused. How could you not remember what happened, like, 3 nights ago? Well, unless you were drunk or something. Which you weren't.

Roman: You know! That little gift you were talking about!

Y/N: Oh yeah that! Yeah I remember now.

Roman: Good. Now about that, I thank you. That's less work for you in the future.

Y/N: But I'm not off the hook yet. You don't need to remind me.

Blake: (Thoughts) Off the hook...? Just what are you into Y/N?

Roman: Good. Saves me the trouble and time.

Y/N: What's you end goal? You need all this shit for something.

Roman: That's on a need to know basis and you don't need to know.

Y/N: Is that how you treat all you subordinates?

Blake: Subordinates? Who are you working for?

Roman: Don't push your luck kid.

Roman's threatening and condescending tone sends slight chills through you. Best not to screw around right now.

Y/N: Yeah alright...

Roman: Good, now I'll call you some time next month.

Y/N: Whatever, I'll be ready.

You hang up and slowly slide down the wall.

Y/N: Oumdamnit give me a break...

Blake is then seen walking off even more suspicious than before.

Blake: I need to check if any robberies have happened in the last few days...

Time skip

It's night now and hopefully Jaune got away from Cardin like he said.

Got my nightwear on. Way more comfortable than my suit or that uniform I'll tell you that much.

I make my way down to see if Jaune was speaking true, but as I get on the floor, I hear a conversation.

???: Hey, Jaune!

And from the tone of that high pitched voice, I could tell immediately that it was Ruby.

Ruby: Long time, no see! Did you lock yourself out again?

Jaune: Oh, uh, nope! Got it!

Me: (Thoughts) Oum, he sounds like a five year old that got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Ruby: So! Where have you been lately?

Me: (Thoughts) The biggest question that everyone wants an answer to, as of late.

I suppose now is a good time to make my presence known if anything.

Me: I'd like to know that too Jaune.

His face pales, but the color returns to his face after he realizes it's me.

Jaune: Y/N! I didn't think you'd come!

Ruby: Hi Y/N!

Yup, Jaune is still awkward and Ruby is still as energetic as ever.

Me: Hi to you too Red and Jaune of course I'd come. I want to know what the hell has happened to one of my friends.

Me and Ruby patiently stare at him waiting for his answer and for awhile he doesn't talk until...

Jaune: I, uh... I messed up. I did something I shouldn't have...

Me: That much is obvious...

Ruby: Y/N!

She quietly yells at me while smacking my arm.

Me: It's true though.

Jaune just seems to ignore us as he continues telling us his troubles.

Jaune: Now Cardin has me on a leash, and Pyrrha won't even talk to me...

He takes a heavy breath and hangs his head.

Jaune: I'm starting to think coming to this school was a bad idea...

He slowly slides down his dorm's door, defeated.

Jaune: I'm a failure...

Ruby: Nope!

Well that's pretty blunt... but then again, this is Ruby we're talking about.

Ruby: You're a leader now, Jaune. You're not allowed to be a failure.

Still pretty blunt...

Jaune: But...what if I'm a failure at being a leader?

Ruby stands there for a moment, with her finger on her chin in thought.

Ruby: Hmmm...Nope!

Jaune could only laugh as Ruby joined him on the floor and I leaned on the wall opposite of them.

Jaune: You know, you're not the easiest person to talk to about this kind of stuff.

Me: It's Ruby, what did you expect?

That snark comment got me a painful kick to the shin before Ruby continued.

Ruby: Jaune, maybe you were a failure when you were a kid.

Me: A little too far into his past Red.

He groans and sink to the floor a little.

Ruby: And you might've even been a failure the first day we met!

Me: Wasn't that obvious?

He sink even more. I don't know if I'm helping Ruby's case or not anymore.

Ruby: But, you can't be one now. You know why?

Jaune: Uhhh, because...?

And now Red finally gets to the point.

Ruby: Because it's not just about you anymore. You've got a team now, Jaune. We both do! And if we fail, then we'll just be bringing them down with us.

Ruby stands and puts he hands on her hips, trying to look heroic.

Ruby: We have to put our teammates first, and ourselves second. Your team deserves a great leader, Jaune. And I think that can be you.

He smiles at her encouraging words then looks at me, wanting to hear what I have to say.

Me: She's right Jaune. You can't be looking out for yourself in this situation because now you have people who rely on you to guide them.

I see Ruby smile at me from the corner of my eye.

Me: And those people aren't just some people. They're a part of your family now. Jaune you have a family, right?

Jaune: Of course I do!

Me: And would you do anything for them?

Jaune: Yes! Of course!

Me: Then do anything you can for them in there. Like I said, they're your family now.

Jaune smiles and nods at me.

Jaune: Thanks you two.

Ruby: Of course! Have a good night, Jaune! Have a good night too, Y/N!

We wave goodbye to her as she goes back into her dorm.

He looks back to me and I put a hand on his shoulder.

Me: Remember what me and Ruby told you just now, okay? And remember that it ain't wrong to ask for help.

He nods and I pat his shoulder before turning for the roof.

Me: Alright goodnight then Jaune.

He doesn't reply.

I know that he'll still be wrapped around Cardin's finger, and I know that there's two ways this can end, with him standing up and fighting or bowing down and admitting defeat.

I ain't looking forward to the latter, so if push comes to shove,

I'll make sure that Nora gets to at least see what she was planning to do to him...

A/N: After so long it's back! 2000 words and it's been a long time in the making!

I'm trying to get back into writing but it is hard mind you. Schools a bitch and life is too but I'm coming back slowly but surely

And as I said in the beginning, I may have a Co-Author that may do some editing or even write chapters. He is a friend of mine in school and he actually has experience writing these kinds of things.

Well I'd like to thank you for reading after such a long wait.

No little outro monologue just the usual for now.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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