Chapter 1 : First Encounter

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Author's POV

We are at the ancient Egypt, in the last moments of the fight between the Pharaoh Atem and Zork (A/n: I meant to say, exactly at the time after Atem resummoned the Three monster Gods and they were combined into Horakhty)

Atem : "Now Horakhty, disperse the Darkness!!!", as soon as he said that Horakhty used her ultimate move Sublime Light (A/n : I used the English subbed version of the anime) and proceeded to obliterate Zork.

As Zork was being obliterated, his bright red eyes were filled with anger and before he was completely destroyed, he used every last bit of his power that he had to cast on Atem a permanent dark curse. He knew he was going to die, but he wanted the Pharaoh to suffer for it.

Everyone was oblivious to Zork's dark curse and they were happy that they were free from his darkness. That was until they saw that Horakhty had disappeared without a trace and Atem was on his knees, clutching his head in pain, as if it was about to explode.

Priest Seto : "* sees that the Pharaoh is down clutching his head and approached him * Your Majesty, are you alright?", he asked him. His eyes were filled with worry about the life of his ruler, but when the Pharaoh turned his head towards him, he gasped in sheer shock and backed away. The Pharaoh's eyes were crimson red.

Yugi : " * sees that Atem is grunting in pain and slowly starts to grow bigger, by the time * A-Atem, a-are you alright?", he said to him stuttering in fear, because the Pharaoh started to grow bigger in a faster pace.

Atem : " * looks at Yugi and the others * Get away from me, I don't want to crush anyone of you accidentally ", he said to them as he was taking one shaky breath after another, closing his eyes begging for this unfathomable pain to stop. Even in probably his most painful moments, he cares about all of them.

Only some minutes had passed and his growth started to decrease in speed and eventually stop. When he was about 100 feet tall. He opened his eyes and tried to get up. Everyone gasped in fear seeing him like that, most of the citizens of his kingdom, including some of his thought-to-be- friends were running away screaming things like "MONSTER" and "GIANT".

General : "Archers, aim your weapons against him and the rest of the soldiers evacuate the citizens that are close to him", he said and some of the archers even tried to shoot him as Atem tried to shield himself.

(A/n: Play the music on top of the chapter)

Yugi : " * looks angrily towards the soldiers * CAN'T YOU SEE THAT HE IS NOT TRYING TO FIGHT BACK OR TRY TO ATTACK YOU!!! ", he shouted towards them, causing even Seto to flinch from the volume of his voice .

Priest Seto : " * looks with the same anger in his eyes as Yugi towards the soldiers who kept on hurting Atem * HE MIGHT BE BIGGER, BUT HE IS STILL YOUR PHARAOH!!!", he said to them and to his and Yugi's surprise Atem kneeled on one knee and said to them.

Atem : "Then I should not be the Pharaoh anymore", he said to them, keeping his voice as low as possible, so he's not going to hurt their hearing, making Seto and Yugi to gasp in surprise from what they heard him saying.

Priest Seto : "What?! You can't be serious about it my king, Egypt needs you.", he said looking up to meet Atem's eyes, worry and concern had begun to fill him.

Atem : "* shakes his head, a look of sadness is in his eyes * This is where you are wrong, Seto. *sees that Priest Seto and Yugi are looking at him, their eyes are wide in surprise * The people of Egypt will need a new Pharaoh to rule them, not someone who they are terrified of. So, from this day and on Seto (A/n :He meant Priest Seto), you will be the new Pharaoh of Egypt. Please protect my people like the previous Pharaohs before you. "

Yugi : " * he sees that Atem starts to disappear and tears start to form in his amethyst eyes * A-Atem, *sniffles * what's going on? "

Atem : " * sees that he begins to disappear * My time in this Realm has come to its end. *stands up to his full size * Farewell Seto, new Pharaoh of Egypt and Yugi *sees that Yugi looks at him and he has a sad smile on his face * don't worry, as long as you have the Millennium Puzzle with you, a part of me will forever be with you. ", he said to them having his right thumb up into a 'thumbs up' motion, before he disappeared.

( A/n : Just like this, but imagine Atem (a.k.a the reader) disappearing instead of walking away)

Priest Seto / Yugi :" * they are both on their knees with tears in their eyes * ATEM!!!!!", they both shouted with a sorrowful voice as they bared witness to his disappearance into thin air, right in front of their eyes knowing that they were unable to do anything to prevent it from happening. Little do they know, that Atem might have disappeared from their own world, but he had appeared in another place, a planet specifically that was similar to Earth but so much different at the same time. Remnant.

( A/n : Stop the music here and begin this one)

(A/n : At Remnant, still in Author's POV)

It was a calm day in Remnant everything was going fine, until the sky started to suddenly get cloudy, the clouds were swirling around and instead of turning into a tornado, they turned into a giant portal. From within the portal a massive sphere made of light had appeared and started to descent in the Emerald Forest, when it made contact with the ground it started to dissipate revealing the unconscious gigantic body of the former Egyptian Pharaoh, Atem.

This light sphere wasn't seen by anyone else in Vale, except for Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon himself and Professor Glynda Goodwitch, who was into his office at that time.

Mrs Goodwitch : "Ozpin , did you saw that?", she asked him, slight concern was evident in her voice.

Ozpin : " * takes a sip from his coffee mug as he sees that the clouds begun to dissappear * Indeed, that's not something that you see every day. Whatever came from within the portal is from another world", he said to her

Mrs Goodwitch : " * her eyes widen in surprise * Then, should I need to contact General Ironwood for this matter?", she asked him and she saw that Ozpin raised his right hand in a 'stop' motion.

Ozpin : " * turns in order to look at Glynda * You don't need to say anything to Ironwood. We must find whatever came from within the portal before Ironwood and Atlas finds out. Everything and everyone has the right to live away from Ironwood's and Atlas's jurisdiction and experiments. Also, if it proves that someone has arrived through this portal, he or she might be a valuable ally in the future against her. ", he truthfully explained to Glynda the reason before he pressed a button on his desk. 

(A/n : Stop the music and begin this one)

Ozpin : " Could it be possible for team RWBY to come to the headmaster's office, it's an emergency. ", he said and in a few minutes the team RWBY was into his office in front of him.

Ruby : "The team RWBY is here and ready for action sir", she said to the headmaster.

Ozpin : "Team RWBY, I want you to go to the Emerald Forest and see if you can retrieve what had came from within the portal and bring the sertain someone or something here, understood. *sees them nodding * Fine, the coordinates of the destination have been sent into your scrolls. ", he said to them.

RWBY :" We won't fail you sir", they said in unison.

Ozpin : " * smiles * Be mindful that you will be leaving for the mission in the span of the next hour. You are free to go."

Ruby's POV

An hour has passed and we are right now into the Emerald Forest, trying to find whatever had came through the portal.

Blake : " Do you have any idea of what exactly are we looking for? ", she asked us about it and we answered.

Weiss : "Whatever it is, I hope it's friendly, because I wouldn't want to fight something more dangerous than the Grimm.", she said to us sighing

Yang : "If it's someone who is at our age, I hope he looks handsome", she purred.

Me : " * rolls her eyes * How do you know it has to be someone. It might be something like a weapon", I said to them.

Blake : " *sighs trying to think of something to say, but her thought is interrupted by seeing someone laying on the ground unconscious * Uum, Ruby. I think that Yang was right about when she said that it would be someone.", she said to me pointing in front of us with her hand.

I looked at where she was pointing at and I see a young boy, probably around our age unconscious on the ground. His skin tone was tanned, almost olive colored and his hair color was black with magenta highlights and blonde long bangs in the shape of lightning bolts where in front of his face, some of which were spiked up. He was wearing a white tunic with a yellow sash around his waist probably steadying it, on his head a golden crown was buried within his tricolor hair and a pair of golden earrings where on his ears. Also, several golden bracelets where around his neck, his biceps, his hands and on his legs. Finally, a blue cape and a pair of white shoes were completing his outfit.

Oh my Oum, I thought to myself, because it was not only his outfit that was different, it was also the fact that he was getting bigger as we were approaching him. As we were trying to fathom the reason behind how is that possible for someone to be THAT big, a shocking revelation had formed in our minds. The person that Ozpin sent us to find, the one who came through the portal, is a LITERAL giant.

Blake : " * her eyes are still wide from surprise * This is actually the most illogical thing that I have ever seen in my life.", she said to us in disbelief, pinching herself in order to see if she was dreaming, but her winch showed her that she was far from that.

Yang : " * nods approvingly * Indeed it seems impossible to see a full fledged giant in our life, but here we are in the presence of one. * she looks at Ruby, who is beginning to approach him *, * whisper yells * What are you doing. Can't you see it's dangerous!!", she whisper yelled at me, afraid of how the giant boy would react if he had awoken and found me extremely close to him.

Me :" * grabs a fistful of the giant boy's tunic and whispers * Ozpin said to us that he wanted us to get him back to Beacon with us. Also, we need to find out if he is alive. * starts to climb up towards his chest thinking to herself * Please be alive and don't hurt me ", I thought to myself as I finally got on top of him. I walked on him towards his heart, but I instantly stopped when I saw that his eyes were twitching for a second.

Me :" * thinks to herself * Even something as simple as him twitching his eyes is scary from my perspective.", I thought to myself, scared of what he could do to me if he was awake, despite the fact that he is so peaceful, almost serene when he is asleep.

(A/n :Stop the previous music and begin this one)

I finally arrived to my destination on the left side of his chest, above his heart. I bent down and touched his chest, feeling the strong beat of his heart, a signal that he is alive. I stood up ready to leave, I looked behind me expecting to see his eyes closed and him sleeping, but right now he is fully AWAKE and he is looking at me. His eyes were wide in surprise.

I try to get off of him as fast as I can, but I feel like I am not moving at all, like if I was stopped by something. I look behind me and I see that he had stopped me by my hood, pinching it between his massive thumb and pointer finger. I closed my eyes, tears trying to get out of them as I sensed that the gravity starts to shift and before I knew it I was on a soft, warm and leathery surface. I curled up into a shaky ball hugging my knees  close to my chest crying, because I understood where I was. He placed me on his open palm and I am scared for my life, because he could do literally EVERYTHING he wanted to do with me. I flinched when I felt a soft yet soothing touch on my back, he was rubbing my back. Is he trying to comfort me, I thought to myself as I tried to muster all the bravery that I had left and open my eyes to see his face, looking in his deep crimson eyes and tell to him.

Me : "P-pl-please don't h-hurt me!! ", I said to him stuttering in fear, every ounce of bravery I had is gone, crumbled before my eyes the moment I spoke .

??? : " * smiles softly * Why would I want to hurt someone as small as you. What's your name little one?", he cooed to me continuing to gently pet me, a small yet reassuring smile was on his face.

Me : " *sees that he stopped petting her * M-My name i-is Ruby. * sees him yawning and her eyes open wide in fear seeing his massive mouth opening wide before he closed it * P-pl-please don't eat me!! ", I squeaked in fear towards him and back-pedaled towards the pads of his fingers.

Y/n's POV

Me : " * his eyes widen and his eyebrows are raised in concern seeing Ruby trembling in fear of him * I am really sorry for scaring you like that Ruby. *chuckles* Were are my manners, my name is Y/n (A/n : Y/n = Your name (not the movie)) and don't be afraid, I am not going to eat you. *he shuddered in that thought * What do you think I am, a monster? ", I said to her seeing that she's shaking her head from left to right in a 'no' motion. Also, I decided to use another name that I had made for myself before the name Yami which was given to me by Yugi and my real name Atem.

Me : " Also, * looks at Ruby * you don't need to shout when you are talking to me, I hear perfectly fine and please, pray to tell me why did you came here and awakened me?", I asked her lowering the volume of my voice so I don't accidentally hurt her hearing.

Ruby : " * looks up to his face, silver eyes locking with their red counterparts * Well, our headmaster told us to find you, in order to meet you in person and because he said that you were from another world", she said to me not leaving her eyes of mine.

Me : " * chuckles softly * Well then, could you please tell me where in the name of Ra I am currently at?", I said to her.

Ruby : "You're on Remnant and specifically in the middle of the Emerald Forest", she said to me. Well, I am not in Earth anymore, I see, I sigh lightly to myself and say to her.

Me : " Well, unless being in a different world means that the numbers work differently. I see only one person of your team and that's you.", I say to her slightly nudging her with my finger.

Ruby : "* hits playfully his massive finger away from her * Oh, that's because I am the only one who was on you when you had awoken ", she said to me and I laughed at her.

Me :" * stops laughing * You know what? * she tilts her head to the right in a confused manner * You're actually more brave than you think. No one else would even dare to get on me even if I was sleeping in my current size", I truthfully said to her.

( A/n : Stop the music here)

(A/n: End of the chapter)

A/n : Hello everyone Son Raon here and I present to you the latest chapter of my story called Remnant's Pharaoh, this story won't have explanation times for explaining some of the confusing parts of the chapter. So, you need to read the chapter and find out what you find confusing and say it to me, so I can explain it to you in the comment section of the chapter. Until then, happy reading my fellow Wattpaders and I hope you have a great rest of your day. 😁

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