Chapter 11 : New Arrival (Last Part)

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(A/n : In the previous chapter of Remnant's Pharaoh)

Anthony : " * in his mind * Wait a second, there's only one person that I know who has this name, could it be that Y/n THE King of Games is here as well!?", he thought to himself as he had gasped slightly seeing that his thoughts were true and weirdly enough he had seen that Y/n was coated in a bright golden aura and before he knew it, Y/n was a giant slightly TALLER than he was.

Anthony :" WHAT THE F***!!?", he yelled in surprise.

(A/n : And now the continuation)

(A/n : Play the music on top of the chapter)

(A/n : Author's POV)

Y/n : " * smirks slightly * What, did you thought that you would be taller than I am the entire time?", he asked him politely, albeit in a teasing way towards the shocked teen with a small smirk.

Anthony : " * chuckles slightly * Quite ironic coming from the one who was basically one of the shortest in the entire group with probably the exceptions of Mai and Yugi", he retorted in a slightly smug way, making the ex-Pharaoh to cross his arms and grumble.

Y/n : " * grumbles * Fair enough ya jerk", he groaned towards him with an eye roll.

Yang : " * smirks slightly looking at Anthony * Well, I have to say that I like this one and * looks at Y/n * I didn't knew that you were one of the shortest of your friends", she said to him, not helping but laugh at the fact that the one who they knew as possibly the taller used to ironically enough be the shortest, which was a really good fuel for teasing the tri color teen.

Y/n on the other hand wasn't taking it so lightly to allow Yang to tease him on repeat since he didn't wanted to be always remembered as the shortest and decided to tease her a little bit by using his massive (A/n : Compared to Yang) forefinger to gently poke Yang, earning a yelp from her and rested his finger on her stomach, effortlessly pinning her down and having Yang to try to get his finger off of her.

Yang : " * chuckles nervously * Talk about not being able to lift a finger. * tries miserably to lift Y/n's finger off of her * You've gotten the results you wanted, can you lift your finger off of me?", she said to him, partly asking her about it.

Y/n : " * smirks slightly * Does that mean that you'll stop teasing me about it? ", he asked her politely about it, although in a teasing manner.

Rancor :" * mutters under his breath* They're so childish some times", he muttered with a face-palm.

(A/n : Stop with the previous music and begin with this one)

Blake : " * sighs * They really are, but at least they're not hurting one another in the process", she said to him reassuringly, although neither she nor the others wanted to remember that one time when Yang's teasing attitude had went on a bit too far for their likings and nearly had Y/n to lass out towards her.

Yang : " * groans * Okay, I won't just move your finger off of me", she said to him with a groan and had gasped slightly, being able to take a breath once Y/n had moved his finger off of her.

Weiss : " * looks towards Anthony * Can you control your size?", she asked him politely about it.

Anthony : " And what if it's a one time thing, meaning that I'll get to normal once I've turned back? ", he asked her calmly, although it would be an interesting idea for him, but due to the fact that he could still remember the one that cursed him, it didn't really seem that his life would be that normal once done as such.

Weiss :" Ok jeez, I didn't knew that you would get this dramatic over it, but think about it the other way, if your Semblance is similar to Y/n's then that means you'd be able to blend in with the rest without having to worry about getting found or being treated like a lab rat. ", she said to him calmly, albeit in a slightly reassuring manner that was quite unheard of the mostly 'ice cold' towards others heiress.

Anthony :" * looks at Y/n * How can I control my size? ", he asked him politely, admitting that since it was his first time having powers like these and seeing how Y/n could change his size that easily, he was definitely the more experienced one in between the two of them.

Y/n :" You just have to close your eyes and focus, imagine yourself getting smaller, returning to your human height similar to that.", he said to him as he proceeded to close his eyes and after a flash of light he had returned back to his normal size.

Weiss :" * sees that Anthony was going to close his eyes * DON'T CLOSE YOUR EYES YET!!! ", she shouted towards him making the teen to yelp at her words.

Anthony : " First of all I can hear you perfectly so you don't have to scream all the time and secondly why did you not want me to get into my human size? ", he said to her calmly, partly asking her.

Weiss : " * sighs * Because first of all me and Yang are still on you and secondly, I don't want to either fall had you turned back to your normal size or get shrunk due to that. ", she stated to him since she didn't want to be at a small size whilst having all the others to be actual giants compared to her, whilst Anthony was looking towards Y/n for an answer.

Y/n :" * chuckles nervously * Yeah, I had almost forgotten about so don't keep anyone in your hands or on you for that matter when you get back to your normal size since they'll actually get smaller as well", he said to him calmly with a nervous chuckle, scratching the back of his head in a sheepish way.

Anthony : " * sighs * Fair enough, I didn't knew that it was possible, * mumbles * although quite ironic coming from someone who had became a giant at the same day", he replied to him and then proceeded to gently pick up Weiss and Yang from his lap (A/n : They had slid slowly onto his lap when Anthony stood up in a sitting position) having the former to shout profanities and the latter to yelp as they were both enveloped in a gentle yet secure grip before they were being placed onto the soft grass.

After that, Anthony had closed his eyes and remembering Y/n's words, he had imagined himself getting smaller and felt an slightly itchy feeling, sensing that something was going right, once he had opened his eyes yet again, he had seen that he was back to his normal size, having his normal clothes that he had worn before his 'meeting' with the one who had placed the curse on him in the first place.

Y/n : " * In his mind* I never thought that I could feel those two kinds of presences once again, it's been quite a while Ishizu and Exodia * Out loud * Well done, you've made it back to your normal height and right now, we'll have to get back to Beacon.", he said to him calmly.

Anthony :" Umm, I'm not sure that I'm hungry to go and eat Bacon ", he said to him in a questioning way.

Weiss :" * face-palms * Not bacon, Beacon as in Beacon Academy, the best huntsman academy in all of Vale ", she said to him.

Anthony : " Ok then, let's go", he said to her calmly as they had went their way through the Emerald Forest and to their way to Beacon. On their way back, Yang and Weiss had approached Ruby and had begun to talk with something about her, leaving the boys behind.

Yang : " Sis can I ask you a question?", she asked Ruby politely, having the by two years younger girl to raise an eyebrow in slight confusion.

Ruby : " What kind of question?", she asked her older sister, who had made towards her a motion to keep her voice low.

Yang : " Do you have any advice about dating a sertain person that can turn into a giant?", she whispered/asked her politely in a side way, not wanting to reveal that she had a crush on Anthony. (A/n : Keep in mind that the Ruby in my story is still slightly innocent, but at the same time a bit more mature than in the original RWBY series)

Ruby :" * whispers * Well, first of all it's the exact similar thing as being in a relationship with a normal person. Secondly remember to not be afraid since if the person really loves you back, he's not going to hurt you even with the obvious size difference and keep your mind off of stereotypes that can come due to the change in size, because that's the fear doing the talking and not you.
Finally be aware since in the first week that you know him and a 'sertain' nightmare might come to 'visit' you in the night and instead of being afraid and suspicious of your crush, try to calm down and find a solution through talking. ", she said to her calmly, giving her the advice from her relationship with Y/n, although she could clearly see that both her older sister and Weiss had a crush on Anthony, although by the pinkish blush that made its appearance on Weiss's face, she had some quite lewd ideas about it. (A/n : I'm pretty sure that no one thought that it was possible for Ruby to give relationship advices 😅😂👌)

Weiss : ' *In her mind * I didn't knew that Yang had also a crush on Anthony. The last thing I can do is to ask her if she wants to share him with me and maybe...', she thought to herself, but was snapped out of her thoughts by Ruby's question.

Ruby : " What's wrong Weiss? You've started getting redder than a tomato?", she asked her politely about it, snapping the 'ice queen' out of any lewd thoughts that were rising inside Weiss's mind.

Weiss : "It's... the fact that... * puts her hands on her face * M!", she said to her, both in frustration and embarrassment from being found out that she was thinking of him that much that easily, although she couldn't have known of her blush if Ruby hadn't told her about it.

(A/n : Le small Time Skip to when they arrive at Beacon comes to you by me, the author, who's basically trying to continue the chapter in an original yet non repetitive way)

Anthony : ' *In his mind * Well I never thought that I was going to basically wake up in another planet, after being cursed which surprisingly enough gave me super powers and still have to go to school. I guess that today is not my day after all.', he thought to himself sighing softly as they were walking into Beacon, ignoring the looks and mutters of the students but he had to admit it that being a potential student, correction.... a potential huntsman (A/n : Y/n, Rancor and the others had explained to Anthony about the Grimm, the huntsmen and everything else he needed to know about in the time skip) in a school that looked like a castle was an entirely new and somewhat interesting thing for him, if anyone could find interesting the fact that they were still going to a school, because an academy by any other names it's just a 'fancier' way to say the word school. After that, they had went towards an elevator that was next to a staircase, all leading to one place and that was the headmaster Ozpin's office and pressed the button on the said elevator.

Blake : " We're going to the office of the headmaster by the stairs since the elevator can only take up to four people in it, we're going to go by the stairs and we're going to meet just outside the office, does that sound okay with you guys?", she said to them partly asking them for their opinions on it and after seeing only nods, she and the rest of the team RWBY had went to Ozpin's office by the stairs.

(A/n : Stop the previous music and begin with this one)

Weiss :" Why did we have to go by the stairs? ", she whined after a while.

Yang :" That's because the elevator is only for four people and I think that teams should be together instead of separate so move on and stop the whining .", she said towards her as after a while they've reached at the door of the headmaster's office.

(A/n : Meanwhile in the elevator with the team GPT)

Y/n :" What happened Anthony? ", he asked the teen.

Anthony :" Huh? ", he asked, making their faunus teammate to sigh.

Rancor : "* sighs * It's the look at your face, you look as if you are trying to hide something", he said to him.

Anthony : " Oh that? It's just that I'm still unsure of what to expect from my first encounter with the headmaster, what if he turns me into a living weapon because of my powers?", he said to them.

Rancor : " * shrugs slightly * Well he hadn't made either of us into weapons despite the fact that we have quite the unusual Semblances so I doubt that he's going to do something like that to you. ", he replied to him, trying to reassure the teen that he was okay and in between friends (A/n : Well..., if someone could think of the members of team CRDL as friends).

Anthony :" Thank you for the vote of confidence towards me. Also I've heard the others introducing themselves to me in our first interactions with one another, but I don't think that I've gotten your name.", he said to him calmly, remembering the fact that he was the only one who hadn't told him his name.

Rancor :" Well, my name is Rancor as simple as that. ", he said to him in a more laconic response.

Anthony :" No last name? ", he asked him politely about it.

Rancor : " Nunya", he said to him.

Anthony : " What?", he questioned in a puzzled way.

Rancor : " None of your business to be so nosey and I'm not telling it since first of all I didn't had one to begin with. * sighs * Also, sorry if I sound rude or edgy, but if you knew how my past was like, I'm sure that you would be the same as me and don't trust others in the first glance. I'll get to trust you if I get to know you better, but for now, you only have my surface level trust. ", he said to him, explaining the reason as to why he was behaving the way he was during their encounter.

Anthony :" * his eyes widen slightly in surprise * I'm sorry I didn't knew about it ", he said to him calmly, not knowing that this was the case.

Rancor : " * shrugs slightly* Don't worry or pity me for it, it wasn't something that you did or something that you could stop from happening to me so don't feel like that since you don't know about it. Also, we're here.", he said to him calmly, having the teen to nod as they had exited through the elevator's doors and were in front of the familiar to the others except for Anthony dark oak door of the headmaster's office and knocked three times on the door.

Ozpin :" Who's there?", the headmaster said from inside the office, drinking his coffee afterwards from his seemingly never ending coffee mug and then had smiled slightly seeing the people that he was waiting for.

Ozpin : " The members of the teams GPT and RWBY, the people that I was waiting for, so please tell me * chuckles softly * did everything go as planned?", he said to them, asking them politely about it as he had seen them getting into the office, noting that a new member was with them which was practically confirming his rather optimistic about the whole situation thoughts

Y/n :" Mr Ozpin, we have returned along with the person who had teleported into the Emerald Forest.", he said to him politely, giving to the headmaster a brief report of what had happened during their absence in order to find Anthony.

Ozpin : " * chuckles * First of all there's no need for formalities of this type, just call me Ozpin. Also, I have noticed that you've came with another new member alongside you. * looks at Anthony * What's your name young man?", he said to him, partly asking the new teen about his name.

Anthony :" My name is Anthony Caudill, pleased to meet you Mr Ozpin ", he said to him politely, making the headmaster to chuckle before taking a quick sip of his coffee.

Ozpin :" As I've stated before, there's no need for unnecessary formalities since I tend to keep a more easy going attitude towards the students of my academy, especially the new ones. So tell me Anthony, would you be interested in being a student of the Beacon Academy and a future huntsman after you graduate along with the others? ", he said to him, partly asking him about it.

Anthony :" * smiles * I would consider it an honor to be a part of your academy s-... uh, I meant Ozpin ", he said to him.

Ozpin :" * nods * I see, you'll be one of the new members of the team GPT the members of which, Y/n and Rancor I presume you know about.", he said to him.

Anthony :" I knew Y/n since before I was sent here to Remnant and he along with the team RWBY had told me what I need to know about such as the planet Remnant itself, as for Rancor, I've known him only today ", he said to him.

Ozpin : " Very well then, for the schedule of your lessons, you may get it from your teammates once you meet them. Now, could it be possible for the rest of you to get out please? I have something to ask to Anthony privately. ", he said to them as the others had went out.

Y/n :" We're going to wait for you down ", he said to him, giving him a thumbs up as he and Rancor were the last ones to get out.

Anthony :" * nods * I'll meet you later. * sees that they've closed the door and looked back at Ozpin * I'm all ears for your question Ozpin ", he said towards the headmaster.

Ozpin : " I've seen by the reports of the others that your Semblance is quite similar to Y/n's are you perhaps relatives by any chance? ", he asked him politely, albeit in an inquisitive manner.

Anthony :" We're not, we only have similar Semblances and that's basically as far as it goes ", he said to him calmly.

Ozpin :" Fair enough, you may go, that's the only thing that I wanted to ask you about. Welcome to Beacon.", he said to him as Anthony had left the office.

Ozpin : ' * In his mind * So my assumptions of them being related to one another were not effective, so what the case may be about it?", he thought to himself, looking towards the window, getting a sip of his coffee.

(A/n : Stop the music here)

(A/n : To be continued)

A/n : Hello everyone Son Raon here and I present to you the latest chapter of my story Remnant's Pharaoh called New Arrival the final part (hopefully) for the members of the team GPT. Also, I can't help myself but give to all of you a MASSIVE THANK YOU for helping the first chapter of this story called Y/n's Bio to reach over 1K reads which I'm really grateful for. Until the next time we meet, I hope you all have a blessed rest of your day or night ahead of you.

Words : 3352 Words

Music that I'm currently listening to :

(A/n : Seems kind of fitting for the current story 😂👌)

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