Chapter 14 : Godly Calamity (10K Reads Special)

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~ A Wise Master Is An Eternal Student ~ Master Yi (League of Legends)

~ Any Disaster Is A Learning Point ~ Julia Child

~ It's your story honey, feel free to hit'em with a plot twist whenever you want ~ Unknown

(A/n : Start with this music)

(A/n : In the previous chapter of Remnant's Pharaoh)

Y/n : " That's what you think about it. Surely he's not proud of your actions since even in the afterlife he's trying to see if his son will finally mature and stop blaming himself. As long as you are willing to change, you can do anything. Starting first of all by being a better leader and friend towards your team. As for the rest, small steps can be all you'll ever need in your life trying to show them how much you changed. * puts his hand on Cardin's shoulder * I know that most of them won't trust you right away, but try being patient and avoid any urge to go back to your old habits. ", he said to him calmly.

Cardin :" I-I see, *sighs* T-Thank you for the advice Y/n, it really means a lot to me.", he said to him, actually honest for once, having Y/n to smile.

(A/n : And now the continuation)

(A/n : Author's POV)

Y/n : "Wipe away your tears and let's go now. The others are waiting for us", he said to him calmly, extending his hand towards the brunette and after he had helped him to stand up, then they had went to find the others and look at the time...

It was time to leave.

Professor Goodwitch : "Now let's see once again who's here and who's not. Everyone come here so that I can tick off the list your names", she ordered them and started counting them down, ticking off their names - and team names - once she had seen that that all students were there.

(A/n : Stop the previous music and start playing this one)

Pyrrha : "With all respect professor, I think that all of us are here with the exception of Y/n and Cardin.",she said to her calmly and as professor Glynda was about to send some students to find them they had heard something.

Ruby : " * looks behind her and her silver eyes widened slightly seeing Y/n and Cardin * They're here miss Glynda! ", she said to her.

(A/n : Small Timeskip till they get into the Bullhead)

After the span of about half an hour had passed - if you don't count the part where Cardin and Y/n got an earful from Professor Goodwitch about appearing late - they had gotten into the bullhead in order for them to be transported back to Beacon.

In the Bullhead the Ones that had sit next to Y/n were the members of the teams GPT and RWBY, they were about to ask how was it and he was calm whilst returning alongside Cardin when at every day prior to this they seemed to be as opposing to one another as day and night.

Anthony : "How did it come and you've returned to the meeting place with Cardin out of all people?",he asked his old friend politely.

Yang : "Yeah, before that day as much as I don't want to admit that, you and Cardin were on each other's throats.", she said to him calmly with a nervous chuckle, remembering the fact that once they had met one another, Cardin hadn't left the best first impression to Y/n.

Y/n :" *sighs* Let's just say that I and him had a small talk.", he said to them calmly with a small sigh, having them to be with a What kind of talk? type of face, to which he had smirked slightly at them and motioned them to look forwards.

Once they did as he said they had seen surprised that Cardin was once again close to Velvet which made Blake, Weiss and Yang to want to beat him up, but they were stopped by Rancor, Anthony and Y/n respectively.

Rancor : "*sees their what the heck are you doing!? types of looks on their faces and sighs * Sit back and watch", he said to them sternly as they sat back.

Yang/Weiss/Blake : ' *In their minds* If he dares to do as much as hurt her, we're going to finish what Y/n had started', they thought to themselves and were surprised by the fact that Cardin was actually apologizing to Velvet about his actions towards her in his first day at Beacon's cafeteria which had given its place to a loud slap by Coco, making Cardin to stagger a little.

(A/n : Stop playing the previous music and start this one instead)

Velvet : " *a shocked look was in her eyes* What was that for!?", she said to her.

Coco : "I've wanted to do this to him since the first day we've met him", she replied to her with a small smirk.

Cardin : "*rubs his cheek* I deserved that", he mumbled slightly with a small sigh that turned into a small smile seeing that Velvet had hugged him. (A/n : I know that many of you will say that this is way too overly rushed. I'll have to tell you that in this AU / Crossover verse Cardin and Velvet knew about one another since a long time ago (don't expect me to get into too many explanations or write a backstory about it since it would literally be a new book on its own 😅)

Yang : " Could someone explain to me what's going on? I think that I've lost track of time", she said confused about it.

Blake : " To be honest with you Yang, I don't have the slightest idea about it ",  she thought to herself, rubbing the bridge of her nose because if she was going to think about it for more than a few minutes, she was surely gonna have a migraine.

Weiss : " *Looks at Y/n* I hope that you have a good explanation about it ", she said to him whilst being partly serious and partly surprised about Cardin's sudden change.

Y/n : "Well, I and Cardin had a small conversation between the two of us. We've found out through it that we both had many differences and similarities between us which allowed me to basically talk to him about opening his heart to others.", he said to her calmly.

Ruby :" What do you mean by opening his heart? ", she asked him politely, albeit in a puzzled manner.

Y/n :" * chuckles softly * I meant to tell him to be more open to others about his true emotions and not mask them behind his bullying facade.", he said to her calmly.

(A/n : The small Timeskip until they return to Beacon is brought to you by a chibi Jaune hiding behind a chibi Pyrrha whilst a chibi Cardin tries to apologize to Jaune)

Once they had returned back to the Beacon Academy each team in order had delivered their sap jars to professor Oobleck they were dismissed for today, meaning that the rest of the day was free for them.

Some minutes have passed after that time and whilst the other students had went to their chambers, Y/n and Ruby had decided to go out on a walk to the city of Vale. (A/n : To those who were enjoying the ship between Y/n and Ruby, yup... I can guarantee you that they're holding hands)

Whilst they were taking a walk in the city of Vale, enjoying the ever so beautiful, sunny day and even taking a stop to buy an ice cream for each one of them. Y/n had felt something or to be more specific about it, someONE.

(A/n : Stop the previous music and start this one)

Y/n : ' * In his mind * What is this presence ?', he thought to himself, lost in his own thoughts. That presence isn't something that he was able to feel from others. This presence was like a black hole, eerie and dark as if he was staring into a black void. An abyss completely devoid of life.

Ruby : " Y/n, what's wrong?", she asked him politely in a worried tone, seeing that he was spacing out with a slightly shocked expression on his face.

Y/n : "Ruby go back to Beacon, you'll be more safe there than here.", he said to her calmly, looking at her eyes, locking his purple like two flawless amethysts ones with her silver like moonlit lakes ones.

Ruby : "* confusion and worry flood over her facial expression * Y/n you're scaring me, tell me what's going on? ", she said to him calmly, holding his hands.

Y/n : "I've felt a presence of someone close by and judging by its signature, it's definitely not a friendly one. * gently kisses her forehead * Return back to Beacon please, until I know with what we're dealing with.", he said to her calmly, making Ruby's stomach to churn in worry. The kiss that he gave her wasn't like his normal ones, it was much quicker almost as if it was the last one that they would share.

Ruby :"*nods softly* Be careful ", she mumbled towards him, before she had let go of his hands and used her Semblance to get back to Beacon as fast as possible. She had seen him being serious and worried, but this was different...

She had to see him that serious since when they had shown him about the Seal of Orichalcos.

(A/n : Beginning of Flashback)

(A/n : Ruby's POV)

Yami Y/n : " *  smirks menacingly whilst looking at Cardin with a glare that could make even Salem to flinch and faint in fear * You dared to call me a monster mortal? * chuckles in a tone colder and more villainous than any other villain that existed or exist * Then so be it, I will show you what a monster really is. ", he said to him in a threatening manner, his voice beginning to have a deep demonic echo behind it. What have you done to yourself  Y/n, I thought to myself, because its like he's right now a completely different person from the one I have previously fallen in love with.

(A/n : End of the Flashback)

(A/n : Author's POV)

A strong shiver went down her spinal cord, making her to stutter. She didn't even want to remember that and hoped that this time at least, it would be more different.

Atem on the other hand had went to where that sinister presence was telling him to go. He had arrived at the destination after some time of walking, holding his head from the slight pain that he was feeling. The destination itself was an abandoned part of the city far from where he and Ruby were walking at.

Once he had arrived at the destination he had looked around, trying to track where the presence was and at one point, he could have sworn that in one of the shadowy places he had seen someone that he didn't expect to see...

He had seen himself or at least a distorted, dark, sinister copy of himself. He had blinked quickly and once he had opened his eyes again, at the same corner he had seen a shadowy figure that upon closer inspection was wearing a dark hooded cloak, hiding the entity's face from him.

Y/n : "Who are you?", he said to him sternly, having the entity to chuckle in a sinister tone.

Cloaked Entity : "And here I thought that you remembered me Y/n or should I call you Atem?", he said to him mockingly with a grin, showing his razor sharp canines.

Y/n : "* his eyes widen hearing that the cloaked entity knows about both of his names * I'll tell this once again. Who in the name of the Gods are you?! ", he yelled towards him and his anger gave its place to shock seeing that the cloaked entity had disappeared and reappeared behind him.

Y/n : ' * his eyes widened in shock * H-He's fast... I-I couldn't even react to his speed, let alone seeing him move', he thought to himself in shock. This wasn't going to be as much of a cakewalk as he thought.

Cloaked Entity :" * his grin widens * My name and who I am is of no need to you. Just think about me as an old adversary that just wants to settle some old disputes between us, but since I am in a good mood for not needing to decimate the entire place in order to find you, I'll let you choose your burial ground.", he said to him. His voice having a deep, sinister almost demonic echo behind it, perfectly fitting for his black heart and dark aura.

Y/n :" * growls lowly * There's a place far from here. A deserted valley of shorts. I know where it is, but you'll have to follow me there so that we don't destroy anything or kill any innocent bystanders by accident had our fight happened here", he said to him with a low growl, partly activating his Semblance as seen by his red eyes and f/c aura.

Cloaked Entity : "* chuckles darkly * That would be the perfect place. The perfect place for you to die without anyone knowing about you or  be able to find you.", he said to him, having Y/n to sigh.

(A/n : Just like that but replace :

- Vegetto Blue with Y/n

- The destroyed West City with the abandoned place in Vale)

Y/n :" * Heavy sigh * Could you just stop being edgy for a second and follow me? ", he asked him with a deadpan face, using the Sky Dragon of Osiris part of his powers to fly in the air (A/n : For those who don't remember Y/n's Semblance, his Semblance basically gives him the powers of all three Egyptian Monster Gods so it's not too difficult to imagine him using the Sky Dragon of Osiris (a.k.a Slypher, The Executive Producer) part of his powers to quite literally fly)

Cloaked Entity : "* chuckles * Eager to die I see? Very well then, lead the way", he said to him with a dark chuckle, having Y/n to sigh and get him to the place where their fight would take place.

(A/n : Stop with the previous music and start this one)

(A/n : Timeskip to after they've arrived at the valley is brought to you by Y/n trying to power up like Goku from DragonBall)

Cloaked Entity : " * takes a deep breath, looking around * Such a peaceful, desolate place it's a same that it's going to be dyed crimson once I'm done with you", he said to him, smirking devilishly.

(A/n : Just like that, but replace :

- Majin Vegeta with the Cloaked Entity

- The World Martial Arts Tournament Arena with the desolate valley)

Y/n : " * powers up * I won't have a fool like you to patronize me!!", he said to him, powering up as signified by his overflowing f/c aura.

(A/n : Just like this, but replace :

- Super Saiyan God Goku with Y/n

- The Golden colored Aura of Super Saiyan God with an aura of your favorite color)

Cloaked Entity :" * laughs * Well then try to make me kneel Pharaoh", the cloaked entity laughed towards him, charging towards Y/n, ready to throw a punch towards the Pharaoh.

Y/n : "* growls * Bring it on then!!!!", he said to him charging towards him. The fingers of his right hand were clenched into a fist, coated in aura that changed from f/c to sapphire blue. He was planning on using Obelisk : Fists of Fury in order to end the fight as fast as he possibly could.

Their fists had classed with such unrelenting force that a massive shockwave had erupted. A shockwave powerful enough to decimate everything around them, crumbling the stony ground below them into dust and part the cloudy sky above them, revealing a starry night.

But who said that the effects of the shockwave had only planetary radius. Due to the fact that their punches collided at the perfect direction, the majority of the damage was suppressed, but the resulting shock wave, although on planet Remnant it could be felt as powerful gusts, they were getting stronger and more destructive the more further they went from Earth.

Due to the shock wave the moon itself had been shattered apart. Due to the shock wave itself asteroids and planets were evaporated. Due to the shock wave stars exploded and solar systems got incinerated. Due to the shock wave, countless galaxies within countless galactic super clusters collapsed out of order. All in a matter of seconds.

(A/n : Just so everyone of you knows, Remnant's Pharaoh officially follows the cosmology of the Raonverse (although being considered non Canon to the main timeline, due to it being a collab story). This simple fact alone means that I'm allowed to go slightly overboard with the power that Y/n displays since I may have stated that Y/n and the rest of the OCs in this book will be kinda OP, but I didn't explain how OP they'll be . Don't worry about the other OCs in this story, they'll get their "buffs" in future chapters, but as far as what their "limit" in their strength may be, we'll see more about that when the story ends. 🤫)

This is their strength. The strength to cause cosmic calamities by the sheer force behind their every attack. This would be a fight like no other, because at this very moment, Y/n has finally found someone who he doesn't have to hold back all time against.

(A/n : Meanwhile with Rancor, Anthony and the others.)

(A/n : Stop the previous music and begin with this one)

Rancor and Blake were sharing a very intimate moment between the two of them in the empty room within the GPT team's dorm, but unfortunately enough good things don't last for long since it had been stopped by what seemed like a massive earthquake.

Anthony : "* breaks into the room * Rancor a-an... !!!", he said to him, but stopped having a massive blush on his face from embarrassment, making it to look like a bright red tomato with dark brown hair and blue eyes, closing the door.

Rancor : " * growls * What happened!!!?", he yelled towards him in anger.

Anthony : " Anearthquakehappened!!", he blurted out.

Rancor : " Huh?", he asked in question.

Blake : " He said that an earthquake happened", she said to him, wearing her clothes and glasses once again before opening the window, having her eyes to widen seeing that the moon was destroyed.

Blake : "* her eyes widened in surprise and shock * W-What.... what the heck happened to the moon!? ", she questioned trying to find out a logical explanation behind it.

(A/n : To be continued)

(A/n : Stop the music here)

A/n : Hello everyone Son Raon here and I present to you the latest chapter of my story called Remnant's Pharaoh. I got the need to write this chapter after I saw that this story had officially reached 10K READS!!!
I would like to thank each and everyone of you with (forgive me for my bad pun taste) quite a destructive chapter for all of you that not gonna lie, I enjoyed writing as much as everyone of you whom I hope will enjoy reading!!

We'll meet again in another story of mine once I get to write a chapter since as of now, I have university lesson after university lessons (some times I'm at university from 9:00 in the morning to 21:00 in the night 💀) so I don't have that much time to write as I used to 😅

Number of words : 3321 Words

Music that I'm currently listening to :

(A/n : Quite fitting 😂)

I hope that all of you will enjoy the currently Complex Galaxy + OC Fied Novel Atem (a.k.a Y/n)

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