prologue- the arrival of the spider rider

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[Underline is narrator talking]

In a world call remnant is what used to be a peaceful world until the creature of grimm had appeared man had fought for survival and with in time had found a way to defeat the grimm it was called dust but for there was another way of fighting these creatures but only a few were able to use this power they were known as the spider riders.

3rd POV:

As group of eight people were surrounded by creatures with a white mask as it has red lines as the color of their eyes were red as the group continued to fight them.

Girl1: there's too many of them!

Boy1: we just have to hang just a bit more Ozpin is sending us backup ruby.

Ruby: alright.

As the known as ruby turned around three girls fell next to her as they got ups slowly and exhausted from their fight.

Girl: man these things don't know when to give up right Blake, Weiss.

Blake: yeah.

Weiss: absolutely *doesn't notice the grimm behind her*

Ruby: Weiss look out!!

As ruby hold out her hand in hopes to save her teammate a strike of blue energy came out of nowhere and severed the grimm's head off as Blake's eyes widen from the attack.

Blake(thoughts): it can't be I thought he was gone.

???: eclipse in the darkness flames and bring the hearts of the mistreated the mighty spider rider is here.

As the group saw someone jumping out of a tree in blue and white clothing with a spear like double sword while having a long scarf covering his mouth.

(This is the best image I could find)

Weiss: thanks for the save.

Spider rider: no prob but get ready more are coming.

Jaune: oh great more grimm to deal with.

Spider rider: don't worry. *talks to his manical* shadow how many are there around us.

Shadow: about thirty of them and their closing in fast.

Spider rider: ok thanks that's all I need *gets in a stands* when I say duck you all duck ok.

Yang: sure.

As everyone got ready the grimms jumped out and headed for them as the spider rider was ready for his attack.

Spider rider: ok duck *sees them going down on the ground* blue bolt!!

As he swings his sword releasing a ring of blue energy cutting down the grimm in half as they slowly turn to dust.

Ruby: that was amazing!! *eyes start to sparkle*

Spider rider: thanks *smiles and turns to Blake* long time no see kitty.

Blake: *walks up to hims with her hand crossed underneath her chest* yes it has been a long time ryuko. *slaps him*

Ryuko: *put his hand on his cheek* ow that hurts Blake.

Blake: well that's what you get for making me think you were dead and leaving hope with me for a long time.

Ryuko: *hugs her* sorry for leaving you like that but I'm back and I won't be leaving you or hope.

Blake: *smiles* thanks.

Everyone else was in shock on how Blake was acting till Weiss spoke up.

Weiss: so how do you two know each other?

Ryuko: oh well I'm Blake's boyfriend.

Ruby: so that's why Blake always has hope with her everywhere she goes.

Blake: yup.

Ryuko: well I guess I should get out of this form *hold up his sword*

Nora: what does he mean? *looks at Blake*

Ryuko: rider out.

Ryuko was covered in light as his sword and his shield started to disappear while his clothes changed color but as the light died out he was standing in a blue shirt with a black jacket with gold shorts and red shoes.

Ryuko: damn it still feels so weird when I do that.

Blake: well I'm glad that I have my lover with me *smile and kisses his cheek*

Ryuko: *blushes slightly* hehe.

Ren: well let's head to beacon and contact Ozpin.

Ryuko: cool mind if I tag along.

Pryyha: not at all.

[Time skip brought to you by chibi ryuko cutting the screen with his sword]

As they waited to arrive at beacon while ruby was asking ryuko questions about on how he was able to do his moves and a few things about his rider form while Blake rest her head on his shoulder.

Ryuko: well ruby I still don't know much about it all I know is that with it I'll be able to save others no matter what.

Ruby: so your like a superhero then like the ones from my books.

Ryuko:  in a way yeah I am *smiles*

Ruby: so cool.

Yang: so how did you and Blake meet?

Ryuko: well me and Blake were childhood friends I was always by her said as she was there for me.

Jaune: even if she's a faunus?

Pryyha: Juan we weren't supposed to say that.

Jaun: oh right.

Ryuko: *laughs*

Ren: why are you laughing?

Ryuko: I'm sorry its just that I already knew she was a faunus but so am I.

Weiss: I don't see anything that makes you a faunus.

Ryuko: *fox ears pop out* well I do have a natural way of hiding my ears.

Yang: wow.

Blake: *pets ryuko's ears*

Ryuko: *purrs a bit* blake stop that please.

Blake: ok *stops* your ears are still soft as every.

Ryuko: thanks.

As the reached beacon two people where standing there waiting for them.

Male: so a spider rider will arrive here.

Female: if I'm correct isn't he the son of Hunter Steele the legendary spider rider.

Male: yes that is correct Raven.

Raven: and you think he'll help us?

Male: It's not that I think I know he'll help us.

Raven: ok whatever you say Ozpin. *walks away* Just make sure nothing bad happens to his girlfriend or daughter.

Ozpin: I'm quite aware of that.

As raven walked away the aircraft landed near him as he doesn't move an inch and waits for them to walk out.

Ryuko: *walks out and looks around* so this is beacon its huge!

Blake: yeah but you'll get used to it.

Ruby: we're back!

Weiss: I can't wait for a hot bath.

Yang: I need some food.

Jaune: hey pryyha ready for some more practice training after getting some rest?

Pryyha: sure.

Nora: Ren can you make me some pancakes please.

Ren: sure nora.

Ozpin: *walks up to them* welcome back you nine.

Ruby: hi Ozpin.

Ryuko: so your Ozpin.

Ozpin: yes I'm Ozpin.

Ryuko: not going to lie but I was expecting more.

Ozpin: well your not the first to say that about me *takes a sip from his coffee* I see so much of your father in you ryuko Steele.

Ryuko: how did you...

Ozpin: know that your the son of the most famous spider rider.

Ryuko: yes.

Ozpin: he and I were friends.

Ryuko: oh ok.

Blake: well we should go and check on hope.

Ozpin: ah yes your little girl she's with velvet in her team's dorm.

Blake: ok come on Ryuko let's go *drages him by his arm*

Ryuko: hehe ok Blake. *follows her*

Ozpin: *looks up at the sky* well old friend looks like you won our friendly bet.

<<<meanwhile with ryuko and Blake>>>

Ryuko: I can't wait to see my little kitten *smiles*

Blake: she had grown a bit but she still is our little kitten.

Ryuko: yeah *smiles* no matter how much she grows she'll always be my little kitten.

Blake: yeah *smiles and notice the door* oh looks like we arrived. *opens the door and walks in*

Ryuko: *walks inside and sees a bunny girl holding hope*

Bunny girl: oh hi.

Blake: hey velvet *walks over and picks up hope* hows my baby girl.

Hope: *giggles and coose adorably*

Ryuko: thanks for looking after our baby girl.

Velvet: no problem and your the father of hope right?

Ryuko: yup names Ryuko Steele.

Velvet: Steele as in son of hunter Steele the most famous spider rider?

Ryuko: yup

Velvet: wow well I hope you three have a nice day. *smiles*

Blake: thanks you too velvet.

Ryuko: see ya *holds the door for Blake as she walks out*

Velvet: bye *ways goodbye to them*

As Ryuko, blake and hope walk out of the room and walked to Blake's team dorm some of the students were whispering things about them.

Female student: *whispering* isn't that the son of hunter Steele?

Male student: *whispering* yeah and I heard he's a spider rider like his father.

Female student: then he's the strongest student here.

Male student: maybe he's even stronger the pryyha nikos.

Ryuko: *sights*

Blake: what's wrong ryuko? *holding hope*

Ryuko: I should had put on a mask so no one would recognize me.

Blake: maybe but then your little girl wouldn't see her daddy's face.

Ryuko: *chuckles* yeah your right.

Blake: *walks up to her team's dorm and opens the door* I'm always right.

Ryuko: *sits down on Blake's bed* not always my love

Blake: *sits next to him while having hope on her lap* yeah your right.

After a few hours had pasted Ryuko, Blake, and hope had fell asleep as ruby, yang, and Weiss had arrived then went to their beds and fell asleep.

A/N: I hoped you guys liked the intro and the word count is 1540 I hope you all have a great day till next time.

Chibi Ryuko: next time on remnant shining sun "chapter 1- Ryuko initiation" well see you there.

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