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Third Person POV

As Sun and Neptune walk into the cafeteria, everyone else rushes out. The only Teams left are RWBY, JNPR, PEAC, and WAAR.

Nora stands on top of a pile of tables and laughs maniacally.


Ruby stands on top of a table and points at team Team JNPR.

Ruby: Justice will be swift! Justice will be painful! IT WILL BE DELICIOUS!!!

Nora hops down from the table fort.

Nora: Off with their heads!

Ren flips over a table of melons and kicks three of them towards Team RWBY. Pyrrha and Jaune throw two more. And Nora tosses an entire table's worth of melons.

Ruby: Yang! Turkey!

Yang jumps forward and puts two turkey breasts on her hands and uses them as boxing gloves. She punches most of the melons out of the air, then Blake leaps over her and grabs two baguettes and uses them as swords.

Yang launches the turkeys at Pyrrha, who dodges them and Jaune gets hit instead. Then she grabs a baguette and enters a bread sword fight with Blake.

After knocking Blake back, Pyrrha throws the baguette like a spear at Yang. Then Ruby suddenly comes surfing across the tables using a tray.

While doing so, she passes teams WAAR and PEAC, who all have unamused faces.

Dick: So, are we Switzerland in this scenario?
Eniko: It appears so.
John: What does that mean?
Arthur: Switzerland is known for remaining neutral during both World Wars.
John: Ah, right.

Suddenly, a melon comes out of nowhere and smashes on John's head. The cafeteria goes so quiet that you could here a pin drop.

Alexi: So much for being Switzerland.

Then John stands up.

John: Lads... it seems that we have had war declared on us.

The rest of the veterans stand up from their seats. Then John jumps up on the table and strikes the same pose Ruby did.

John: This day, we set upon a delicious endeavor! We shall feast until the end! AND NEVER SURRENDER!!!

Then the veterans all shout various war cries.

Dick: OOH-RAH!
Alexi: URAAA!

They split up. John, Penrich, Alex, and Eniko charge at Team RWBY. Richard, Arthur, Alexi, and Cohad charge at Team JNPR.

Eniko picks up a baguette and charges at Blake.

Eniko: BONZAI!!!

She deflects the charge, then swings at him. He parried and swung down at her. She blocked, then kicked him away.

While they have a baguette fight, Alex decides to mimic Yang and puts two turkey breasts on his fists.

Yang: You sure you want to do that?
Alex: I've been brawling with mooks since I was 5 years old.
Yang: Really?
Alex: Oh yeah. Streets of Chicago are rough.

Then, without warning, he jabs at her. She blocks, than hits him the ribs with a left hook. He immediately counters with a jab to the stomach, then an uppercut to the jaw, stunning her for a moment. When she recovers, she punches him in the face, making him spin around and backhand her.

While they engaged in turkey breast fisticuffs, Penrich tackled Weiss. She managed to get him off of her, then picked up a swordfish and assumed her fighting stance. Penrich took out a slingshot he made out of a ruined fork and a spaghetti noodle.

Penrich: Ok, just dodge her attacks like zey taught you in fencing class. Vu never took a fencing class. ZAT'S NOT HELPING!

Weiss lunged at him. He rolled out of the way, picked up a grape, then shot it at her, accidentally hitting her in the eye.

Penrich: Oh, est tut uns leid!

She immediately swung her swordfish, knocking his makeshift slingshot out of his hand. He scrambled around for a food weapon until he found a leak that was somehow as big as his bayonet.

While Penrich was busy doing that, John and Ruby were having a slap fight, mostly because John thought that it was unfair to Ruby that there wasn't a food in the shape of a scythe.

Then, without warning, she kneed him in the gut. He turned around and saw that Yang punched Alex into submission, Weiss had whacked Penrich on the head with a normal fish, and Blake smacked Eniko in the face with a baguette. Then he looked over to see Team JNPR send the other four flying.

John: Well, at least we didn't surrender.

Then Ruby whacked him on the back of the head with a baguette.

Yang was suddenly knocked through the roof by Nora's melon hammer.

Blake then uses a string of sausages as a rope dart to knock Nora into a soda machine. Nora then starts using the cans of soda like grenades, giving Pyrrha an idea.

She lifts all the cans around her and uses them to send Blake flying across the cafeteria.

Ruby then decides it's time to end this. She uses her semblance to propel herself forward, the force of her speed pinning Team JNPR to the wall and covering them with various foods and drinks.

When she strikes a superhero pose, Team JNPR falls to the ground behind her.

All of this was observed by Sun and Neptune, the latter of whom was not happy about the purple soda in his face.

Sun: I love these guys.

The doors behind them suddenly burst open. Then in walked Professor Goodwitch, who was not happy about the food fight.

She used her semblance to put everything back where it was, while Teams WAAR and PEAC watched on in awe.

John: Makes me glad we didn't have this in the war.

Penrich violently nodded, semi-scared of the Professor.

Goodwitch: Children, please... do not play with your food.

Teams RWBY and JNPR sat down. Nora burped, and Yang crashed back down through the ceiling.

Goodwitch was definitely not happy. Ozpin, on the other hand, was slightly amused.

Ozpin: Let it go, Glynda.
Glynda: They're supposed to be the defenders of the world.
Ozpin: And they will be. But right now, they're still children. So why not let them play the part? After all, it isn't a role they'll have forever.

Goodwitch then looks over at Teams WAAR and PEAC, who are all laughing.

Glynda: What about them? They're veterans. They should act more mature.
Ozpin: They are veterans, yes. But think about how young they are. No child should have to bear that title. In fact, it's rather tragic. This is good for them.

He turns around and begins to walk away. Before he leaves he adds one more thing.

Ozpin: A chance to regain the youth that was taken from them.


Hey, guys. I apologize for the long wait. I said previously that I was working on my TF2 story and my Dishonored story, but then I got sidetracked and began to work on an old Assassins Creed story of mine. Then I got even more sidetracked and made an Overwatch story. Long story short, I apologize, I got sidetracked.

I will try not let this happen again, but I can't make any promises. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I also hope it makes up for the long wait.

Anyways, thank you for reading, and I will see you all later.


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