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Twenty Five years, was all it took, for the Mikaelson's to find a solution.

"It hurts" Harper Mikaelson groaned, as she leaned on the cobblestone wall, thinking about how she was no longer sick and just a normal human, but a werewolf, thanks to Keira.

"It's your first blood moon, and since you're still adjusting, it'll feel like your body is burning from the inside" Keira comforted her, but from outside the cell Harper was currently sitting in.

"How long does it last?" Harper asked pained, wanting to be with her husband, but according to Keira, if he was there, she'd want to rip him apart since he was her mortal enemy in species and her wolf despised vampires.

"Until the sun rises" Keira added, as she leaned on the wall behind her," Do you feel the bloodlust?"

"Well, considering that I can smell our husbands, and family outside, and wanting to tear them to shreds, besides Freya, then what do you think?" Harper snapped at Keira, although the guardian werewolf knew that the Harper speaking was just her wolf trying to take over.

"Try to find something to hold down the bloodlust, like maybe your family? Or Elijah?"

Harper let out a sinister chuckle," If I think about Elijah, I'd just want to rip him apart"

"Right" Keira mumbled realizing that was a horrible suggestion, but she wanted to make Elijah be the anchor to hold her down, if her wolf accepted him, then Harper's full moons would be easier.

"I'll be right back" Keira announced, as she left the basement

"Is everything okay?" Elijah asked, seeing Keira walk up the stairs, making her chuckle

"You were listening in, weren't you?"

Elijah coughed embarrassed as Keira smirked at him," Nothing to be ashamed about Lijah, she is your wife after all, anyways, I was thinking, why don't you go down there?"

He looked at her confused raising his eyebrow," I thought you said, not to go anywhere near her, especially since her wolf hates me"

"Well, until her wolf accepts you, then nights like this will only be painful for Harper, and if we don't calm her wolf, then Harper's humanity will be in danger" Keira stated, as she lightly pushed Elijah to go downstairs.

"Harper's love for you is much stronger, and being by her side, reminding her that you are there, always, will help the wolf accept you, now go and be by your wife" Elijah nodded, walking down as Keira sighed.

"Little Wolf, you are such a charmer" Niklaus teased as he walked down with Hope by his side and their son Henrik who was asleep in his arms.

"Love is the only thing that can overpower the wolf, it's how I control mine" She smiled leaning in kissing Henrik's forehead, and Niklaus's cheek, and running a hand through Hope's hair

"Also, I'm just glad that Harper's alive, after all these years of trying to find a cure"

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