Chapter 3

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Remus missed classes the day before the full moon.

He told his friends that he felt sick to his stomach and wanted to rest. James and Sirius offered to stay by his side, claiming they didn't care if they got sick, but Remus declined their help.

James explained that he'd feel horrible knowing Remus was all alone in the dorm and didn't leave until he helped Remus feel comfortable. Sirius ran out of the dorm at the speed of light and returned an armful of food from the Great Hall to make sure Remus ate breakfast. Even Peter tried to help Remus by making sure the furnace was at the proper temperature and attempted to fluff his pillow.

When his friends left for breakfast, Remus sat alone in the dorm with a warm heart. Despite the sickness moving through his body and the stabbing pains in his muscles, he felt grateful to have such great friends.

Even so, he couldn't imagine telling them the truth behind his sickness.

It's better if they didn't know.

Remus tried to sleep but the pains began to worsen. He tossed and turned in his bed. His muscles ached in protest. He could already feel his bones breaking in preparation for the transformation.

Later that night, his friends returned in earnest and showered him in foods, the candy they had stashed, and tried to entertain him with half-baked spells and a game of Wizard's Chess. Remus played against Sirius while in bed while James and Peter sat on the edge of the bed, watching intently as Remus took Sirius's queen.

Remus's mood was infinitely better than it was earlier, but the looming fear of the full moon remained in the back of his mind.

He hated leaving them. He never wanted to leave this moment. He wished with all his heart that there was a cure. He remembered how feverish his dad worked to find one during Remus's first months of being a werewolf. It nearly drove him insane.

The time came for Remus to leave when he felt one of his rib bones crack. Remus winced sharply and grabbed his side to ease the pain. Sirius looked up at him, worry was clear in his eyes. "Hey, are you alright?"

"Are you going to puke?" James asked quickly, already standing up. "Can you make it or do you need a bin?"

Remus smiled weakly at them, hating the lie resting on his tongue. "It's not that. But thanks."

"Maybe we should go to Madame Pomfrey," Sirius said in concern. He held his hand out to Remus to take, "You're getting worse."

"Maybe..." Remus answered slowly, beginning to panic. I was going to suggest going alone, but I don't know if they'll let me move on my own. "I can go myself--"

"No way," James cut him off without hesitation. "We're going together. You're white as the ghosts. You won't make it."

Peter raised his hand meekly, "Should I go get her?"

Remus's heart leaped in his chest.

"No no, that's alright," he stammered, interrupting James's reply. "I'll be fine."

How am I supposed to get to the shack now?

Sirius watched Remus doubtfully. "Does it hurt?"

Remus shook his head, "No."


Remus frowned at Sirius for a beat until his eyes flicked to Sirius's hand. Sitting in the palm of his hand was a sneakoscope. The top was spinning quietly with a soft blue light emitting from it. It activates when somebody tells a lie or is being untrustworthy.

Sirius's eyes flashed with guilt. "James noticed it lit up when you told us you were fine," he admitted as he gripped it in his hand. "It also lit up when you told us about your remedial classes. You're lying to us and I want to know why." His striking gray eyes were sharp as steel.

Remus's blood ran cold.

He had completely forgotten about Sirius's sneakoscope. He never expected it to pick up on Remus's excuses.

James crawled forward on the bed and sat beside Sirius. He glanced down at the sneakoscope, then at Remus. "Though we didn't need this to tell us that you were hiding something. We know you too well, and you're such a terrible liar."

Remus drew away from them with fear in his eyes. "I... I'm really sorry," he said wholeheartedly, "but I can't..."

The sneakoscope stopped glowing.

"We're your best friends, Remus," Sirius urged with pleading in his eyes. "We can help you. You can trust us."

Remus's vision blurred. His breaths came sharper and caused the break in his ribs to ache painfully. He looked to the door, then back at his friends.

The moon was rising.

He was running out of time.

If he transformed here, he'd kill them in the werewolf's rage. He'd be kicked out of Hogwarts and probably sent to Azkaban for attacking them.

He's putting everybody in the school in danger.

I have to get out of here before it's too late.

"I have to go," Remus said in a level voice. His eyes blurred again, the colors of the room sharpened as he tried to refocus. He swallows nervously as he begins to taste blood. "I need to go," he tried to slip out of his bed but Sirius caught him.

"What are you doing?" he asked in disbelief. "You can't go anywhere like this!"

Remus shot him a pleading look. "You have to let me go. You guys are in danger. I need to leave--"

"If we're in danger, then you are too," James answered firmly, "we can protect each other. You're not leaving."

"I have to go--"

"This isn't a discussion!"

"No it isn't!" Remus snapped and forced his arm from Sirius's grip. He stood up shakily and felt the floor sway underneath him. He staggered forward and motioned for them to stay, "You need to stay here--"

"We're coming with you!" James was already on his feet. "We can help!"

"No you can't!" Remus argued fiercely. His voice began to lower and turn into a growl. Remus's muscles began to stretch and snap. He fought back a sharp cry and tried to run but Sirius intercepted him. "Let me go!" Remus shouted furiously. "You have to let me go!"

"No!" Sirius shouted back and held him back. "You're not yourself right now, you have to stay here!"

I won't be myself in the next five minutes.

"You don't understand!" Remus pleaded and lunged forward. He couldn't break Sirius's break. Not yet he couldn't. "I'm trying to protect you!"

Peter stood from the bed with eyes wide. "Remus... you... your eyes are..."

Remus closed his eyes immediately and struggled in Sirius's arms. "Let me go!"

A rush of strength swept through Remus's body. He lunged forward again and finally shoved Sirius off. He heard Sirius crash onto the ground and James's shout of shock.

Remus didn't look back.

He ran from the dorm, down the stairs, and out of the common room with inhuman speed. He sprinted down the dark corridors, turning sharply at the corners, and kept his eyes trained forward. A low growl escaped his throat as he breathed hard.

I have to get out of here! I have to get to the shack!


Remus felt a rush of dread slam into his chest.

They were following him. They won't let him go easily.

He'll have to lose them at the Whomping Willow.

Remus made it outside and felt the cold night air wash over him. The fever the transformation sparked began to ease. He ran faster and headed straight for the massive tree and its boulder-like branches.


"GO AWAY!" he screamed back, his voice cracked from the effort.

He reached the tree and awakened it from its sleep. The tree began to shake its heavy branches and began to swing at him. Remus ducked in time and dove into the small hole at the base of the tree. He rolled down the tunnel and was enveloped in immediate darkness.

His leg snapped back.

Remus fought back a sharp cry and began crawling forward. He kept his eyes trained ahead, focused on getting far away from his friends. He prayed the tree didn't hurt his friends but didn't allow them into the tunnel.

"REMUS!" James's voice echoed down the tunnel. "Come back!" he pleaded.

Remus grimaced in pain as the transformation truly began. No, no, no! It can't happen here! Now when they are so close! Remus felt the press of his wand against his stomach. He pulled it out and turned slightly to see the other end of the tunnel.

He saw the familiar shape of James coming towards him.

"James, I'm sorry!" he shouted as he began to wave his hand, "Petrificus Totalus!" Light shot from his wand and hit James in the chest. James's body stiffened and he collapsed onto the ground. "I'm sorry!" Remus repeated and shoved his wand back into his robes. "I swear it, James, I'm sorry!"

He'll never forgive me for this.

Remus narrowly made it into the shack when the transformation ripped his body apart. His broken screams echoed off the wooden walls. He spasmed on the ground as he began to transform into a monster.

His vision darkened before sharpening again. A low growl rumbled in the back of his sore throat. His body jerked violently as he felt himself fully transform.

Please don't follow me... his mind whispered. Please... let them be safe...

Then Remus Lupin faded into darkness.

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