Relatively unhelpful

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Zuko walked through a trail around the village as he looked at a valley below with a beautiful scenery. Durk sat on his shoulder with a churp and zuko crossed his arms confused.

"I don't know much about spirits, but this town and this land don't seem like it would be enough to piss off a spirit," Zuko sighed looking at the flowers at his feet. With white flowers at the edge of the cliff he knelt down seeing some fire lilies popping here and there. He smiled picking a lily and held it in his hand for a moment.

"I mean spirits know me sort of, but I'm not avatar, would they even speak to me?" He pursed his lips looking up at the clear sky as he saw only a few clouds.

Zuko walked down the trail and found the forest that everyone is warned about. There wasn't much light but hints of rays of the sun peaked in through the leafs. He stepped in as he tried to listen to anything suspicious of the forest. Nothing. Barely even the songs of birds.

He turned back at the entrance of the forest and saw some birds at the trees outside but none came in. That was a red flag.

He let out a heavy sigh and knelt down in the middle of the forest floor and pulled out a incense and a small pot for it, he carefully lit it and sat with his eyes closed and hands in his lap. To himself, he prayed softly.

"I know I don't deserve much from any of you spirits, but you gave me a second chance for a reason, the blue spirit gave up his legacy to me for a reason, and that's to protect those who don't see hope... And I want to help these people from whatever's harming them and taking them..." He took a deep breath.

"They're my people, my people have been hurt by this war too... And I need your guidance to help them,"

Zuko peaked open an eye and looked around confused as he saw he was still alone except for the little dragon.

"Alright now I look stupid talking to myself," Zuko groaned.

"Princess yue? I know it's day but can you help just a little? Offer your lunar spirit guidance or something?" He asked looking at the trees and scowled to himself.

"I just look stupid now," he went to stand up but as soon as he turned around someone was standing behind him. He let out a small cry of surprise and took a step back seeing it was avatar roku.

"Avatar Roku," Zukos eyes widen and bowed to the last avatars spirit.

"No need to bow, rise prince Zuko," roku smiled at the young man.

"You heard my plead?" Zuko asked getting to his feet looking at the old man.

"I did, and I am greatly proud of what you've become," roku nodded at him and zuko raised an eye brow.

"Why?" He asked bluntly.

"Well I was the one that gave you another chance to redeem yourself, the blue spirit agreed to be the one for you to continue its legacy," roku explained. "Please, let's sit," he said motioning to the ground.

The two sat on the floor as the incense was between them. Zuko couldn't help but feel something pulling him to roku, the princes crown on his head? The way he was basically blue and almost see through? It was off how he was so kind and he mentioned being proud? Was it an avatar thing to be like this?

"Can you help me?" Zuko asked.

"I'm sorry I cannot, I know what you seek for but even as an avatar there are things of the spirit world I do not understand, this spirit that so calls takes innocents from this forest does not have a name," roku sighed shaking his head.

"Then why are you here?" Zuko narrowed his eyes a little.

"Because that's what family does, we come when our loved ones are in need of guidance," roku smiled.

"Family?" Zuko was taken by surprise.

"Yes, I never got to meet my granddaughter due to the ending of my life, but my wife and child has prayed to me many times to watch over our blood as generations continue," Roku motioned to Zuko. "And I've done my best,"

"You know of one of your great grandfathers?" he asked smirking.

"My great grandfather sozin," Zuko nodded.

"On your fathers side... But your mothers side, Ursa is my granddaughter,"

Zuko bit the inside of his cheek hard at the name of his mother, only to find out his other great grandfather is a past avatar? How?

"Zuko, you will always battle with good and evil in yourself, but as fire nation, you have seen the good it's done and have seen the evil," roku told him.

"But you also have the potential, you my great grandson have something special in you since the day life was truly unfair, where you've made every decision and in the end the right one was what cost you,"

Zuko gulped touching his scar on his face, it sounded like the day he was disrespectful to his father but at the same time of when his life was taken. Maybe the old man was talking about both. Maybe that's what he meant by good and evil battling in him.

"Zuko you've been touched by spirits," he nodded.

"What does that even mean?" Zuko asked.

"You have some more tricks up your sleeve than just a second chance at life," roku winked. Zuko was about to ask another question but as his mouth opened to speak. The spirit was gone.

"What? No! Roku! Avatar roku please! How do I..." Zuko gripped the sides of his head shaking it confused. It was to much to process, family history, properties he possess but no one told him anything, it was always a damn riddle.

He sighed annoyed and let out a puff of fire through his nose as he leaned down to blow out the incense and stuck it in his bag standing up.

"Come on Durk, looks like we didn't get the answers we needed," Zuko held out his pale arm and Durk chirped at him and flew to his arm and crawled up to his shoulder happily.

Zuko walked out of the forest and down the trail back to the town but saw a man making his way down the trail as well.

"Excuse me sir," Zuko sped up a little as the man stopped and smiled at the stranger.

"What can you tell me about the spirit that's been taking people?" He asked curiously, since the spirits can't help him maybe a townsfolk will do a better job.

"Only one man ever saw it and lived, and that's old man ding," the man put a hand on his chin and a smirk quirked at the corner of Zukos lips.

"Where can I find him?"

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