The Blue Spirit

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Darkness is a way to see. But it's also a feeling one has touched.

But it's all he knew, it was everywhere. There was only silence and black, not even a scent that he could identify, a metallic taste in his mouth rested on his tongue.

Golden eyes snapped open with a sharp gasp. A feeling of cold and wet surrounded him and it was no longer darkness, just night with stars sparking. And the moon.

"Zuko wake up, Prince Zuko please wake up!" A quiet voice pleaded and the Raven haired boy looked to the side it was a pale figure. A woman.

"Do not fret, open your eyes prince Zuko and rise," he sat up and saw a woman, no, a girl, she seemed his age but not there... Not really there. He tried pushing himself up but his arms felt weak.

"W-what... Who are..." Zukos head spun and fell back onto the ground with a groan.

"I understand if you don't remember me... But Zuko please rise, the world needs you!" Her voice begged him as a cold breeze touch his skin and Zuko breathed quickly as pain struck his body.

"I've brought a friend, you have honored him before," she whispered in his ear and Zuko looked up seeing a beautiful woman with pale blue eyes. The princess of the northern water tribe.

Zuko looked at her calm and saw a figure behind her. A man with a black as coal body, like an entity, showing no skin as it almost looked like the night sky above, and a blue mask with white markings and eyes that would send fear into nightmares. Red eyes snapped open behind the mask.

The blue spirit.

"He grants you a gift as long as you do something for him in return," yue smiled gently and moved away for the blue spirit to kneel next to him. His black gloved hand touched Zukos chest as zuko inhaled sharply but felt all pain become relieved.

"He grants you life, a gift of a second chance,"

Zuko sat up with the help of the blue spirit as he was able to get to his feet. Zuko stared at him in those daring black eyes as his golden ones pierced into them as to him they felt kind and caring, familiar.

He was handed a pair of duel blades as the blue spirit gave them to him.

"Honor his name, you are the blue spirit now Zuko," yue touched his face gently and Zukos eyes widen now remembering how he never saw her again after the battle. She was a spirit. She was the moon.

"I-I... I thank you princess yue, and the blue spirit, I will..." He bowed to them with respect and yue smiled gently, looking at the blue spirit as he reached his arms behind him and untied the mask of the blue spirit. He pulled his mask away as his body began to disintegrate more and more as he pulled the mask away. The mask fell to the ground and soon the blue spirit was no more than a legend.

Zuko walked forward and picked up the mask and held it in his hands.

"Your not immortal Zuko, just given a second chance to live again,"

Zuko nodded as he put the swords on his back and grunted holding his torso in pain.

"Be carful Zuko," she smiled and soon faded from Zukos sight as he was left alone in the middle of the woods with he river at his side.

He gulped as his hand rested on his chest. Zuko lifted his green and brown ripped shirt only to find a light pink scar that was splashed against his body, under his heart and scattered against his side.

"Azula..." He remembered everything and glared at the scar shoving his shirt back down. He looked at his mask that he can now call his own and nodded. This will be something worth honoring instead of his fathers name.

"Uncle," his eyes widen looking around. What had happened to his uncle? The only one he's been able to rely on since the beginning... And he lost another he loved. First his mother, then his uncle, he never was loved by his father nor sister, nor grandfather. Just disappointing each of them.

But that didn't matter anymore, he wasn't a prince any longer.

But his uncle was still here. All he had to do was find him.

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