Untold secrets

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Zuko woke up with a start as he felt the bed empty but looked around seeing Durk in the spot where katara was once sleeping.

"You do choose favorites," Zuko mumbled at the dragon and stood up getting out of bed. He grabbed his red shirt and slowly put it over his head but spun around hearing giggling down the halls. He rolled his eyes and finished putting the large red vest on and grabbed his belt.

He glanced over his shoulder again and cried of surprised when he saw Hama in the room with her hands clasped happily and ready to go.

"Time to go shopping!" She claimed excitedly and katara beamed popping up behind her. Zuko grumbled tying his bed with a flat expression.


Zuko walked behind the girls as they where in the market. Katara assisted Hama as Zuko kept an eye out for supplies for themselves. On one shoulder he had a staff that had a large basket to carry on each side to balance as he looked around curiously. It reminded him of ember island almost but smaller. Maybe that's just cause he hasn't been to an actual market for a while.

"You won't have any ash bananas until next week?!" A man complained surprised as Zuko passed a few men.

"Well I have to send the boy to Hing Wa island to get them and it's a two day trip," the old man explained and the first man understood now.

"Oh right, full moons tomorrow," he nodded. Zuko resisted to walk over to get more answers but the two in front of him would notice due to the large baskets he carried.

"Exactly, I can't lose another delivery boy in the woods," the man sighed with a hand on his hip as he and zuko made eye contact for a split second. Zuko pulled his eyes away.

He had to find out what was going on. It could be spirits, he believes in those a lot more now, but could it be a beast? Not this many people to make a rumor could just get lost in the woods and not come back. This is his purpose, helping people in need that can't help themselves.

I won't let you down, my life is dedicated to you blue spirit...

"Lee, you okay? You've been quiet," Katara looked back at him with a small smile.

"Fine," he nodded.

"Why don't you two take those things back to the inn, I have a couple more errands, I'll be back in a little while," Hama told them and katara thanked her kindly.

"This towns mysterious," Zuko looked around and glanced at Hama who heard him.

"Mysterious town for mysterious children,"


"Kat I don't know about Hama, she seems off," Zuko set the baskets on the table with a little help as katara gave him a look.

"Like she knows or is hiding something," he turned to her and katara grabbed a basket and started unloading the groceries from the market.

"Zuko she's a nice woman, not everyone is an assassin, she took us in and gave us a place to stay," katara rolled her eyes and zuko pursed his lips.

"She kinda reminds me of my gran gran," she smiled a little looking back at him.

"Do you think she recognizes my scar? She's a fire nation citizen," Zuko crossed his arms leaning against the counter.

"Don't you think she would've said something by now?" Katara raised an eye brow.

"What did she mean by mysterious children?" Zuko continued with a huff.

"Oh I wonder, maybe cause she found two kids in the middle of the woods," she scoffed.

"But we're old enough to take care of ourselves, I'm technically a man of age," Zuko explained.

"Well man of age, then if your such an adult why don't you take care of it yourself like a big kid?" Katara stuck out her tongue annoyed.


"Wait what?" Kataras eyes widen as he walked past her and went up the stairs.

"Zuko no!" She gasped chasing him. "You can't just go through someone's house snooping!"

"I won't take long," Zuko waved her off looking in some rooms that where empty.

"Zuko this is invading her privacy, it's not right!" She nervously looking back as if Hama was approaching. "You have no right,"

"I did when she invited us in," Zuko said flatly and found a cabinet. "I'm not breaking the law of breaking and entering her home... I'm just investigating,"

He opened the cabinet and let out a small cry jumping away when a pile of puppets almost fell out due to lack of pressure from the cabinet doors. Katara squeaked in surprised of the puppets as she stood next to Zuko as they where both startled.

"Uncle didn't even keep that much junk," Zuko mumbled walking away.

"So she has a hobby, you cant judge," katara out the puppets back.

"I have a hobby," Zuko said dryly.

"Being angry isn't a hobby Zuko!" She called out as he went up stairs to the attic.

"Zuko youve snooped long enough dammit, Hamas going to be home any minute!" Katara whined stomping a foot anxiously as Zuko elbowed the attic door open and crawled up.

"Then stand guard," he told her. Kataras jaw dropped as she watched him disappear from sight. She quickly went up the stairs to follow as they found a door.

Zuko knelt to the door as he peaked through the key hole.

"There's a box," he stated for katara to hear.

"Your being rude," katara nagged.

"If she's so innocent then why does she have a locked door?" Zuko asked narrowing his gold eyes.

"Probably to keep people like you out, now you've looked long enough," katara tugged on his shoulder but Zuko grabbed a small dagger from his boot (which was to her surprise) and went to pick the lock.

"Zuko that's not for you, it's not treasure or anything," katara crossed her arms annoyed and slightly loosing patience.

"I'm not stealing it, whatever it is," Zuko clicked the lock with a smirk and the door opened. "After you," he motioned for katara.

She glared.

Zuko walked in and katara let out a growl and followed him in as Zuko grabbed the box on the floor as he tried opening it but it was locked as well.

"She's going to be home any second, come on it's not worth it," katara hissed.

"I don't think there's a key near by," Zuko looked around.

"This is crazy, I'm leaving," she let out a huff and went to walk away.

"Suit yourself," Zuko grabbed his dagger and slipped the tip into the keyhole. He jiggled it around and suddenly there was a click. Katara ran over looking over his shoulder with wide eyes as he tried opening it.

"I'll tell you what's in the box,"

Katara screamed as Zuko gasped but they both spun around seeing Hama in the doorway looking at them.

Zuko but his lip and handed her the small box. She opened the box that Zuko already unlocked as katara watched with wide eyes to see what it was as Zuko kept his face calm but his heart raced not knowing what it could it.

It was a. Comb?

"It's a... It's a comb..." Zuko blinked.

"It's my greatest treasure, it's the last thing I own from growing up in the southern water tribe," Kataras eyes widen in shock as her mouth was like a fish out of water.

"Your from the southern water tribe?" Katara gasped covering her mouth.

"Just like you," Hama smiled at her.

"How did you know?" Katara smiled shyly.

"I heard you at your campfire, talking about your home," she nodded.

"I bought all this food today so I could fix you a big water tribe dinner," Hama chuckled.

"Of course I can't get all the ingredients i need here, have you ever tried it lee?"

"No, I traveled on sea for a while but never had traditional water tribe meals," Zuko gulped as he glanced at katara who couldn't stop smiling.

"I knew I felt a bond with you right away," katara beamed brightly.

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