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Ok thx to Raymon_the_sandwing for this cool idea I hope you like it


Oscar was inviting Ruby over for dinner. This wouldn't be exciting, except for one reason. He was going to make Ruby a special dinner, but he was worried. He had been practicing this dinner and reading through all the recipes, but this was the real thing. This was Ruby. Suddenly, Oscar heard a knock on the door. He brushed himself off, and opened the door.

"Hi, Oscar." Ruby looked stunning. She had a red, strapless dress on and red platform heels. She also had a black and white bag that went perfectly with her black and white dyed hair.

"...Hi Ruby! What made you dress up so fancy?"

"Well, if I'm invited to dinner with my boyfriend then I should probably dress up fancy." Oscar blushed. Boyfriend? Are we dating now? Well, I would certainly like to.

"Come in, Ruby." Oscar invited her in, led her over to a candlelit room with a antique black table with a red tablecloth on top, and pointed to a small chair by the window.

"I know you like sitting by the window, Ruby, so I put your chair by the window." Oscar said.

"Thanks, Oscar," Ruby said sarcastically.

"Do you not like it? I could always move it, or you could sit in my chair," Oscar offered.

"No, I love it," Ruby assured him, "it's just that you didn't need to do this all, you could have just asked me to come over, without planning this elaborate candlelit romantic dinner."

"Well, Ruby, you deserve everything in the world and more." Now it was Ruby's turn to blush.

"Thanks, Oscar." Ruby stammered, "now, let's eat! I'm famished."

"Yeah, me too." Oscar grudgingly admitted.
Ruby sat down at the antique table, and Oscar got the dinner. It was shrimp and prawns, served with a side of salad. Oscar wasn't an experienced cook, to say the least, so he couldn't make anything elaborate. He set the food down at the table, got a heaping serving, and began to eat. Ruby got a heaping serving as well, and the dinner passed in silence.
After a little while, Oscar attempted to make some small talk.

"So, Ruby, hows life going?" Oscar asked.

"Um, it's going great." Ruby answered. "I've got a question for you, Oscar. Will you be my-"


"Uh, excuse me," Oscar said, "normally, I don't do that."

"Maybe it's the seafood?" Ruby suggested, kind of disgusted, "maybe your allergic?"

"Uh sure it's probably that." Oscar said.

I'm not allergic to anything! I mean, I've never had a allergy test, and I've never cooked or eaten seafood, but I'm probably not allergic, right?

"Anyway," Ruby said, looking at the time, " it's actually time for me to get going. Thanks for having me!"

"Wait Ruby! What about the thing you were going to tell me?" Oscar asked.

"It can wait."

"Ok. Bye Ruby. Thanks for coming."
Before Oscar could shut the door, Ruby kissed him lightly on the lips. Oscar shut the door, flustered.


"Excuse me" Oscar said to no one.

I need suggestions help! I want to keep writing this story, but I have literally no ideas so plz help or I might have to take a break from writing, and I really don't wanna have to do that. I have got pretty severe writers block so plz help me. Anyway, thx for reading!

Not edited ✔️

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