Beach Picnic (nodrian)

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Nova was waiting for Adrian to ask her on a date. She had been waiting for so long! But Adrian had never asked her on a date. Not once. So Nova was going to do it. At Adrian's house, she knocked on the door. Adrian opened it, and seemed surprised to see her. "It's our day off!" Adrian said "not that I don't appreciate your company, but what are you doing here?" Breathe, Nova. Breathe. Um would you like to have a picnic? Nova stammered. "At the beach?"


"I was waiting for you to ask," Adrian replied, "of course!" At the beach, Nova brought out a blanket and some snacks. Chips, fishy crackers, and veggies and dip. "Why veggies?" Adrian asked. "We need some nutrition," Nova replied. Nova pulled out a deck of cards and asked if Adrian would like to play crazy 8s. Adrian said yes. After a half hour, Nova had won seven rounds and Adrian had won one. "Ok. You defeated me." Adrian admitted.
Adrian and Nova sat in comfortable silence for a bit, when Adrian reached over and kissed Nova. Wait, feathery Nova? With a beak? Suddenly he realized he was kissing a seagull on the lips!!! Adrian broke the kiss and looked at Nova's horrified face. "This was my first official date and I kissed a seagull's butt!" Nova exclaimed. "I am so, so sorry." Adrian apologized. "It's not your fault, but let's just end this date." Nova said.
Why why why did my first official date have to end like this?

I hope you liked that funny one shot! I am trying to make more so I need some suggestions, plz! Thx a lot! -Krazykitty5536

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